Рефераты по иностранным языкам

British Traditions and Customs

22 Декабря 2011, сочинение

British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures.

British univercities

20 Февраля 2013, творческая работа

There are more than forty universities in Britain, of which 35 are in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Wales. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. Oxford is the oldest of these two universities, it is more philosophical, classical, theological. The history of Oxford began in 1243, that of Cambridge in 1348. Among the English universities Oxford and Cambridge have a special eminence, and they are different from the others.

BTA Insurance SC of the BTA Bank, JSC

13 Октября 2011, реферат

“BTA Insurance SC of the BTA Bank”, JSC” is a unique company specializing in civil liability and property insurance, namely vehicle insurance, real estate insurance, small-scale enterprises’ property insurance and civil liability insurance.
Long term experience of the company in insurance business is active and professional works directed to establishment of new mechanisms of communication with clients through providing high-quality services.

Burton gave a kindly little chuckle

17 Октября 2011, реферат

"It's rather a funny story,", he said. "He wasn't a bad chap. I liked him. He was always well-dressed and he was handsome in a way, with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks. Women thought a lot of him. There was no harm in him, you know, he was only wild. Of course he drank too much. Fellows like him always do. A bit of money used to come in for him once a quarter and he made a bit more by card-playing. He won a good deal of mine, I know that."


20 Февраля 2012, реферат

Republic is located in the central part of the Asian continent, in the south of Eastern Siberia and borders on Irkutsk and Chita regions, Republic of Tuva, Yakutia and Mongolia. The area of ​​Buryatia is approximately equal in Germany. The oldest known traces of human habitation on the territory of Buryatia are the Stone Age - about 30-40 thousand years ago.

Business Communication

28 Октября 2011, реферат

The use of technology in daily business operations is constantly important, especially in business communication, because being in touch is very necessary to businesses. The revolution in technology world, which made the optimization of various business procedures faster, has allowed businesses to have more opportunities. Indeed, when the employees and the organizations use the technology in business, they have greatly benefit and they can communicate more effectively and successfully in interpersonal communication.

Business English

26 Февраля 2013, аттестационная работа

Согласно Федеральному базисному плану общего среднего образования учебный план должен включать региональный компонент, содержащий материалы о конкретном регионе, в котором расположено учебное заведение. Федеральный компонент государственного стандарта по иностранным языкам включает ряд требований, отражающих соизучение культур стран родного и изучаемого языков. Таким образом, учащиеся должны знать как страну(-ы) изучаемого языка, так и страну, в которой они живут.

Business Ethics

22 Ноября 2012, реферат

Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. The ethics of a particular business can be diverse. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer.
Many businesses have gained a bad reputation

Business etiquette in Japan

26 Февраля 2013, доклад

Business etiquette in Japan. The main ancient culture of Japan, which developed in isolation, gave rise to modern society with unique values, traditions and customs.And if you go to a business trip to Japan, you will almost certainly encounter with a lack of understanding that are related to cross-cultural differences.
A group orientation. Altruism, team work and coordination of work continuously cultivated in Japanese society. Personality is defined by membership of a social group. Therefore, in Japanese business attach the great importance is to the willingness, to make concessions and self-discipline.

Business Plan – Colloquy Grog Bar

15 Марта 2012, реферат

CG Bar is a bar for singles that will be registered as a limited company with two shareholders.
Our staff will consist of the manager, a chef who is responsible for the creation of the menu and food preparation, than chef assistant and three waiters. Also there will be a full time bar tender.

Business Plan: “Rainbow” company

15 Февраля 2012, курсовая работа

Rainbow is a start-up business, which produces unique handmade jewelry. It is located in Kiev. The company plans to build a strong market position all throughout the country, due to the weak partners' industry and good access to the huge amount of a raw material in the area.
Our company suggests using quality raw materials. Our main competitors will be producers working in this business for longer time, those who got image and customers, promote their business for a long time.

