Педагогика ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Июня 2013 в 20:18, автореферат

Описание работы

Зерттеудің көкейкестілігі. Соңғы онжылдықтарда Қазақстан қоғамының саяси-әлеуметтік, экономикалық саласында болып жатқан өзгерістерге байланысты халықтың дәстүрлі педагогикалық мәдениетінде қалыптасқан озық тәжірибелерді зерттеп, зерделеуге аса назар аударылып отыр. Бұны елбасы Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың: «Қазақстанның бірегей халықтарының ұлтаралық және мәдениетаралық ынтымағы мен жетілуін қамтамасыз ете отырып, қазақ халқының көп ғасырлық дәстүрлерін, тілі мен мәдениетін сақтаймыз және дамыта түсеміз» деген Қазақстан халқына арнаған Жолдауы да, Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы» Заңының «жалпы адамзаттық және ұлттық құндылықтар негізінде, жастардың өз Отанына сүйіспеншілігін, халық дәстүрлеріне құрметін тәрбиелеу» қажет деген жетекші міндеттері де дәлелдейді.

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2. История развития традиционной системы воспитания казахского народа как одного из важных элементов традиционной педагогической культуры свидетельствует об ее многовековых корнях.

3. Демократические идеи выдающихся мыслителей, просветителей и общественных деятелей свидетельствуют об их преемственности с традиционной педагогической культурой казахского народа.

4. Теоретическое  обоснование сущности, содержания, особенностей традиционной педагогической  культуры казахского народа позволяет  говорить об ее потенциальных возможностях в совершенствовании современного образовательного и воспитательного процесса.

5. Концепция ориентирует на процесс и результат овладения будущими учителями системой знаний, умений и навыков творческого использования опыта традиционной педагогической культуры казахского народа в учебно- воспитательном процессе общеобразовательной школы.

6. Модель формирования этнопедагогической культуры будущих учителей представляет собой цель, виды культур, элементы готовности, содержание,  компоненты, критерии, показатели, уровни. Педагогические условия (содержательные, организационные, методические, материальные) обеспечивают формирование этнопедагогической культуры будущих учителей.

7. Методика  формирования этнопедагогической  культуры будущих учителей основывается на опыте, доказанном в ходе эксперимента и ориентирует на формирование их профессиональных умений. 

Научные результаты исследования:

1. Определены  социально-исторические условия,  способствующие становлению и  развитию традиционной педагогической  культуры казахского народа.

2. Раскрыты  периоды становления традиционной  культуры казахского народа как  воспитательного пространства.

3. Охарактеризована традиционная педагогическая культура как фактор формирования национального самосознания казахского народа.

4. Дана  сущностная характеристика традиционной  педагогической культуры казахского  народа.

5. Охарактеризована традиционная педагогическая культура казахского народа в содержании народного воспитания.

6. Раскрыты содержание и особенности этноэтикета как духовно-нравственной культуры казахского народа.

7. Раскрыты  взгляды мыслителей и жырши-жырау  на традиционную педагогическую  культуру казахского народа.

8. Выявлена  преемственность педагогических  традиций и демократических идей  выдающихся просветителей и общественных  деятелей.

9. Разработана  концепция использования традиционной  педагогической культуры казахского  народа в системе высшего образования. 

10. Разработана  модель, определены критерии, показатели, уровни и выявлены педагогические  условия формирования этнопедагогической  культуры будущих учителей.

11. Разработан  учебно-методический комплекс по  использованию традиционной педагогической  культуры казахского народа.

Проведенное исследование не претендует на раскрытие  сложной и многоаспектной проблемы. Решение её видится в использовании  традиционной педагогической культуры казахского народа в духовно-нравственном воспитании студентов; в формировании этнопедагогической культуры студентов  вуза и т. д.






Bakhtiyarova Gulshat Rakhmetzhanovna


Traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people

(History. The theory. Practice)


13.00.01 - General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education, ethnopedagogics.


      Urgency of research. In present conditions the traditional pedagogics of the Kazakh ethnos represents the great interest for people as historical and cultural experience and spiritual treasure. Penetration into a private world of people is possible only on the basis of studying traditional pedagogical culture. In this connection special value gets the education called creatively to broadcast the value of traditional pedagogical culture of a society that promotes increasing of ethnopedagogical culture of the teacher, deciding a series of problems of the person’s education.

The analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature, conditions of professional preparations of teachers in high school and pedagogical experience of the author allows contending that the problem of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers is not investigated enough in theory and in practice. Till now there is no system of united ethnopedagogical preparation in this sphere though the wide opportunities of ethnopedagogics using in in the pedagogical activity. As In new standards of education ethnopedagogics is include as the required subject only for four speciality (050102-Pedagogics and methodics of elementary education, 050103- Pedagogics and psychology, 050119-Foreign language: two foreign languages, 050120-Professional education). All of this convinces us once more of the actuality and necessity of investigating problem.

      Object of research - traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people.

      Subject of research: process of becoming and development of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people.

      The purpose of research - disclosing of process of becoming and development of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people and a substantiation of its theoretical basis and definition of a way of their use in system of modern supreme pedagogical education.

