Cellular Automata

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Июня 2013 в 22:18, доклад

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Cellular automata (henceforth: CA) are discrete, abstract computational systems that have proved useful both as general models of complexity and as more specific representations of non-linear dynamics in a variety of scientific fields. Firstly, CA are (typically) spatially and temporally discrete: they are composed of a finite or denumerable set of homogeneous, simple units, the atoms or cells. At each time unit, the cells instantiate one of a finite set of states.

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Cellular Automata

First published Mon Mar 26, 2012

Cellular automata (henceforth: CA) are discrete, abstract computational systems that have proved useful both as general models of complexity and as more specific representations of non-linear dynamics in a variety of scientific fields. Firstly, CA are (typically) spatially and temporally discrete: they are composed of a finite or denumerable set of homogeneous, simple units, the atoms or cells. At each time unit, the cells instantiate one of a finite set of states. They evolve in parallel at discrete time steps, following state update functions or dynamical transition rules: the update of a cell state obtains by taking into account the states of cells in its local neighborhood (there are, therefore, no actions at a distance). Secondly, CA are abstract, as they can be specified in purely mathematical terms and implemented in physical structures. Thirdly, CA are computational systems: they can compute functions and solve algorithmic problems. Despite functioning in a different way from traditional, Turing machine-like devices, CA with suitable rules can emulate a universal Turing machine, and therefore compute, given Turing's Thesis, anything computable.

The mark of CA consists in their displaying complex emergent behavior, starting from simple atoms deterministically following simple local rules. Because of this, CA attract a growing number of researchers willing to study pattern formation and complexity in a pure, abstract setting. This entry provides an introduction to CA focusing on some of their philosophical applications: these range from the philosophy of computation and information processing, to philosophical accounts of reduction and emergence in metaphysics, and debates in fundamental physics.

We will proceed as follows: in the introductory Section 1, CA are first explained via an example: Section 1.1 describes a simple one-dimensional automaton displaying an intuitively manifest behavior. Sections 1.2-1.3 provide a short survey of the history and main applications of CA.

In Section 2, the general theory of CA is explained, together with a selection of computational and complexity-theoretic results in the field. Section 2.1 provides a fourfold schematic definition of CA: as it turns out, nearly all the CA known in the literature can be characterized as instantiations of the schema. Sections 2.2–2.3 explain the classification of one-dimensional CA proposed by Stephen Wolfram. Section 2.4 introduces the Edge of Chaos hypothesis, a CA-related conjecture playing a key role in complexity theory. Sections 2.5–2.7 generalize our overview to automata occupying more than one spatial dimension, and/or relaxing some parameters in the standard schematic definition of 2.1. The focus is on the Game of Life—possibly the most popular CA—and its computational capabilities.

Section 3 describes some uses of CA as tools for philosophical investigation, and surveys ways in which they can raise new philosophical questions. Since CA display complex behavioral patterns emerging from simple local rules, they have been naturally linked to the notion of emergence: this topic is dealt with in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 explores how CA have been put to work, both by philosophers and by scientists, in order to address the traditional philosophical problems of free will and determinism. Section 3.3 describes the impact of CA theories on the philosophy of computation. Finally, Section 3.4 examines the bold philosophical conjecture advanced by some scientists, according to which the physical world itself may be, at its bottom, a discrete, digital automaton.


1. Introduction

1.1 Getting Started: A Very Simple CA

We introduce the basic ingredients of CA using a simple example. Think of an automaton as a one-dimensional grid of simple atomic elements (the cells), each of which can only instantiate one of two states; let us say that each cell can be turned on or off. The global evolution of the system is determined by a transition rule, to be thought of as implemented in each cell. Following the rule, at each time step each cell updates its status in response to what happens to its neighboring cells. As we said, CA are abstract: they can be described in purely mathematical terms. Having a concrete instance in mind can nevertheless help in the beginning:

Fig. 1

Think of Fig. 1 as standing for the front row of a high school classroom. Each box represents a student wearing (black) or not wearing (white) a hat. Let us make the two following assumptions:

Hat rule: a student will wear the hat in the following class if one or the other—but not both—of the two classmates sitting immediately on her left and on her right has the hat in the current class (let us say that if nobody wears the hat, then a hat is out of fashion; but if both neighbors wear it, it is too popular to be trendy).

Initial class: during the first class in the morning, only one student in the middle is wearing the hat (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

Fig. 3 shows what happens as time goes by (consecutive rows represent the evolution in time through subsequent classes):

Fig. 3

Fig. 3 may be surprising. The complex evolutionary pattern displayed contrasts with the simplicity of the underlying law (the “Hat rule”) and ontology (for in terms of object and properties, we only need to take into account simple atoms and two states). In a sense, though, the global, emergent behavior of the system supervenes upon its local, simple features. The scale at which the decision to wear the hat is made (immediate neighbors) is not the scale at which the interesting patterns become manifest.

