Business Communication

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Октября 2011 в 11:19, реферат

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The use of technology in daily business operations is constantly important, especially in business communication, because being in touch is very necessary to businesses. The revolution in technology world, which made the optimization of various business procedures faster, has allowed businesses to have more opportunities. Indeed, when the employees and the organizations use the technology in business, they have greatly benefit and they can communicate more effectively and successfully in interpersonal communication.

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       The use of technology in daily business operations is constantly important, especially in business communication, because being in touch is very necessary to businesses. The revolution in technology world, which made the optimization of various business procedures faster, has allowed businesses to have more opportunities. Indeed, when the employees and the organizations use the technology in business, they have greatly benefit and they can communicate more effectively and successfully in interpersonal communication. However, technology can not replace face-to-face communicating, because it always will be important in keeping real human relationship contact in business.

      Vinzer (2009), stated that modern business requires modern technology. Information and communication technology (ICT) provides business communications avenues crucial to remain competitive in local and global economies. According to the U.S. Census ICT survey, American businesses spent $296, 3 billion on ICT equipment in 2008 (Jens, 2010). Any business must have at least a basic understanding of the various innovations, programs devices and knowledge of how to apply these technologies, in order to survive in this competitive business world. There are many tools and powers that technology makes available to the business owner and employees. Selecting the right tool for each situation can enhance the business communication in many ways.

       In today’s flexible office settings, communication technology help people keep in touch and stay productivity.  According to Pescovitz (2010), “Working in teams is essential in every business. Teamwork can become complicated, however, when team members work in different parts of the company or in different times zones. And they need to collaborate, in this case, technology helps to bridge the distance by making it possible to brainstorm, attend virtual meetings, and share files from widely separated locations” (p.113).

      Company use a variety of communication technology such as wireless warehouses, package tracking, supply chain management in order to create products and services and deliver them to customer in easily way. The ability of easily access and share latest information improves the flow and timing of suppliers, decrease operating cost and increase financial performance. FedEx and UPS shipping company use such communication technology as wireless link. Hand-worn scanners use wireless links which help warehouse use personnel access instant information that lets them process more packages in less time at transit hubs (Lohr, 2010).

       Also the range of electronic media is broad and continues to grow even broader, from telephones and podcasts to blogs and wikis to email and text messages. When person wants to make a powerful impression, in this case using electronic media can increase the excitement and visual appeal with computer animation, video and music. Instant messaging is rapidly overtaking email in some companies. Brown (2010), stated that IBM employees send more than 5 million instant messaging a month.

       Careful and informed use of technology can help to compose and shape better messages in less time, today’s software provides a wide range of tools such as style sheets and templates, autocompletion, autocorrection and wizards, which help employees compose documents. According to Thill, Bovee (2008), many organizations provide employees with approved style sheets to ensure a consistent look for all company documents. Templates can define such factors as page design, and available fonts (p.155).

       Moreover digital technology has improved the business meetings, which are help to develop long term relationship and employees can discus the different internal question and problems in these meetings. Meeting technologies assist with local or on-site meetings, in which everyone is in the same room at the same time. The virtual meeting is one of the most recent innovations, which let team members in different locations interact without the disruption, risk and cost of travel. Companies begin to experiment with virtual worlds such as Second life, where professionals can create online versions of themselves and to participate in meetings, training sessions, sales presentations and other activities.

        Furthermore videoconferencing allows participants lend a personal touch to their communications. And individuals may establish eye contact which is crucial for fostering trust quickly. Videoconferencing can reduce businesses related travel and save time and money. Marketers can use videos, in order to demonstrate the new line of products and services for investors and potential customers, who are staying in other countries. Such company as Global Virtual Interviews utilizes the latest videoconferencing technology with access to over 3000 videoconferencing rooms worldwide and this company provides world class services of organising videoconferencing interviews and meetings all over the world. 

       Sathishkumar (2010), stated that videoconference applications can allow for communication emergence situations such as the volcanic eruption in Iceland that grounded airlines for several weeks across Western Europe. In such emergencies, executives can not fly to their destinations for conducting business meetings. However, using video conference they can ensure that the volcanic eruption does not delay their business tasks. This could result in millions of pounds in savings.

       The benefits of technology are almost immeasurable in business communication, because technologies have a lot of advantages. The internet means that meetings can be held online, through web conferences, videoconferences, teleconferences and webinars. Although business meetings over the internet are a solution to holding conferences with clients and businesses all over the world, face-to face meetings are still highly important. Face-to-face communication can be more effective than other types of communication, such as email or telephone, because it offers nonverbal clues that help people better understand the message. Davey (2010), stated that the fact remains that there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings, when employee wants to build emotional support with clients and develop long-term plan in the future.

       Face-to-face communication occurs in a wide range of business activities, including formal meetings, coffee room chitchat, hallway encounters, one-on-one coaching, annual evaluations and other activities. The Harvard Business Review conducted a global study in 2009 and they included over 2000 businesses in their research. Over 95% of the respondents judged face-to-face meeting to be critical for building long-term relationships (Kanter, 2010). Indeed, face-to-face meetings have seen as affective for negotiating contacts, interviewing senior staff for key positions, understanding and listening important customers.

       The biggest benefit of face-to-face communication is it personal, it provides immediate feedback and it conveys the emotional behind a message. When person interact with others one on one it is easier to form a bond or connection. In business, managers who make an effort to communicate with employees face-to-face can build strong relationships and enhance trust. According to a study conducted by KHR Solutions in early 2010 found that 56 percent of those responding preferred face-to-face communication with their managers and supervisors, and over 50 percent prefer face to face communication with their colleagues. (Davis, 2011).

       Face-to-face meetings have many positive features, which can not be achieved as well via other forms of communications. Nonverbal communication is a very important tool for getting message across clearly because it gives other way to communicate face-to-face with body language. Nonverbal communication can help to confirm or contradict a verbal message. Facial expression is necessary in face-to-face communicating. The different expressions can explain words in more detail.

        One important factor, which is lost by holding meetings online, is human contact between members. A welcome handshake can really set the atmosphere for a meeting and it is also polite. A friendly handshake can help calm nerves and promotes a sense of togetherness. According to scientists Roblin (2010), body language and facial gestures can say many things about a person, his strong and weak sides, manners and even habits. To know what kind of person is very essential aspect in negotiation. Body language is an important, because person can communicate using entire body, in order to express different emotions. A simple smile can convey a positive message that anyone can understand.

       Another reason why face-to-face communication is important is that person can tell the truth or not. When people communicate over the phone or through an email it is impossible to tell when a person is lying. But when it comes to personal communication it is not as easy to get away with a lie. Many people in business prefer this face-to-face method because it helps them to figure out if the person speaking is honest enough to go into business with.

      Similarly, business meetings allow participants opportunities to develop important exchange relationships among themselves. These exchanges can be in the form of business negotiations, personal favors, promises and understandings, which can not often be achieved via other forms of communication because of their personal and informal nature. Another aspect of face-to-face meetings is that they allow the direct expression of humor in a way that is not always conveyed in technology communications. Humor is being recognized as being an important component of human life as well as contributing positively to experiences in organizations.

      A further advantage of face-to-face meetings is that it occurs in real time as opposed to non-synchronized time. Communication technologies often are delayed because of a variety of reasons and technical problems. Personal business meetings afford participants opportunities to develop transparency and trust among each other in ways that are not always possible compared to other forms of communications. Trust is an integral part of business relationships and building trust is clearly a function of having repeated personal interactions with one another.

       In addition, face to face communication is very beneficial in increasing employee performance. Davis (2011), gave the example, assume that a lot of people work in an industry. It is observed that employees perform well, if they are appreciated for their efforts. If the boss comes out of his office to appreciate his employees, it enhances the employees' morale and next time they respond with great endeavor, regardless of the salary. On the other hand, appreciating via electronic communication does not have a deep impact on them.

       Moreover face-to-face communication uses in oral media, which include face-to-face conversations, interviews, speeches and in-person presentations. By giving communicators the ability to see, hear, and react to each other, traditional oral media are useful for encouraging people to ask questions, make comments and work together to reach a consensus or decision.

      On the whole for any modern-day enterprise it is essential that the company can effectively link and integrate technology into the business. Technology is so advanced and an important part of everyday life, especially in business communication. Digital technology gives more opportunities to businesses do theirs work faster, effective and profitable and has improved the business meetings. On the other hand face-to-face communicating is still the best way to get message across, because it has many positive sides, which can not be achieved as well through other forms of communications, such as email, telephone or teleconferencing.  Businesses can use nonverbal communication and appropriate body language, which is the best tools for getting message across clearly, in face-to-face meetings. Also businesses use face-to-face meetings, in order to increase productivity, to raise revenues, to build better relationships with customers, and survive longer in the business world.   

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