Business English

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Февраля 2013 в 04:33, аттестационная работа

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Согласно Федеральному базисному плану общего среднего образования учебный план должен включать региональный компонент, содержащий материалы о конкретном регионе, в котором расположено учебное заведение. Федеральный компонент государственного стандарта по иностранным языкам включает ряд требований, отражающих соизучение культур стран родного и изучаемого языков. Таким образом, учащиеся должны знать как страну(-ы) изучаемого языка, так и страну, в которой они живут.

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Утверждено  на заседании методического объединения  учителей английского языка, протокол № …….. от  «……» …....………….…. 2011 года


Руководитель  МО ___________________ / Степанова Т.В. /


«……» ………………………. 2011 года

директор МОУ «СОШ №11» г. Байкальска


_____________________ /Тулина  Н.Н./



Календарно-тематическое планирование

факультатива по английскому языку

«Business English”

для учащихся 10-ого класса


Учитель – В.И. Голодышин

(высшая  квалификационная категория)











Согласно  Федеральному базисному плану общего среднего образования учебный план должен включать региональный компонент, содержащий материалы о конкретном регионе, в котором расположено  учебное заведение. Федеральный  компонент государственного стандарта  по иностранным языкам включает ряд требований, отражающих соизучение культур стран родного и изучаемого языков. Таким образом, учащиеся должны знать как страну(-ы) изучаемого языка, так и страну, в которой они живут.


Актуальность  расширения представлений о России как государства, в котором проживают учащиеся, на изучаемом иностранном языке (в данном случае - английском) в рамках дополнительных (факультативных) занятий обусловлена рядом причин. Во-первых, содержание ни одного УМК не в состоянии в полной мере отразить все многообразие историко-культурных, социально-экономических, географических и политических реалий родной страны. Во-вторых, выполнение коммуникативных задач, связанных с содержательной презентацией России, осложняется не только удручающей неосведомленностью подрастающего поколения российских школьников о своем государстве, но и недостаточным лексическим запасом, который есть в распоряжении учащихся. Необходимая для ведения разговора о родной стране лексика является специфичной и невостребованной в контексте урочного обучения, более того – многие лексические единицы не имеют аналогов в изучаемом языке, поэтому их адекватная интерпретация зависит от того, насколько у школьников  сформированы навыки описательного перевода, а также умения создавать дефиниции. В-третьих, можно предположить, что изучение России через одновременное овладение новыми пластами иностранного языка способно оказать на учащихся должное воспитательное воздействие.


Программа факультатива “Click On Russia” составлена на основе одноименного пособия, разработанного российско-британским коллективом авторов (Virginia Evans, Ольгой Афанасьевой и Ириной Михеевой) и предназначенного в первую очередь для использования в российских школах в качестве методологически инновационного  инструментария с целью развития способности школьников успешно представлять свою страну в процессе осуществления межкультурной коммуникации. Содержание пособия не противоречит основным функциям государственного стандарта, т.к. обеспечивает право учащихся на полноценное образование; повышает качество образования; способствует гуманизации и индивидуализации образовательного процесса.


Предмет курса – Россия как содержательный (тематический) объект межкультурного общения


Цель курса – расширить границы функционального использования изучаемого иностранного языка (английского) применительно к ситуациям межкультурной коммуникации, требующим от российских школьников презентации родной страны в различных аспектах


Задачи курса:


  • расширить представления учащихся об историко-культурных, социально-экономических, географических и политических реалиях России;


  • обеспечить дальнейшее развитие у школьников речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной и учебно-познавательной компетенций;


  • формировать у школьников чувство гордости за свою страну.


Методология курса – проблемное изложение материала в междисицплинарном пространстве


Основные подходы, предусматриваемые в курсе, - социокультурный, личностно-деятельностный (компетентностный), коммуникативно-ориентированный, интегративный и дифференцированный.

Объем курса – 68 часов в течение 2-х лет (т.е. 1 час в неделю)


Структура курса 

Пособие “Click On Russia” состоит из 4-х частей согласно уровню языковой подготовки учащихся. В основу предлагаемого факультативного курса вошли 3 части: “Click On Russia 1” (Beginner), “Click On Russia 2” (Elementary) и “Click On Russia 3” (Pre-Intermediate). Это способствует обеспечению высокого уровня синхронности в освоении учебного материала в рамках стандартизированного (урочного) и факультативного обучения применительно к уровню подготовки учащихся. Так, использование в 9-ом классе УМК “Enterprise 3” (Pre-Intermediate) совпадает по времени с использованием пособия “Click On Russia 3” (Pre-Intermediate). Кроме того, участие Virginia Evans в качестве соразработчика как линии учебников “Enterprise”, так и линии пособий “Click On Russia” позволяет говорить о единстве концептуальных методологических подходов в организации обучения.