While somewhat artificial, this example is a paradigmatic illustration of what makes CA appealing to a vast range of researchers: “even perfect knowledge of individual decision rules does not always allow us to predict macroscopic structure. We get macro-surprises despite complete micro-knowledge” (Epstein 1999, p. 48). Since the notion of emergence and the micro-macro interplay play such an important role in science and philosophy (see the entries on supervenience and emergent properties; for a sample of scientific applications, see Mitchell 2009, pp. 2–13, Gell-Mann 1994, Ch. 9), it has been suggested that many scientific as well as conceptual puzzles can be addressed by adopting the CA perspective. One of the leading thinkers in the field, Stephen Wolfram, has gone as far as claiming that CA may help us to solve longstanding issues in philosophy:

Among them [the fundamental issues philosophers address] are questions about the ultimate limits of knowledge, free will, the uniqueness of the human condition and the inevitability of mathematics. Much has been said over the course of philosophical history about each of these. Yet inevitably it has been informed only by current intuitions about how things are supposed to work. But my discoveries in this book [A New Kind of Science] lead to radically new intuitions. (Wolfram 2002, p.10)

In order to assess these bold claims, let us now take a closer look at the field.

1.2 An Overview of CA's Capabilities

The surprising patterns in the aforementioned classroom example were generated by small boxes in a line with just two states and a simple rule. One might wonder how many variations are possible on such a basic framework. In his review of the literature, Andrew Ilachinski narrows down CA applications to four main areas, which will be referred to in the rest of this entry (Ilachinski 2001, p. 7):

(CA1) As powerful computational engines.  
(CA2) As discrete dynamical system simulators.  
(CA3) As conceptual vehicles for studying pattern formation and complexity.  
(CA4) As original models of fundamental physics.

(CA1) emphasizes that CA perform computations. Just like Turing machines, they can be fully specified in mathematical terms, and implemented in different physical systems. However, CA are peculiar in two important ways. First, unlike Turing machines (and the von Neumann-architecture conventional computers that implement them), they compute in a parallel, distributed fashion. Second, computation is pretty much “in the eye of the beholder”: there is no tape, but the evolution of the cells' states can often be interpreted as a meaningful computational procedure (e.g., bits can be encoded using the white/black cell states). Computational hardware inspired by CA can help in solving important technological problems (see Ilachinski 2001, p. 8), but apart from engineering issues, (CA1) also points to major conceptual questions, such as how exactly a universal Turing machine and an automaton can be compared and what are, if any, the philosophical implications of this comparison (see Wolfram 2002, Ch. 12).

(CA2) comprises scientific applications of CA to the modeling of specific problems—to mention just a few: urban evolution (Batty 2005), Ising models (Creutz 1986), neural networks (Franceschetti, Campbell, Hamneken 1992 pp. 124–128), and even turbulence phenomena (Chen, Chen, Doolen, Lee, 1983). As Ilachinski remarks, for instance, “discrete models of turbulence are particularly impressive in that they clearly show that very simple finite dynamical implementations of local conservation laws are capable of exactly reproducing continuum system behavior on the macroscale” (Ilachinski 2001, p. 8).

(CA3) and (CA4) enter more directly into the philosophical arena: as for (CA3), for instance, Daniel Dennett has resorted to a famous automaton we are to describe below, namely Conway's Game of Life, to make his point on determinism and the attribution of high-level concepts to emergent patterns (Dennett 1991, Dennett 2003). As for (CA4), CA can provide an account of microphysical dynamics by representing discrete counterparts of quantum field theories (see for example the entry on Quantum Field Theory) alternative to the standard continuous frames. But the more philosophical, and quite bolder, claim in this area is that nature itself may be a CA: Edward Fredkin, for instance, has advanced his “Finite Nature” hypothesis that our universe is an automaton which, at each time step, digitally and locally processes its state for the next time step (see Fredkin 1993). Apart from the interest generated by Fredkin's claim, entertaining the hypothesis raises a number of questions at the crossroads of physics and metaphysics (what is a natural law?), epistemology (what are the limits of physical systems predictability?) and the philosophy of information (what is the role of information in the physical world?). We will address each of these in the third Section of this entry.