Bussines letter

17 Декабря 2010, практическая работа

Контракт, резюме, деловой лист, автобиография

Buyruq maylidagi gaplar

29 Июня 2013, курсовая работа

Mustaqillikka erishgandan so`ng yurtimizda ko`plab sohalar rivojlandi. Bular sirasiga misol tariqasida sport,ma`daniyat ma`rifat, ilm-fan, texnika, meditsina sohalarini kiritish mumkin. Bugun biz tarixiy bir davrda—rivojlanayotgan vaqatda yashamoqdamiz. Atrofimizdagi barcha narsalar shiddat bilan rivojlanayotgani hech birimizga sir emas. Hozirgi kunda tezkor ravishda shakllanayotgan sohalardan biri ilm-fan sohasi hisoblanadi. Ilm-fan xalqning ilmiy, ma`naviy merosini ko`rsatib beruvchi kuchdir.
Bizga ma`lumki, mustaqillikdan so`ng ilm-fan sohasiga yurtboshimiz rahnamoligida ko`plab samarali ishlar amalga oshirilmoqda. Ushbu yillarda o`zbek adabiyoti, tarjima san`ati ham shakllandi. Adabiyot va san`at asarlari mustaqil Respublikamiz fuqarolari ma`naviy dunyosini boyitish, ularni go`zal narsalarning hammasidan bahramand etish kabi ajoyib xususiyatlarga ega.

Canadian culture

12 Сентября 2013, статья

Every culture is has its own norms, including workplace culture. In a Canadian workplace, communication and behaviour may be different than your previous workplaces. Here are some possible differences you should be aware of before you begin a new job in tourism.
Canadian culture can be highly individualistic. Therefore, you may encounter: Independent decision-making rather than group consultation ,Looser and less permanent relationships between people, compared to other cultures, Performance assessment on an individual basis, rather than as team member, Direct praise and criticism

Carnevale per tutti i gusti

02 Апреля 2013, реферат

Il Carnevale raggiunge in questo fine settimana il massimo dell’euforia: l’apice della festa è tra giovedì 11 e martedì 16 febbraio, con una coda fino a domenica 21 febbraio, per il cosiddetto Carnevale Ambrosiano. Le feste coinvolgono tutta Italia, con maschere, sfilate di carri allegorici, rievocazioni storiche e qualche stranezza. C’è chi si immerge nel Medioevo, chi si tira addosso arance per due giorni, chi sberleffa il potere ed esorcizza la crisi portando in piazza le caricature dei potenti. Sono i cento volti del Carnevale d’Italia tra tradizioni antiche, musica e giochi per i bambini. Vi segnaliamo quelli più inconsueti e originali.

Case history structure

28 Марта 2013, реферат

An introduction is necessary to establish the focus of your case and provide orientation to your reader. It should consist of a few clear and concise opening statements, which typically include information on:
Name (pseudonym)
Marital status
Referral details
Central problem

Categories of Noun

11 Января 2012, доклад

The noun has the following morphological characteristics:
Nouns that can be counted have two numbers: singular and plural (e.g. singular: a girl, plural: girls).
Nouns denoting living being (and some nouns denoting lifeless things) have two case forms: the common case and the genitive case.

It is doubtful whether grammatical category of gender exists in Modern English for it is hardly ever expressed by means of grammatical forms.

There is practically only one gender-forming suffix in Modern English, the suffix -es, expressing feminine gender. It is not widely used.

heir- heir-ess

poet- poet-ess

actor- actor-ess

waiter- waitr-ess

host- host-ess

lion- lion-ess

tiger- tigr-ess

Causes of Sleeplessness

27 Ноября 2011, реферат

Sleeplessness causes could be a combination of both physical and emotional factors which are related to an individual's life. For instance, people who are suffering from urinary tract infection, always have the urge to urinate frequently and so this might lead to deprived sleep and ultimately sleeplessness. Likewise, arthritis, cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, lung disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, stroke, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease may be all attributed to the sleeplessness causes.

Causes of unemployment and solutions

19 Февраля 2012, реферат

The UK has to face high unemployment rates many times in its history. In a time of recession, it is important to find a global solution for unemployment. First, this essay will present the causes of unemployment. The second issue it considers is some economic theories that can be used to tackle unemployment using the UK in the twentieth century as an example.

Ce este manipularea?