Click On Russia 1 (20 часов)





Unit 1

Hidden Rules / Негласные правила


Культурные различия, правила делового этикета


Unit 2


Companies / Компании


Ведущие российские компании, преимущества и недостатки работы                в крупной компании, свободные ниши на рынке, возможности организации нового дела на определенной территории


Unit 3


Get a job you want /

Выбирай работу по душе


Оценка способностей и  личных качеств относительно определенной профессии, составление резюме и заявления о соискании вакантной должности, поведение во время собеседования


Unit 4


Team work / Работа в команде


Роли внутри команды, решение возникающих проблем  с помощью совместной деятельности (работы в команде)


Unit 5


On the phone / Общение по телефону


Специфика телефонного  разговора в англоязычном мире, решение  типичных проблем в процессе делового общения по телефону


Unit 6

Give a present… ation! /                              Готовим презент … ацию!


Языковые особенности  презентации в деловой культуре,                    подготовка презентации, выступление


Unit 7


When silence is not golden /                           Когда молчание – не золото


Правила делового общения 


Unit 8


Corporate culture /                         Корпоративная культура


Корпоративная культура, деловые встречи 


Unit 9

Business correspondence /                        Деловая корреспонденция


Различные виды деловой коммуникации, официальный  и неофициальный стили письма


Unit 10


Making decisions / Принятие решений


Критическое мышление, анализ проблем,

приемы (техники), используемые для выработки решений


Unit 11


Internet start-ups / Интернет-компании


Интернет-торговля, достоинства и недостатки интернет-торговли, основные этапы создания торговой интернет-компании


Unit 12

Advertising / Реклама


Реклама, рекламные компании, приемы рекламы, роль статистики,                      планирование рекламной кампании


Unit 13

E-mails / Электронные сообщения


Достоинства и  недостатки различных видов коммуникации,    характерные особенности электронной переписки,                                 регистры общения, нормы поведения интернет-пользователя


Unit 14

The future of business / Будущее бизнеса


Изменения и  тенденции в деловом мире, будущее  бизнеса


Структура факультативного занятия:


  • введение в тему занятия;
  • выполнение заданий рецептивного характера (развитие таких видов речевой деятельности как чтение и аудирование);
  • выполнение заданий продуктивного характера (развитие устной и письменной речи) через проекцию изучаемого языкового материала на сферу релевантного личного опыта учащихся.


Методы проверки достижения результатов:


  • анкетирование
  • тестирование
  • исследовательские проекты учащихся
  • самооценка
  • рефлексия 






Дата /

Тема  урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language




Unit 1 “Hidden Rules” / Раздел 1 «Негласные правила» (4 часа)





1. FAQs (frequently asked questions)



Cartoon analysis (Ex. 1A, p. 7 – SB)


Reading for gist and detail

Text “Business English Course”               (Ex. 1B and C, pp. 7, 8 – SB)


Giving personal reflections                           on the text Ex. 1D (p. 8 - SB)

use English in the workplace,  a positive frame of mind, have previous business experience, attend formal meetings, make proposals, benefit from

The Present Simple Tense




2. English as the language of globali-zation

Listening for gist and detail

Lecture (Ex. 2A and B, p. 8 – SB)


Reading for detail

Text “Problems in international business relationships” (Ex. 3A, p. 8 – SB)


Giving and justifying opinions

Ex. 2C, 3A (pp. 8, 9 – SB)



dominant, be on the decline, directory, quasi-official, domain names, web governance, avoid criticizing other cultures, different ways of dealing with problems

The Present Simple Tense



3. Business Etiquette


Reading for detail

Text “The rules of business etiquette in different countries” (Ex. 3B, p. 9 – SB)


Implementing background knowledge                     Ex. 3B (p. 9 – SB)


Giving personal responses to the text      Ex. 3C (p. 9 – SB)


negotiations, loosen one’s tie, tap one’s nose, bring up the subject of work

The Present Simple Tense


The Imperative




4. Secrets of successful communi-cation

Listening for gist and detail

(slide show made of scenes                       from films)