      The research problem:

1. To determine the sociohistorical conditions promoting becoming and development of the periods of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people.

2. To characterize history of development of a traditional educational system of Kazakh people as one of the important elements of traditional pedagogical culture.

3. To show continuity of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people and democratic ideas of outstanding thinkers, educators and public figures.

4. To prove theoretically essence, the contents and features of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people.

5. To develop the concept of use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in system of the supreme pedagogical education.

6. To develop model of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers and to reveal pedagogical conditions.

7. To develop a technique of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers and experimental check up its efficiency.

Scientific novelty and the theoretical importance of research:

1. The sociohistorical conditions promoting becoming and development of the periods of traditional pedagogical culture are certain.

2. The history of development of a traditional educational system of Kazakh people as one of the important elements of traditional pedagogical culture is characterized.

3. The continuity of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people and democratic ideas of thinkers, educators and public figures is shown.

4. The essence, the contents and features of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people are theoretically proved.

5. The concept of use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in system of the supreme pedagogical education is developed.

6. The model of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers is developed and pedagogical conditions, its promoting realizations are revealed.

7. The technique of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers is developed and experimental its efficiency is proved. 

The practical importance of research. Are developed:

- the Concept of use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in system of the supreme pedagogical education;

- a learning-methodical complex on use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people (addition to typical programs on pedagogical disciplines; programs of elective courses «Қазақ халқының дәстүрлі педагогикалық мәдениеті», «Қазақ этнопедагогикасы»; learning-methodical recommendations, the manual «Халық тағылымы – тәрбие қайнары», the monography «Қазақ халқының дәстүрлі педагогикалық мәдениетінің тарихнамасы», methodical indications: «Педагогика және Этнопедагогика бойынша тест тапсырмаларының жинағы», «Этнопедагогика: семинар және практикалық жұмыстар»).

Results of research can be used in the supreme and average special pedagogical educational institutions, in comprehensive schools, in institutes of improvement of professional skill.

Substantive provisions, выносимые on protection:

1. The traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people is the empirical experience based on a complete expedient national educational system which has developed centuries under influence of sociohistorical conditions and cultural wealth-moral. Its becoming and development can be characterized four periods:

- the first period (VI-IX centuries) becoming of traditional pedagogical culture of people, the breeding unions lived in territory of Kazakhstan, under influence of ancient Turkic traditions on a joint of different cultures (Saks, Hunnus, Kanls, Turkic and Turgesh kakhanat, etc.);

- the second period (X century - first half XV century) development of traditional pedagogical culture of people occupied territory of Kazakhstan, in sphere of national cognition of the world, based on Old Turkic culture and dominating Islamic religion;

- the third period (second half XV century - XIX century) development of traditional pedagogical culture during Kazakh khanate under influence of Russian and West-European idea;

- the fourth period (second half XIX century - the beginning of XXI century) development of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan in interaction with educational system and a pedagogical science.

2. The history of development of a traditional educational system of Kazakh people as one of the important elements of traditional pedagogical culture testifies to its centuries-old roots.

3. Democratic ideas of outstanding thinkers, educators and public figures testify to their continuity with traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people.

4. The theoretical substantiation of essence, the contents, features of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people allows to speak about its potential opportunities in perfection of modern educational and educational process.

5. The concept focuss on process and result of mastering by the future teachers system of knowledge, skills of creative use of experience of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in learning-educational process of a comprehensive school.

6. The model of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers represents the purpose, kinds of cultures, elements of readiness, the contents, components, criteria, parameters, levels. Pedagogical conditions (substantial, organizational, methodical, material) provide formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers.

7. The technique of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers is based on the experience proved during experiment and focuss on formation of their professional skills. 

Scientific results of research:

1. The sociohistorical conditions promoting becoming and development of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people are certain.

2. The periods of becoming of traditional culture of Kazakh people as educational space are opened.

3. The traditional pedagogical culture as the factor of formation of national consciousness of Kazakh people is characterized.

4. The intrinsic characteristic of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people is given.

5. The traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in the contents of national education is characterized.

6. Are opened the contents and features of ethnoetiquette as spiritually-moral culture of Kazakh people.

7. Sights of thinkers and zhyrshy-zhyrau on traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people are opened.

8. The continuity of pedagogical traditions and democratic ideas of outstanding educators and public figures is revealed.

9. The concept of use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in system of higher education is developed.

10. The model is developed, criteria, parameters, levels are certain and pedagogical conditions of formation of ethnopedagogical culture of the future teachers are revealed.

11. The learning-methodical complex on use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people is developed.

Carried out research does not apply for disclosing of a complex and multidimensional problem. Its decision sees in use of traditional pedagogical culture of Kazakh people in spiritually-moral education of students; in formation of ethnopedagogical culture of students of high school, etc.

































Басуға 13.09.2010 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60×84 1/6.  
Офсеттік қағаз. Әріп түрі «Таймс». Офсеттік басылыс.  
Шартты баспа табағы 2,5. Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс № 553


А. Ясауи  атындағы ХҚТУ-дің

«Тұран» баспаханасында басылды.

Түркістан қаласы, Университет қалашығы

Информация о работе Педагогика ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның