Шпаргалка по "История английского языка"

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I have not had time to examine this room  yet

У меня еще не было времени осмотреть эту комнату.

I have nobody to say a kind word to me. (Trollope)

У меня нет никого, кто сказал бы мне доброе слово.

-as an adverbial modifier

a)of purpose:

То pacify her, I held the window ajar a few seconds.

Чтобы успокоить ее, я на несколько секунд приоткрыла окно.

b)of result:

I was too busy to see any one.

Я был  так занят, что не мог ни с кем  встречаться.

He was so weak as to be unable to work.

Он был  так слаб, что не мог работать.

c)of comparison(manner)

She nervously moved her hand towards his lips as if to stop him

Она нервно протянула  руку к его губам, как будто  хотела остановить его.

d) attendant circumstances.

She  was   driven   away,   never   to   revisit   this   neighbourhood

Она была вынуждена  уехать и больше не вернулась в  эти места.

-as paranthesis:

Well, to cut a long story short, they thought it would be more economical to live at the villa.

Короче говоря, они решили, что будет дешевле  жить на вилле. 


1.The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case. In the sentence this construction has the function of a Complex Object. In translating the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction into Russian there is always used a subordinate clause.

She is a wonderful teacher and I’ve never seen her lose her temper or get angry about anything. – Она замечательная учительница, и я никогда не видела, чтобы она вышла из себя или рассердилась из-за чего-нибудь.

1.The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is used:

After verbs denoting sense perception, such as: “to hear”, “to see”,  “to watch”, “to feel”, “to observe”, “to notice”, etc.

I haven’t heard anyone call me. – Я не слышал, чтобы

  кто-нибудь меня звал.

2. After verbs denoting mental activity, such as: “to know”, “to think”,  “to consider”, “to believe”, “to suppose”,  “to expect”, “to imagine”, “to find”, “to feel”, “to trust”, and etc.

I know you to be the most honest, spotless creature that ever lived. –   Я знаю, что Вы самое честное и безупречное существо из всех, когда-либо живших на свете.

3. After verbs of declaring: “to pronounce”, “to declare”, “to report”.

The surgeon pronounced the wound to be a slight one. – Врач сказал, что рана легкая.

  1. After verbs denoting wish and intention: “to want”, “to wish”, “to desire”, “to mean”, “to intend”, “to choose” (in the meaning “хотеть”) and also after the construction “I would like” (Я хотел бы).

He intended me to go with him to India. – Он хотел, чтобы я поехала с ним в Индию.

5. After verbs and expressions denoting feeling and emotion: “to like”, “to dislike”, “to love”, “to hate”, “cannot bear”, etc.

I dislike you to talk like that. – Я не люблю, когда ты так говоришь.

6. After verbs denoting order and permission: “to order”, “to allow”, “to suffer”, “to have”, etc.

Here we find the Objective-with-the-Infinitive only if the object is expressed by a noun or pronoun, denoting lifeless thing or when the Infinitive is passive. This restriction does not apply to the verbs “to suffer” and “to have”.

Mr. Sinclair ordered his carriage to be ready early in the morning. – Мистер Синклер распорядился, чтобы экипаж был готов рано утром.

However, if the noun or pronoun denotes a person and it is followed by an inactive form as a rule the Infinitive is not a part of the Complex Object and has the function of second Direct Object, immediately subordinated to the Verb.

7. used after verbs denoting compulsion: “to make” (in the meaning “заставить”), “to cause” (“заставить”, “распорядиться”), “to get” (“добиться”), “to have” (“заставить”,”сказать чтобы”).

Light steps in the gravel made him turn his head. – Легкие шаги по гравию заставили его повернуть голову. (This sentence is translated by simple sentence.)

8. is widely used with the preposition “for.

He waited for her to speak but she did not. – Он ждал, чтобы она заговорила, но она молчала.

Occasionally the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction occurs with the preposition “on” or “upon” (after the verb “to rely”).

I rely on you to come in time. – Я расчитываю, что вы придете вовремя.

2. The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction

(The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction)

The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction traditionally called the Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or pronoun in the nominative case.

The peculiarity of this construction is that it does not serve as one part of the sentence. One of its component parts has the function of the subject, the other forms part of a compound verbal predicate.

Jane is said to resemble me. – Говорят, что Джейн похожа на меняю.

The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is used with the following groups of verbs in the Passive Voice.

  1. With verbs denoting sense perception: “to see”, “to hear”, etc.

Mr. Mc’Cord was heard to laugh heartily. – Слышно было, как смеется мистер Мак Корд.

If a process is expressed Participle I Indefinite Active is used. 

Eg. Jill’s father was heard approaching at that moment. – В этот момент они услышали, что подходит отец Джилл.

The sentences (The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction) with the verbs denoting sense perception are translated into Russian by complex sentence.

  1. With verbs denoting mental activity: “to think”, “to consider”, “to know”, “to expect”, “to believe”, “to suppose”.

 He was thought to be honest and kindly. – Его считали честным и добрым человеком.

My father was considered by many to be a great man. – Многие считали моего отца незаурядным человеком.

The sentences (The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction) with the verbs denoting mental activity can be translated into Russian both by simple and complex sentence.

  1. With verb “to make”.

Little boy was aroused and made to put on his clothes. – Маленького мальчика разбудили и заставили одеться.

  1. With verbs “to say” and “to report”.

Eg. The gods had given her dark-brown eyes and golden hair, which is said to be the mark of a weak character. – Боги наделили ее темно-карими глазами и золотистыми волосами, что, как говорят, является признаком слабости характера. 

It should be noticed that after verbs in the Passive Voice the Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction is more characteristic of literary than of colloquial style, except with the verbs “to suppose”, “to expect”, “to make”. With these verbs the Subjective Infinitive can be found both in fiction and in colloquial language.

3. The For-to-Infinitive Construction

The For-to-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun or pronoun preceded by the preposition “for”.

In translating this construction into Russian a subordinate clause or an infinitive is used. The construction can have different functions in the sentence. It can be:

  1. Subject, often with the introductory “it

Eg. I sometimes think it is shame for people to spend so much money this way. – Я иногда думаю, что стыдно людям тратить на это так  много денег. 

  1. Predicative

Eg. That was for him to find out. – Выяснить это должен был он. 

  1. Attribute

Eg. There is nobody here for him to play with. – Здесь нет никого, с кем он мог бы поиграть. 

  1. Complex Object
  2. Eg. He waited for her to speak. – Он ждал, когда она заговорит.

He asked for the papers to be brought. – Он попросил принести бумаги. 

  1. Adverbial Modifier:
  1. of result

Eg. He spoke loud enough for you to hear. – Он говорил достаточно громко, чтобы Вы могли его слышать.

He had consented, and it was too late for him now to recede. – Он уже дал согласие, и теперь было поздно отступать. 

  1. of purpose

Eg. He stepped aside for me to pass. – Он отошел в сторону, чтобы я могла пройти.

He spoke loud for me to hear. – Он говорил громко, чтобы я могла услышать. 

With the expressions “to be sorry”, “to be glad”, “to be pleased”  the Infinitive is used only if the subject of the sentence represents at the same time the doer of the action expressed by the Infinitive, over wise a subordinate clause is used.

Eg. I am pleased to have got a ticket for the concert. – Я рада, что достала билет на этот концертю

I am glad to have seen you. – Я раг, что встретил тебя. 



  past past progressive
active   eating having eaten having been eating
(passive) being eaten having been eaten having been being eaten

Functions in sentence:

1. The gerund as a subject.

My answering   in   the affirmative   gave him great satisfaction.

To, что я ответил утвердительно, было ему очень приятно.

The gerund used as a subject may follow the predicate; in these cases the sentence opens with the introductory it (which serves as an introductory subject) or with the construction there is-

It's no use talking like that to me.

Бесполезно говорить со мной  в таком тоне.

2.   The gerund as a predicative

The only remedy for such   a headache as mine is going to bed.

Единственное  средство от такой головной боли, как  у меня,—это лечь спать

3.  The gerund as part of compound verbal  predicate.

(a)  With verbs and verbal phrase's denoting modalitу the gerund forms part of a compound verbal modal predicate.

We intend   going to Switzerland, and  climbing  Mount  Blanc.

Мы хотим поехать  в Швейцарию и подняться на Монблан.

b) the beginning, the duration, or the end an action

She began sobbing and weeping,

In the night it started gaining,

Bathsheba continued. walking.

4.   The gerund as an object.

The gerund may be used as a direct object and  as a prepositional indirect object

I simply love riding. (direct object)

Я просто обожаю кататься верхом.

The times were good for building ... (prepositional


Время для постройки  дома было самое подходящее

5.   The gerund as an attribute.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition

Swithin protruded his pale round eyes with the effort of hearing     

Суизин   широко   открыл   свои   бесцветные   круглые глаза, стараясь услышать разговор.

Не was born with the gift of winning hearts, (Qaskell) Он родился с даром покорять сердца.

6.   The gerund as an adverbial modifier.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition. It is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time, manner, attendant circumstances, cause, condition, purpose and concession; the most common functions are those of adverbial modifiers of time, manner, and attendant circumstances.

(a) As an adverbial modifier of -time the gerund is preceded by the prepositions after, before, on (upon),  in or at.

After leaving   her umbrella in the hall, she  entered the living room. (Cronin)

Оставив зонтик в передней, она вошла в гостиную

  (b)   As an adverbial modifier  of  manner  the  gerund   is  used with the preposition by or in

She startled her father by bursting into tears. Она напугала своего отца тем, что расплакалась.

 The day was spent in packing.   День прошел за упаковкой вещей.

(c)   As  an  adverbial  modifier  of  attendant  circumstances   the gerund is preceded by the preposition without

She was not brilliant, not active, but rather peaceful and statuesque without knowing it.

Это была женщина не блестящая, не энергичная, но она была очень спокойна и величественна, сама того не зная.

(d)   As an adverbial modifier  of purpose, the  gerund is chiefly used with the preposition for.

... one side of the gallery was used for   dancing. (Eliot) ... одна сторона галереи использовалась для танцев.

е) As  an adverbial   modifier  of condition  the gerund   is preceded by the preposition without

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