Consolidating the material of the unit

Speaking (p. 9 - SB)





Scenes from the films


“Wall Street” (1987), “Jerry McGuire” (1996), “Lost in translation” (2003), ”Frost/Nixon” (2008)


Unit 2 “Companies” / Раздел 2 «Компании» (5 часов)

Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language




5. What company do you work for?

Listening for gist and detail

Speakers (Ex. 2B and C, p. 11 – SB)


Prioritizing: The most important advantage (disadvantage) for me is… , because ... / …comes second on my list because … / And finally, … is also important as …


Finding out what others think: And what comes first on your list? / And what is most important for you? / Which job do you think would suit you best?


Prioritizing ideas and expressing preferences Ex. 3A and B (p. 12 - SB)


business, firm, corporation, multinational, dotcom


Brainstorming ideas

Ex. 2D (p. 11 – SB)

The Present Simple Tense


The Present Perfect (Continuous) Tense


The Past Simple Tense


Ordinal numbers





6. Leading Russian Companies


Reading for gist and detail

Text “The most famous Russian companies”                                            (Ex. 4B and C, p. 13, 14 – SB)



The Present Simple Tense


The Past Simple Tense


Reflexive pronouns






7. Starting               a local company


Listening for gist and detail

Speakers (Ex. 6B and C, p. 15 – SB)

Describing a local company

Ex. 5C (p. 15 – SB)


Giving a personal response to the topic “Starting one’s own business”

Ex. 6D (p. 15 – SB)


the company (it) … produces / operates / controls / provides / takes its name from … / was established / combined / acquired / prides itself in / has been ranked first / uses state-of-the-art technology / owns / funds / supports / aims to enter the market / boasts of

Conditional Type 2



Additional information  (about local companies)



8. Jobs for Teenagers



Suggesting / supporting an idea: What about … ? / Great idea! / What if we start a … business? / What a nice idea! / How do you feel about …? / I think it’s worth trying. / Why don’t we ..? Why not? / This could work.


Expressing reservations: That’s interesting, but … / That’s a good idea, but … / That’s true, but have you thought of …?


Discussing ideas and future actions

Ex. 7A and B (p. 17 – SB)


babysitting, wedding, mowing lawns, raking leaves, tutoring, dog-walking, paper round, shoveling snow, car washing, doggie duty (cleaning up waste)

The Gerund


Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language





9. A Web Page for a Company


Consolidating the material of the unit


Project “Our company’s web page design”  Writing (Ex. 8 A and B, p. 17 – SB)




Unit 3 “Get a job you want” / Раздел 3 «Выбирайте работу по душе» (5 часов)



10. Jobs and qualities


Listening for gist and specific information - The results of the survey

“Job vacancies in England” 


Ex. 2B and C, pp. 18, 19 – SB


Giving a personal opinion on what qualities a manager should have               Ex. 3D (p. 20 – SB)

get a job, leave a job, (not) have a job, be unemployed, resign from a job, make redundant, be retired, have a job interview, apply for a job, be out of work, look for a job, write a CV, retire, sack / fire somebody





11. Looking for a new job


Exchanging ideas about the necessary qualities and skills for a  certain job                Ex. 3E (p. 21 – SB)


Discussing what it takes

to get a good job   

Ex. 4 A (p. 22 – SB)


Prioritizing and explaining opinions

Ex. 4B (p. 22 – SB)


casual, deadline-oriented, flexible, overtime, apply in person, a variety of experience, problem-solving skills


word formation:

enthusiasm – enthusiastic, competence – competent, inspiration – inspirational, responsibility – responsible, persistence – persistent, competition – competitive, creation –creative

The Imperative



12. A CA and a letter application


Listening for specific information and detail “CVs and letters of application”


Ex. 5B and C, p. 23 – SB


Activating background knowledge concerning the key points that should             be included in a CV and a letter of application

Ex. 5 A (p. 23 – SB)


Writing CVs and letters of application

Ex. 6A and B (p. 24 – SB)

excellent communication                  skills, fluent English, sense of responsibility, ability to work well under pressure, provide excellent working conditions, flexible working hours, competitive salary and benefits


The Tenses:


Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple



Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language




13. A job interview (part 1)



Commenting on the content of the cartoon / Ex. 7A (p. 25 – SB)


Asking questions

Ex. 7B (p. 25 – SB)


Expressing and justifying opinions

(why some questions are more difficult to answer than others, which of the questions should not            be asked during an interview)