1.3 A Brief History

While much of the computational framework in which CA are developed is indebted to the work of Alan Turing back in the Thirties (Turing 1936), it is fair to say that the father of CA is John von Neumann (von Neumann 1951). Working on self-replication and attempting to provide a reductionist theory of biological development, von Neumann was trying to conceive a system capable of producing exact copies of itself. Now biology prima facie intuitively appears to be the realm of fluidity and continuous dynamics. But following a suggestion of his colleague Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann decided to focus on a discrete, two-dimensional system. Instead of just black-or-white cells, von Neumann's automaton used 29 different states and a rather complicated dynamics, and was capable of self-reproduction. Von Neumann's CA was also the first discrete parallel computational model in history formally shown to be a universal computer, i.e., capable of emulating a universal Turing machine and computing all recursive functions.

In the early Sixties, Moore (1962) and Myhill (1963) proved the Garden-of-Eden theorems stating conditions for the existence of so-called Gardens of Eden, i.e., patterns that cannot appear on the lattice except as initial conditions. Gustav Hedlund (1969), whose impact on computer science has been dramatic, investigated cellular automata within the framework of symbolic dynamics. In 1970 the mathematician John Conway introduced his aforementioned Life game (Berkelamp, Conway, Guy 1982), arguably the most popular automaton ever, and one of the simplest computational models ever proved to be a universal computer. In 1977 Tommaso Toffoli used cellular automata to directly model physical laws, laying the foundations for the study of reversible CA (Toffoli 1977).

Stephen Wolfram's works in the 1980s contributed to putting the growing community of CA followers on the scientific map. In a series of groundbreaking papers, Wolfram extensively explored one-dimensional CA, providing the first qualitative taxonomy of their behavior and laying the groundwork for further research. A particular transition rule for one-dimensional CA, known as Rule 110 was conjectured to be universal by Wolfram. Some twenty years after the conjecture, Matthew Cook finally proved that Rule 110 is the simplest known model capable of universal computation (Cook 2004) (Wolfram 2002 also contains a sketch of the proof).

2. Some Basic Notions and Results

2.1 Basic Definitions

After our informal introduction, we are now going take a closer look at CA, focusing on models and results of philosophical interest. Although the variety of systems to be found in the CA literature is vast, one can generate virtually all CA by tuning the four parameters that define their structure:

  1. Discrete n-dimensional lattice of cells: We can have one-dimensional, two-dimensional, … , n-dimensional CA. The atomic components of the lattice can be differently shaped: for example, a 2D lattice can be composed of triangles, squares, or hexagons. Usually homogeneity is assumed: all cells are qualitatively identical.
  2. Discrete states: At each discrete time step, each cell is in one and only one state, σ ∈ Σ, Σ being a set of states having finite cardinality |Σ| = k.
  3. Local interactions: Each cell's behavior depends only on what happens within its local neighborhood of cells (which may or may not include the cell itself). Lattices with the same basic topology may have different definitions of neighborhood, as we will see below. It is crucial, however, that “actions at a distance” not be allowed.
  4. Discrete dynamics: At each time step, each cell updates its current state according to a deterministic transition function φ: Σn → Σ mapping neighborhood configurations (n-tuples of states of Σ) to Σ. It is also usually, though not necessarily, assumed that (i) the update is synchronous, and (ii) φ takes as input at time step t the neighborhood states at the immediately previous time step t − 1.

One can exhaustively describe, for instance, the automaton of our classroom example:

  1. 1-dimensional lattice of square cells on a line.
  2. Σ = {1, 0} (1 = black or hat on, 0 = white or hat off), so |Σ| = 2.
  3. Each cell's neighborhood is composed by the two nearest cells. If we index the cells by the integers, so that ci is cell number i, then the neighborhood of ci is N(ci) = <ci 1, ci + 1>.
  4. The transition rule φ is simply stated: At each time step t, a cell state is 1 if exactly one of the neighboring cells was 1 at t − 1, 0 otherwise.

Natural language conditionals—such as ‘If the neighborhood is this-and-this, then turn to state s’—are a handy way of expressing a rule for a simple automaton. One can write more formally the general form of the rule for one-dimensional CA:

(Rule1D) σi (t + 1) = φ(σir(t), σir + 1(t), …, σi + r − 1 (t), σi + r(t))

Where σi(t) ∈ Σ = {0, 1, …, k − 1} is the state of cell number i at time step t; r specifies the range, that is, how many cells on any side count as neighbors for a given cell; and φ is defined explicitly by assigning values in Σ to each of the k2r+1(2r + 1)-tuples representing all the possible neighborhood configurations. For example, with r = 1, Σ = {1, 0}, a possible transition rule φ can be expressed as in Fig. 4 (with 1 being represented as black, 0 as white):

Fig. 4

For a given cell, each triple at the top represents a possible neighborhood configuration at t, the cell at issue being the one in the middle: for each configuration, the square at the bottom specifies the cell's state at t + 1. This is exactly the rule of our classroom example: you will have a black cell just in case precisely one of the neighbors was black.

