Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Декабря 2011 в 21:00, курсовая работа
Исходя из поставленной цели, объекта, предмета исследования, были сформулированы следующие задачи исследования:
рассмотреть понятие аудирования как вид речевой деятельности;
проанализировать теоретические исследования отечественных и зарубежных авторов по проблеме исследования;
определить алгоритм работы по обучению аудированию на среднем этапе обучения английскому языку;
рассмотреть принципы отбора и использования видеоматериалов в учебном процессе по иностранному языку;
разработать план урока с использованием видеофильма.
Использование видеоматериалов в процессе обучения иностранным языкам способно существенным образом повысить эффективность обучающей деятельности учителя, так как видеоматериалы представляют собой образцы аутентичного языкового общения, создают атмосферу реальной языковой коммуникации, делают процесс усвоения иноязычного материала более живым, интересным, проблемным, убедительным и эмоциональным.
В результате проведенного исследования:
рассмотрено понятие
2)выявлены качественные характеристики видеоматериалов как одного из видов дидактических материалов;
3) рассмотрен алгоритм работы с видеоматериалами;
разработан план урока с
использования видеофильма при
обучении иноязычной речи зависит не
только от правильного определения
его места в структуре занятия,
но и от того, насколько рационально
организованно само занятие, как
согласованы учебные
использованной литературы
Видео “Gogo Loves English” “We are building a tree house”
Gogo: Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
Jenny: Hello, Gogo.
Gogo: What are you doing?
Tony: We are building a tree house.
Gogo: Can I help?
Tony: Yes, please, Gogo. You can help Jenny.
Gogo: What’s she doing?
Tony: She’s cutting the wood.
Gogo: Stand back, please, Jenny.
Jenny: Very good, Gogo. Thank you.
Gogo: That’s all right.
Tony: Ouch!
Jenny: That’s Tony. He’s using the hammer.
Gogo: What’s he doing?
Jenny: He’s making the floor.
Gogo: Can I help you, Tony?
Tony: Yes, you can. Look, Jenny. The hammer’s hitting the nails. Ah, Jenny is climbing up the ladder. She’s carrying the paint and the brushes.
Gogo: Oh, good! We can paint the house. What colour have you got, Jenny?
Jenny: White.
Gogo: Hm…
Jenny: Gogo, that’s not white. It’s pink.
Gogo: I like pink.
Jenny: Purple!
Gogo: I like purple. This house is very small.
Tony, Jenny: Oh, Gogo.
Jeeby: Look, the door’s opening.
Gogo: That’s right, Jeeby. I’m opening the door. Good morning.
Jeeby, : Good morning, Gogo.
Gogo: Come in.
Tappy: What are you doing?
Gogo: I’m closing the door. What are Tony and Jenny building, Pod?
Pod: Er… er…
Gogo: They’re building a tree house. What are they doing?
Pod: They’re building a tree house.
Gogo: Tony is making the floor. What’s Tony using, Tappy?
Tappy: He’s using a…a…
Jeeby: He’s using a hammer, Gogo.
Gogo: Very good, Jeeby. What’s jenny carrying, Tappy?
Tappy: She’s carrying paint and brushes.
Gogo: Very good, Tappy.
Tappy: I want a tree house.
Gogo: Do you want a tree house, Jeeby?
Jeeby: Yes, please.
Gogo: And you, Pod?
Pod: Yes, please.
Gogo: Then let’s build a tree house.
Song: I’m building the house.
I’m making the floor.
I’m painting the walls.
And I’m painting the door.
I’m using the hammer.
I’m hitting the nails.
I’m cutting the wood.
I’m making it good.
We are builders.
We can build.
We are painters.
We can paint.
Let’s build the house.
Let’s make the floor.
Let’s paint the wall.
let’s paint the door.
Видео “Gogo loves English” “What’s she doing?”
Gogo: Hello, Tony.
Tony: Hello, Gogo. What’s that?
Gogo: It’s my submarine. Get in.
Tony: All right. Super.
Gogo: Look, there’s Jenny.
Tony: What’s she doing?
Gogo: I don’t know.
Tony: She is diving.
Gogo: She is not diving now.
Tony: What’s she doing?
Gogo: She is swimming. Hello, Jenny.
Jenny: Hello, Gogo.
Gogo: Get in, Jenny.
Jenny: What’s the submarine doing?
Gogo: It’s diving. What can you see?
Jenny: I can see a park. I can see a man.
Tony: What’s he doing?
Jenny: He’s walking. I can see a boy.
Gogo: What’s he doing?
Jenny: he’s fishing. You look, Tony.
Tony: Thank you. I can see a girl. She’s running. I can see a bridge. Look out, Gogo!
Jenny: Oh! The submarine is sinking.
Don’t worry, Jenny.
Gogo: What’s Jeeby doing? She is fishing.
Jeeby, Pod, Tappy: She is fishing.
Tappy: What’s she doing?
Gogo: She is diving.
Pod: What’s she doing?
Jeeby, Pod, Tappy: She is swimming.
Gogo: Tappy is walking. Tappy is running now.
What’s she doing?
What’s she doing?
She is fishing.
What’s he doing?
What’s he doing?
He is walking.
What’s she doing?
What’s she doing?
She is swimming.
What’s he doing?
What’s he doing?
is running.
Видео “Gogo loves English” “What are we doing?”
Gogo: Hello, Tony. Hello, Jenny.
Tony, Jenny: Hello, Gogo.
Gogo: What are they?
Tony: They are puppets, Gogo.
Jenny: This is her head. These are her arms.
Gogo: What are these?
Jenny: They’re her arms. Thank you, Gogo. These are her legs. These are her feet.
Gogo: What are you doing?
Tony: I’m painting. These are his eyes. These are his ears. This is his nose and this is his mouth
Gogo: I like puppets.
Tony: What are they doing?
Jenny: They are sitting.
Tony: Now they are standing. Can they dance, Gogo?
Gogo: Watch. They can sing too. Listen.
Puppets: What are we doing? We are singing and dancing. What are we doing? We are singing and dancing. Under the table. Behind the chairs, through the door and down the stairs. What are we doing? We are singing and dancing. What are we doing? We are singing and dancing. Up the stairs and through the door, behind the chairs and on the floor.
Tony: What are they doing now?
Jenny: They are slleping.
Mum: Tony! Jenny! It’s time for bed.
Oh, it’s nine o’clock. Goodnight, Gogo.
Gogo: What are you doing?
Jeeby, Pod, Tappy: Wr are painting.
Jeeby: These are birds, Gogo.
Gogo: Very good, Jeeby. What are they doing?
Jeeby: They are flying, Gogo.
Tappy: Look, we’re reading, Gogo.
Gogo: Very good. What are they doing, Pod?
Pod: They’re sleeping.
Tappy: What’s that. Gogo?
Gogo: It’s a puppet. Head, arms, hands, legs, feet. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth. Have you got arms, Jeeby?
Jeeby: Yes, I have.
Gogo: Have you got legs?
Jeeby: No, I haven’t. I’ve got eyes.
Tappy: I’ve got eyes. I’ve got legs and I’ve got arms.
Pod: You haven’t got ears!
Gogo: How many hands nave you got, Tappy?
Tappy: One, two, three. I’ve got three hands.
Gogo: Have you got hands, Pod?
Pod: Er, no. No. I haven’t got hands.
Gogo: Have you got legs, Pod?
Pod: Er, no. No. I haven’t got legs. I’ve got a head!
Информация о работе Обучение аудированию на среднем этапе в средней школе