Ex. 7C and D (p. 25 – SB)


Discussing how to prepare for an interview / Ex. 8 (p. 26 – SB)





14. A job interview (part 2)



Writing a CV and a letter of application

Ex. 9A (p. 26 – SB)


Taking part in a job interview (role play)

EX. 9B (p. 27 – SB)



Unit 4 “Team work” / Раздел 4 «Работа в команде» (5 часов)


15. Team roles 


Reading for main ideas

“Team work quiz”

EX. 2 B (p. 29 – SB)


Reading for gist

“The main team roles”

Ex. 2 C (p. 30 – SB)

Expressing personal ideas and feelings about team work

Ex. 1 B, C (p. 28 – SB)


suggest new ideas, insist on one’s ideas, put plans into action, persuade other people, solve difficult problems, make decisions, do things on time, take the lead


leader, organizer, broker, thinker


old newspapers


16. My contribution to team work


Introducing oneself in a new role

Ex. 4 (p. 32 – SB)


team member, team mate, team player, team spirit, team work; feel under pressure, have a say


phrasal verbs:

work out, stick to smth., come up with, call upon

Ss bring an object or a toy from home



Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language




17. The importance of team work


Listening for specific words and details

Ex. 5C and F (p. 33 – SB)



Ex. 5E (p. 33 – SB)

Discussing the features of good            and bad notes

EX. 5D (p. 33 – SB)

Predicting the missing words and phrases

Ex. 5B (p. 33 – SB)





18. The ground rules for productive team work

Reading for gist and foe detail

Ex. 6B and C (pp. 34, 35 – SB)



constructive feedback, asking questions, chat a little, patience, humor, active listening, body language


distract team mates, miss an important detail, bring up a crucial detail, evaluate proposed ideas, take into consideration, ease tension, take a deep breath to relax, make fun of smb., tell offensive jokes


Don’t hesitate to + V

The Imperative



19. Team presentation



Consolidating the material of the unit


Presenting one’s team

Ex. 7 (p. 35 – SB)



Unit 5 “On the phone” / Раздел 5 «Общение по телефону» (5 часов)


20. Telephone conver-sations


Reading for gist and                                   for functional language

Ex. 1A and C (p. 36 – SB)


Listening for gist

Ex. 1B (p. 36 – SB)




This is … from … 

I’m calling about …

Hold on. I’ll put you through.

Could I speak to … 

Could you ask… to call me back?

Would you like to leave a message?



Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language





21. Functional language for talking on the phone


Listening for specific words

Ex. 3D (p. 39 – SB)



Word combinations:

answer … telephone (message, call), get …message (appointment, call), give ….call, have ….message (appointment, conversation, call), make … appointment (conversation, call), receive … message (call), cancel … appointment

Phrasal verbs:


pick … up, call back,                  look … up, hold on,                     put … through, cut off,               get through, put … on,                hang up




22. Could you say it again, please?


Listening for gist and for detail

Ex. 4A and B (p. 39 – SB)


Listening for specific words

Ex. 5B (p. 40 – SB)

Raising Ss’ awareness of the functions  of particular phrases in a telephone conversation


Ex. 5C (p. 40 – SB)


Phrases for clarifying:

Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you speak more slowly, please? Sorry, I missed that. Could you say it again, please? When did you say? I don’t quite understand what you mean. Could you be more specific, please?

The modal verb ‘could’ for making polite requests





23. How much did you say?


Practicing different ways of clarifying

Ex. 6A and B (p. 42 – SB)


Practicing new vocabulary

Ex. 5D (p. 41 – SB) /                  GAME “Bad line”



24. Making a phone call



Consolidating the material of the unit


Making a phone call (role play)

Ex. 7 A-C, pp. 42, 43 – SB



Unit 6 “Give a present .. ation!” / Раздел 6 «Готовим презент … ацию!» (5 часов)


25. Mr. Richardson’s presentation


Reading for gist and for detail

Ex. 2A and B (pp. 44-46, SB)


Taking notes from the text

Ex. 2C (p. 46 – SB)



deliver a lecture, address                the audience, a PhD, MBA,                  an OHP, ad lib,  sixth form,              A-level, laptop computer, emphasize points, prodigy, disguise


Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language




26. Preparing for a presentation


Listening for specific information, taking notes from the audio text

Ex. 4B (p. 47 – SB)


Listening for details and for specific words

Ex. 5B and C (p. 48– SB)