22 Апреля 2013, реферат

Cuvîntul”manipulare” provine de la latinescul manus – mîină. În dicționarele europene se definește ca mînuirea obiectelor cu un anumite scopuri ( ca de exemplu conducere manuală, palparea pacientului). Se are în vedere că la efectuarea acestor acțiuni este necesară dibăcie și istețime. De aici a apărut și sensul metaforic al cuvîntului – o iscusită comportare cu oamenii ca cu obiectesau lucruri.

Cellular Automata

09 Июня 2013, доклад

Cellular automata (henceforth: CA) are discrete, abstract computational systems that have proved useful both as general models of complexity and as more specific representations of non-linear dynamics in a variety of scientific fields. Firstly, CA are (typically) spatially and temporally discrete: they are composed of a finite or denumerable set of homogeneous, simple units, the atoms or cells. At each time unit, the cells instantiate one of a finite set of states.

Changes in British English pronunciation during the twentieth century

26 Декабря 2011, реферат

The consonant system of three pairs of plosives (p,b;t,d;k,g) four pairs of (supraglottal) fricatives (f,v; θ,ð; s,z; ʃ,ʒ) a pair of affricates (ʧ,ʤ), a trio of nasals (m,n,), a glottal fricative (h), and four approximants (a pair of liquids and a pair of semivowels: l,r; j,w) was in the twentieth century the most stable part of the English phonological system, having remained the same for centuries.

Changing Values and Norms of the British Family

15 Декабря 2011, реферат

The family in Britain is changing. The once typical British family headed by two parents has undergone substantial changes during the twentieth century. In particular there has been a rise in the number of single-person households, which increased from 18 to 29 per cent of all households between 1971 and 2002.

Chapter 1. Concept, types and purposes of fiscal policy

01 Мая 2012, реферат

Fiscal (budgetary-tax) policy is a system for regulating the economy through changes in government spending and taxes. Taxes and Government spending are the main instruments of fiscal policy. Fiscal policy may as well beneficially and quite painfully affect the stability of the national economy.
Fiscal policy, also known as a financial and budgetary-financial policy, widespread its activity to the major elements of the State Treasury (Fisk). It is directly linked with the State budget, taxes, government monetary income and expenditure. In a market economy it is the basic part of the State economic. Fiscal policy combines budgetary, tax, revenue and expenditure policies.


07 Декабря 2012, реферат

Ancient Egyptian architecture is the architecture of ancient Egypt, one of the most influential civilizations throughout history, which developed a vast array of diverse structures and great architectural monuments along the Nile, among the largest and most famous of which are Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza.

Charles (Hugh Grant)

03 Января 2011, реферат

The first wedding is that of Angus and Laura (Timothy Walker and Sara Crowe). Charles and his collection of single friends are concerned that they will never get married. At this wedding, Charles meets Carrie for the first time and spends the night with her, but he regards it as a one-night stand. Carrie teases him by pretending that now they have slept together, they will also have to get married, which Charles endeavors to respond to before realising she is joking. She then goes back home to America, observing that they may have missed an opportunity. This first wedding features Rowan Atkinson in a small role as a trainee priest.

Charles Dickens is a famous representative of critical realism

07 Февраля 2013, реферат

Biography and literary carrer Of Ch. Dickens

Charlotte Brontë

21 Декабря 2011, творческая работа

Charlotte Brontë ( 21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855) was an English novelist and poet, whose novels are English literature standards. Charlotte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire in 1816. In 1820, the family moved to Haworth, where her father had been appointed Perpetual Curate of St Michael and All Angels Church.


19 Ноября 2011, доклад

Chersonese - one of the symbols of the Crimea, is visited by tens of thousands of tourists. This historical and archaeological reserve brought to the Seven Wonders of Ukraine.

Childhood immunization should be mandatory

28 Февраля 2013, сочинение

Immunization is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against different diseases that can cause serious health problems and even death. Immunization helps us stay healthy. If some person hasn’t been immunized or has abandoned a vaccination, it’s easy to catch serious illness and cause yourself and others serious problems. In this context, the problem of childhood immunization becomes very important, because young organism are much more sensitive than adult’s one. Some people believe that childhood immunization should be mandatory, while others believe that it should be optional.