2.2 The Wolfram Classification Scheme

This simple representation is also at the core of the widely adopted Wolfram code (Wolfram 1983), assigning to each rule a number: with black = 1 and white = 0, the bottom row can be read as a binary number (01011010); converting this number to decimal gives you the rule's name (in this case, Rule 90). Since rules for CA with r = 1 and k = 2 differ just in the bottom row of the diagram, this encoding scheme effectively identifies each possible rule in the class. One-dimensional CA with r = 1 and k = 2 are among the simplest CA one can define, yet their behavior is sometimes quite rich. When Stephen Wolfram started to explore this field in the Eighties, that class seemed a perfect fit. With r = 1, there are 8 possible neighbors (see Fig. 4 above) to be mapped to {1, 0}, giving a total of 28 = 256 rules. Starting with random initial conditions, Wolfram went on to observe the behavior of each rule in many simulations. As a result, he was able to classify the qualitative behavior of each rule in one of four distinct classes. Repeating the original experiment, we simulated the evolution of two rules for each class of Wolfram's scheme.

2.3 The Classes of the 256 Rules

Class1—rules leading to homogenous states, all cells stably ending up with the same value:

Rule 250

Rule 254

Class2—rules leading to stable structures or simple periodic patterns:

Rule 4

Rule 108

Class3—rules leading to seemingly chaotic, non-periodic behavior:

Rule 30

Rule 90

Class4—rules leading to complex patterns and structures propagating locally in the lattice:

Rule 54

Rule 110

Class1 comprises the rules that quickly produce uniform configurations. Rules in Class2 produce a uniform final pattern, or a cycling between final patterns, depending on the initial configurations. The configurations produced by members of Class3 are pretty much random-looking, although some regular patterns and structures may be present.

Unsurprisingly, it was the members of Class4 that attracted Wolfram's attention. If we observe the universe generated by Rule 110 we see regular patterns (although not as regular as in Rule 108) as well as some chaotic behavior (although not as “noisy” as in Rule 90). Now the basic feature a CA needs to perform computations is the capacity of its transition rule of producing “particle-like persistent propagating patterns” (Ilachinski 2001, p. 89), that is, localized, stable, but non-periodic configurations of groups of cells that can preserve their shape (sometimes called solitons in the literature). These configurations can be seen as encoding packets of information, preserving them through time, and moving them from one spatial location to another: information can propagate in time and space without undergoing important decay. The amount of unpredictability in the behavior of Class4 rules also hints at computationally interesting features: by the Halting Theorem, it is a key feature of universal computation that one cannot in principle predict whether a given computation will halt given a certain input. These insights led Wolfram to conjecture that Class4 CA were (the only ones) capable of universal computation. Intuitively, if we interpret the initial configuration of a Class4 CA as its input data, a universal Class4 CA can evaluate any effectively computable function and emulate a universal Turing machine. As we mentioned above, Rule 110 was indeed proved to be computationally universal.

(See the supplementary document The 256 Rules.)

2.4 The Edge of Chaos

The intermediate nature of Class4 rules provided a powerful metaphor for the idea that interesting complexity, such as the one displayed by biological entities and their dynamics, lies in a delicate equilibrium between two extremes, “boring” regularities and “noisy” chaos:

Perhaps the most exciting implication [of CA representation of biological phenomena] is the possibility that life had its origin in the vicinity of a phase transition and that evolution reflects the process by which life has gained local control over a successively greater number of environmental parameters affecting its ability to maintain itself at a critical balance point between order and chaos. (Langton 1990, p. 13)

Since CA were able to provide not just the intuition, but a robust formal framework to investigate the hypothesis, in the late Eighties the “Edge of Chaos” picture received considerable interest by CA practitioners. Packard 1988 and Langton 1990 were the first studies to give to the Edge of Chaos a now well-known interpretation in the CA context. As Miller and Page put it, “these early experiments suggested that systems poised at the edge of chaos had the capacity for emergent computation” (Miller, Page 2007, p. 129). The idea is simple enough: what happens if we take a rule like Rule 110 and introduce a small perturbation? If we are to believe the Edge of Chaos hypothesis, we should expect the rules obtained by small changes in Rule 110 to exhibit either simple or chaotic behavior. Let us consider a single switch from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 in the characteristic mapping of Rule 110. The results are the following eight neighboring rules, each differing from Rule 110 by a single bit (the diagonal in the array, with numbers in italics):





































































































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