Making a plan of a presentation

Ex. 4C (p. 48 – SB)


Discussing how to begin a presentation

Ex. 5A (p. 48 – SB)

whiteboard, conference hall, global financial markets, prepare a presentation, make a presentation, meeting room, feel confident (nervous)





27. Starting a presentation

Activating Ss’ background knowledge, reading for specific information

Ex. 6A and B (p. 49 – SB)



Analyzing and improving the beginnings of presentations

Ex. 5D (p. 48 – SB)



Writing a draft of a presentation

Ex. 5E (p. 49 – SB)


Analyzing the means the presenter uses to get his message across

Ex. 6C (p. 50 – SB)


So far we have looked at …

What I am trying to say is …

Is that clear to everyone?

I would recommend …

Now let’s move on to …

Before I go on, are there any questions about …?

Let’s now turn to …






28. Formal and less formal registers

Listening for the manner of speech

Ex. 9A (p. 52 – SB)


Analyzing body language and the message it sends

Ex. 8B (p. 51 – SB)


Expressing ideas about different ways            of ‘sending a message’

Ex. 8 C (p. 52 – SB)


Practice speaking clearly

Ex. 9B (p. 52 – SB)


Changing sentences into a less formal register

Ex. 7B (p. 50 – SB)


nevertheless – but; enormous – huge; moreover – also;

approximately – about; assistance – help; obtain – get; in addition – and; consequently – so;

insufficient – not enough

Changing sentences into a less formal register

Ex. 7A (p. 50 – SB)




29. I am a … presenter!



Discussing how to finish a presentation

Ex. 10A (p. 52 – SB)



Discussing how to deliver a presentation

Ex. 10B (p. 52 – SB)


Consolidating the material of the unit

Giving a presentation (simulation)

Ex. 10C (p. 53 – SB)



Unit 7 “When silence is not golden” / Раздел 7 «Когда молчание - не золото» (5 часов)

Дата /

Тема урока


Receptive Skills                              (Reading & Listening)

Productive Skills (Business Communication Skills & Activities)

Vocabulary &                Functional Language





30. Talking in  circles

Listening for gist, for detail and for functional language

Ex. 3 A-C (p. 55 – SB)

Analyzing the listening input

Ex. 3E (p. 56 – SB)


Hello! (Good evening!) / I beg your pardon? (Pardon?) / That sounds interesting! Oh, I see. Fancy that! / I see. Fine. Lovely. Exactly. / That was kind of you.

Prepositions used with the verbs talk, speak, chat, discuss





31. Small talk

Reading for gist and for detail

Ex. 4 A and B (pp. 56, 57 – SB)


Useful everyday phrases

Ex. 5A and B (pp. 58, 59 – SB)


Make yourself at home. / Bless you! / After you. / No need to apologize. / Take care. / That’s OK. / Say when. / Safe trip home.


Guessing the meaning of new words from the context

Ex. 4C (p. 57 – SB)


talk shop, mindset, overhear,  a tome of conversation, mundane, dwell on something, suss out, pave the way




32. Rules of small talk

Reading for raising awareness of social interaction in business                      (tips for a good handshake)

Ex. 5E (p. 60 – SB)



Game “Mime it!”

Ex. 5C (p. 59 – SB)


Consolidating some rules of social interaction in business

Ex. 5D (p. 59 – SB)




33. Small talk melee



Consolidating the material of the unit

Practicing social interaction in groups


Ex. 5F (p. 61 – SB)








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1. Favorite pastimes


“Fishing on the Volga”

Ex. 3 (p. 22)

for specific information


“Quite hunting”

Ex. 2 (p. 23)

for gist

Describing a fish

for details


Ex. 3 (p. 23)


Fact files about sea fish (cod, haddock, herring, etc)



freshwater fish, upper side, underside, jaw, still waters, long feelers, bony plates, scales, pond, vertical bars, fins, adapt to a variety of habitats, pike, bream, catfish, perch


Oak groves, glorify, observant, knowledgeable, rich in protein, pickled mushrooms, fired, slated, dressing


One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

Present Simple


have / has got



a list of words and their translation for the game (swamps, birch trees, moss, aspen trees, worms, pine trees, ginger caps, grow in clusters on stumps, lamellar, eat … raw, sticky)



2. Famous Russian faces


“Famous Russian faces”

Ex. 8 (p. 25)

for details


Describing people’s faces and personalities


Agreeing or disagreeing with statements

for specific information (most prominent facial features)

Ex. 7 (p. 24)


childlike lips, beautifully shaped lips, gullible, good-natured, good-mannered, inquisitive, sincere, cheekbones, eyebrows, jawline

Present Simple


Past Simple




3. Chess in Russia


“Russian Indian game”

Ex. 4A (p. 26)

for details

Talking about one’s favorite game (sport, name, equipment, how it is played)

for details

Ex. 3 (p. 26)


pieces (king, queen, pawn, bishop, rook, knight), the origin of …, develop, alternately, chessboard, weaken, capture, the object of the game

Present Simple


Past Simple


The Passive Voice





4. The famous Russian chess player


“Alexander Alekhin”

Ex. 3 (p. 27)

for details

Commenting on a game of chess

for details

Ex. 2 (p. 27)


award .., with, blindfold, championship, give exhibitions, simultaneously

Past Simple





5. Tower parade


“Tower parade”

Ex. 3 (p. 28)

for details

Describing a tower (name, location, height, type, etc)

for specific information

(dates, events)

Ex. 2 (p. 28)



transmit TV programs, research institutions, initial, increase considerably, a viewing pad, altitude, revolve around, axis, loosen, restore

The superlative degree of adjectives


Present Simple

Past Simple



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6. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior

“The Cathedral of Christ the Savior”

Ex. 3 (p. 29)

for gist

Asking and answering questions about the Cathedral

for specific information

(dates, events)

Ex. 2 (p. 29)


The Church of the Holy Trinity in Baikalsk (fact file)

commemorate, construction work, intend, ruin, construction site, remain, sacred place

Past Simple Passive




Click On Russia 3


7. Russia’s Black Gold


“One to One with Gennady Medjevsky”

Ex. 3 (p. 4)

for details


Talking about problems

in oil industry 


for specific information

Ex. 2 (p. 4)



oil-field deposits, a geologist, (to) require a lot of attention, swamps and wetlands, pumps, watchmen, caterpillar tractors, push one’s way through impassible taiga, huge snowdrifts, a network of roads and transport junctions, a settlement over a peat bog, marshes



The Past Simple Tense



extra articles on oil drilling in Russia



8. I’m Very Patriotic


An interview 

with Tamara Moskvina

Ex. 3 (p. 5)

for details


Acting out an interview with the coach of one’s favorite sports person or team 


for details

Ex. 2 (p. 5)


legendary, figure-skating, coach, psychologist, choreographer, keep up the tradition, faultless, the Russian anthem, skating facilities, need funding

The Present Simple Tense

The Present Perfect Tense The Past Simple Tense





9. A Facelift for Aeroflot


A Facelift for Aeroflot

Ex. 3 (p. 6)

for gist


Discussing the changes that have been made to Aeroflot


for specific words (airline and aircraft names)

Ex. 2 (p. 6)



“My first experience aboard a plane”

damp, a hammer and sickle, stake one’s claim as …, international cuisine, a major fatal accident, crockery, replace, a la carte, trendy

The Passive Voice



authentic materials (Aeroflot menus in English, tickets)




10. MAKS Air Show




An interview  with a representative of the MAKS organizing committee

Ex. 3 (p. 7)

for details



Explaining how to get to the air show by car


Talking about what one can see at the air show


for specific words (aircraft names)

Ex. 2 (p. 7)


a major airspace show, aviation and space technology, a firefighting vehicle, a next-generation fighter, a demo flight, on Russian soil, Air Force Commander, Co-Chief Executive, be impressed with the stunts

There is / are

There was / were


pictures of aircraft

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11. Karmadon Gorge


“Looking back            at Karmadon Gorge”

Ex. 3 (p. 8)

for details



Discussing other Russian natural disasters Ss know



for specific information)

Ex. 2 (p. 8)


avalanche, rescue operation,  climb upwards, rescue vehicles, meteorologist, hanging glaciers, climate change, deserve praise,           a blocked tunnel, filmmaking team

The Past Simple Tense


Perfect infinitive constructions


articles from English language mass media about recent natural disasters in Russia




12. Diary of a Hostage


“In Memory

of my Dad”

Ex. 3 (p. 8)

for details

Reporting the seizure of the musical theater in Dubrovka Street

for specific words

Ex. 2 (p. 9)


seize a theater, suicide bombers, hidden explosives, pray for a miracle, treat wounds, pneumonia, asthma, be on edge, unconsciousness, be safe and sound

The Present Continuous Tense


The Present Perfect Tense





13. Bear Hunting in Taiga


“Bear Hunting in Taiga”

Ex. 3 (p. 10)

for details


Acting out an interview with a bear hunter


for specific words

Ex. 2 (p. 10)



the count of …, drop smb. off, a lodge, calm one’s anxieties, a sleepless night, pull the trigger, hibernation, a lair, bullets, pick smb. up, circulation, predator


The Present Simple Tense





14. A Trip to the Geyser Valley


“A Trip to the Geyser Valley”

Ex. 3 (p. 11)

for details


Presenting one’s region to potential tourists


for specific words (activities)

Ex. 2 (p. 11)


“My list of top natural tourist attractions in Russia”


peninsula, spectacular, mountain ridges, stretch from … to …, hot volcanic springs, go river rafting, spawn, geysers, erupt, annual, indigenous people, revive one’s culture, native rituals, scenery, thermal pools, rugged coastline, wonderland

The Present Simple Tense

The Past Simple Tense


The Passive Voice


information about South Eastern Siberia



15. Russian Discoveries


“Russian Discoveries”

Ex. 3 (p. 12)

for details

Talking about the achievements of one of the explorers

for specific information

(proper names)

Ex. 2 (p. 12)



belief, serve Russia, exploration, conquer Siberia, settle in the Far East, natives, nomadic hunters, live alongside, developed economy, head an expedition, be named after, diseases, the aim of, dedicated, convinced, a great achievement

Past Simple Active

Past Simple Passive





16. So Many Years without Russia


Ex. 3 (p. 13)

for details

Giving a short talk on the history of Alaska

for specific information


Ex. 2 (p. 13)



the Alaska peninsula, unexploited resources, monopoly on, shareholder, coal mining, whaling, supply ice to, attempts, make an agreement, compensate for losses, the Gold Rush, evidence, links, twin towns

Past Simple Active

Past Simple Passive




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17. Russian Cuisine


“Russian Cuisine” 

Ex. 3, 5 (p. 14)

for specific information,                   for details


Helping a foreign friend to place an order with the waiter for a cold starter, hot appetizer, soup and main dish


for specific words


Ex. 2 (p. 14)


varied diet, dairy products, sour cream, appetizers, smoked sturgeon, spices, jellied tongue, mashed potatoes, grilled piglet, roast partridge, tender meat, aromatic melons, estuary

There is / are


The Past Participle





18. A Treasure House of Russian Art



Ex. 4 (p. 16)

for specific information            


Asking and answering questions about the Russian Museum


for gist

Ex. 3 (p. 16)


Describe a famous painting by a Russian artist

canvas, the effects of light, masterpiece, mocking, insulting, refusal, skillful, vastness, masterfully

prepositions of place


copies of famous painting by Russian artists



19. I Don’t Believe It!

“The Moscow Arts Theater”

Ex. 3 (p. 17)

for details 

Talking about the Moscow Arts Theater

for details

Ex. 2 (p. 17)



jubilee, the calendar of anniversaries, amateur actor, industrialist, man of letters, dramatist, staging, scenery, principles, stand out, troupe, rehearsing, exhausted, accessible to all, season, triumph, reveal, take flight, emblem

The Past Perfect


Past Simple Passive





20. Mighty Handful … and More

“Russian Composers”

Ex. 3 (p. 18)

for specific information

Expressing one’s feelings and impressions of various pieces of music

for specific information

(names of composers)

Ex. 2 (p. 18)


child prodigy, graduate with honors, conservatory, editing, struggle, poetic, tragic, elegant, witty, triumphant, international recognition, uplifting, doubt

The Present Simple





21. Ballet Brought Back to Paris

“Rudolph Nureyev”

Ex. 3 (p. 19)

for specific information


Interviewing Rudolph Nureyev about his life and career


for specific information

(cities and theaters)

Ex. 2 (p. 19)


catlike leaps, rapid turns, compelling dancer, enroll in, outstanding, rebellious, soloist, defect, debut, permanent, choreographer, resign, premier

The Past Simple



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22. A Monument not Built by Hands

“Alexander Pushkin”

Ex. 3A, B (p. 20)

for specific information

Reciting the Russian and English versions of Pushkin’s poem

for gist

Ex. 2 (p. 20)


Write a summary of one of the famous stories by Pushkin

in exile, estate, god-forsaken place, surroundings, depression, manuscripts, based on, reflect, state-protected, masterpiece

The Past Simple


summaries of stories by Pushkin



23. Fyodor Dostoevsky


“Fyodor Dostoevsky”

Ex. 4 (p. 21)

for details

Asking and answering wh-questions about Fyodor Dostoevsky

for specific information

(dates and events)

Ex. 2 (p. 21)



The Academy of Military Engineers, devote oneself to, publish, novel, secret political group, state laws, free serfs, convicted of political offences, prison camp, impressive, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, The Brothers Karamazov, for political reasons, dramatic, brilliant, cope with, cherish

The Past Simple




24. Chernobyl



Ex. 3 (p. 22)

for gist


Talking about advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy


for specific information

(numbers and facts)

Ex. 2 (p. 22)



human error, poor safety standards, release radiation, nuclear power station, suffer a disaster, high-risk areas, live beyond, in the traditional way, eat one’ own produce, soil, dust, constant problem, decades, cause cancer, weak immune system, leukemia, environmental refugees, radioactive no-go areas, claim that …, energy crisis, directly affected by, terror

The Present Simple

The Past Simple


The Perfect Infinitive


The Passive Voice




25. Forest Fires


“Forest Fires”

Ex. 3 (p. 23)

for specific information

Giving a two-minute speech to school children about forest fires

for specific phrases (reasons for forest fires, how to extinguish a forest fire)

Ex. 2 (p. 23)


Write an article about the forest firers in Russia in the summer of 2010


drought, heat wave, devastating, national disaster, the main causes of, fragments of, magnifying lass, peat bogs, lightning, account for, hectare, prevent a forest fire, hatchet, folded spade, sand, twigs, underground, a burning pit

The comparative degree of adjectives


The Present Simple


can, should, ought to




26. Russian Cures

“Russian Cures”

Ex. 3 (p. 24)

for gist

Expressing one’s opinion of natural remedies

for specific information


Ex. 2 (p. 22)



folk healers, herbal essences, wizard, healing properties, alternative (unconventional) methods, prescribe, medicinal plant, perfect gargle, refresh the skin, rinse the hair

The Past Simple


The infinitive of purpose



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27. Lost in the Taiga for 50 Years

“Lost in the Taiga for 50 Years”

Ex. 3 (p. 25)

for gist


Discussing the pros and cons of living in complete isolation in the taiga


for details

Ex. 2 (p. 25)


hermit family, geologist, the true Orthodox faith, flee (fled), repression, influenza, harsh winters, virus, civilization, governor, region, prosperity, hay, healing water, chain-saw, ax, relatives 

The Present Simple

The Past Simple




28. Russian State Schools


“Facts and Figures about the Russian Education System”

Ex. 3 (p. 26)

for gist

Talking about the school routine

for specific words (school subjects)

Ex. 2 (p. 26)


terms, quarters, breaks, shifts, ethnic minorities, be graded, punishment, vocational schools, alongside, modern communications, media technologies, fee, last but not least


The Present Simple


graduation certificates



29. I’m Going to Be…

“I’m Going to Be”

Ex. 3 (p. 27)

for specific information


Talking about Ss’ educational plans for the future

for specific information

Ex. 2 (p. 27)



vocational training, the latest reforms, entrance exam, apply to, highly competitive, do a postgraduate course, specialize in, Humanities, fees, state-subsidized course, , a wide range of, recreational activities


Keep your fingers crossed for me!

going to + V


will for predictions





30. Ivan Pavlov

“Ivan Pavlov”

Ex. 3 (p. 28)

for details


Asking and answering questions about Ivan Pavlov


for specific information (qualities)

Ex. 2 (p. 28)



natural sciences, religious career, devote one’s life to, physiologist, remarkable, digestion, blood circulation, central nervous system, investigate, compare, humble, praise, gather knowledge, ignoramus, demand

The Past Simple


The Imperative Mood





31. Russian Nobel Prize Winners

“Russian Nobel Prize Winners”

Ex. 3 (p. 29)

for specific words


Talking about the prospects of Russian scientist in terms of being awarded the Noble Prize (giving reasons)


for details

Ex. 2 (p. 29)


make a great contribution to, quantum physics, the military industry, be submitted to, committee, laboratory, emigrate to, brain drain, border, seclusion, secrecy. Be nominated, reject, source of all evil, deny

The Present Perfect


The Passive Voice






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