21 Ноября 2011, сочинение
In this topic, “People in organization”, I will tell you firstly about organization. Then I will tell about people in organization. Then I will pass to organization and climate. After that I will tell about job description, job specification and entrepreneurs.
I will start with organization. So, what is organization? Basically, an organization in its simplest form is a person or group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. Business organizations can range in size from one person to tens of thousands. It is important to examine the various parts of organization theory. These components are: goals, work, power and authority, delegation, structure.
12 Января 2012, контрольная работа
aining the lead, Russia has to make a complete U-turn in its educational policy. Russian high schools are no longer a source of pride. The level of attainment of students graduating from Russian universities is extremely low, and Secretary of Education and Skills Andrey Fursenko graded that system itself with “total E”. It is quite clear, as the experts say, that Russian universities are still using the models formed by the middle of XIX century.
19 Февраля 2013, реферат
Knowledge of the structure of sound system and its articulatory and acoustic characteristics is very important in teaching and learning foreign languages. The teacher has to know the starting point from which to begin teaching; he must be able to point out the differences between the pupil’s mother tongue and the language to be learnt. He should be able to choose adequate training exercises.
That’s why it is vital to know, at least, the basic principles of this science.
05 Марта 2013, творческая работа
- the segmental/phonetic component;
- the syllabic structure;
- the accentual structure/ word stress/ lexical stress;
- intonation
An utterance is a succession of the smallest, further indivisible segments which are easily singled out in the flow of speech as separate discrete elements.
17 Ноября 2011, реферат
характеристика библеизмов и их перечень
14 Декабря 2011, реферат
Russian citizens have the right to education guaranteed by the ConstitutionSistemy public education in our country includes pre-school, secondary schools, special secondary and higher education.
Pre-school consists of kindergarten. Children there learn reading, writing and arithmetic.
14 Ноября 2011, реферат
The modern political party system in the United States is a two-party system dominated by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These two parties have won every United States presidential election since 1852 and have controlled the United States Congress since at least 1856. Several other third parties from time to time achieve relatively minor representation at the national and state levels.
01 Декабря 2011, реферат
The British monarch or Sovereign - head of state in the United Kingdom and British overseas territories. Current britanskayamonarhiya can trace its roots to the Anglo-Saxon period. In the IX century, Wessex came to dominate, and in the X century England was collected into a single kingdom. Most British monarchs in the Middle Ages, ruled as absolute monarchs. Often, their power is limited to the nobility and later the House of Commons. The powers of the monarch, known as the royal prerogative, is still extensive.Most of the prerogatives of the ministers realized in practice, such as the power to regulate the civil service and the authority to issue passports. Some of the prerogatives of the monarch performed nominally, on the advice of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, according to the constitutional convention. Example of powers - the power to dissolve parliament. According to the parliamentary report, "The Crown can’t introduce new prerogatives."
The Constitution of the United Kingdom legally non-existent long maintained that political power ultimately by Parliament (in which the Sovereign does not belong to political parties), the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
In the present monarch - Elizabeth II, the reign of February 6, 1952. Its successor is the eldest son, Prince Charles. The Prince of Wales performs ceremonial functions, as well as husband of Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. In addition, there are a five members of the royal family : children, grandchildren and cousins.
24 Сентября 2011, реферат
According to the Australian Constitution, that was adopted on January 1, 1901, the legislative branch is represented by the Federal Parliament. The Parliament is made up of two houses: the Senate with 76 senators and the House of Representatives with 148 members. The lawmakers are elected by the people. Voting is compulsory. Australian citizens can vote by mail. Those who abstain from voting are fined. Australians are proud of the fact that secret ballot was first introduced in Australia.
18 Февраля 2013, реферат
Borders: Total length is 13 095 km with a sea border of 2964 km. The borderline between Kazakhstan and Russia - 7.512 km - is the longest land border in the world. Kazakhstan also borders China to the east for 1782,75 km, to the south - Turkmenistan for 426 km, Uzbekistan for 2134,2 km. and Kyrgyzstan for 1241,58 km. Kazakhstan has long coastline - it borders the Aral Sea, now split into two bodies of water, for 1,070 km, and the Caspian Sea for 1,894 km.
24 Октября 2011, реферат
The question of whether one and the same term always has one and the same meaning or whether a term may have different mean¬ings hot only remains open but also a question which is very often discussed mainly from a critical point of view, we know from the literature that ideally every term should possess one single meaning. Terms should serve to convey intellective information with as much precision as possible. Hence, the tendency towards the monosemy of a term, especially in a science like mathematics, where the scarcity of polyse-mantic words is quite obvious.
24 Ноября 2011, доклад
First there was the town crier, literally a "walking newspaper." His role was critical: singing out on every corner the latest news, announcing events of public interest, keeping the people informed of everything from burials, weddings, goods for sale, lost objects, and anything of interest. The town crier became outmoded with the advent of printing around 1500 - one of the greatest events in history.
14 Марта 2012, реферат
For the first time in Ukraine have started talking about a duet of Potapa and Nasti Kamensk after execution of a song by them «Without love». The given project has been developed by the producer center «Music Motors» and as had not ordinary character has involved in itself a lot of attention that certainly and doesn't cause surprise, after all vocal given Nasti Kamensk and texts of Potapa grasp literally everyone.
05 Января 2011, доклад
"We need to provide more comfortable conditions for domestic and foreign companies for initial public offerings. According to the data I have, in the first eleven months of this year 14 companies have placed their shares in Russia, a figure that we can hardly be proud of. Of course, this is connected not only with legislation but also with our investment climate," he said, RIA Novosti reported.
14 Января 2012, реферат
National problems are very important in nowadays. The formulation of the question, in contrast to previously published, is aimed analysis on how the micro-level socio-economic transforming effect on the scope of national identity, the processes of ethno- individual's cultural identity, language and conduct field interethnic communication.
08 Ноября 2010, сочинение
небольшое сочинение на английском языке с переводом
Youth is a very important period in the life of a human being. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine his place in the universe. Young people face a great deal of problems which are very important for them. They do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique.
(Молодежь - очень важный период в жизни человека. Это - время, когда человек обнаруживает мир и пытается определить его место во вселенной. Молодые люди оказываются перед большим количеством проблем, которые очень важны для них. Они не отличаются очень от тех, с которыми, как только должны были иметь дело их родители. В то же самое время каждое поколение уникально)
10 Января 2013, творческая работа
This is representative of the government, designed to settle legal disputes between individuals, organizations, and government agencies.
The judge - a man who takes responsibility to resolve the conflict between the two parties, whether the dispute between competing companies or former spouses. The judiciary is independent and independent of the legislature and the executive, it is carried out by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Judges are subject only to the Constitution and other laws
15 Февраля 2012, реферат
Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with Third-Countries. In addition, it contributes to the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of Higher education institutions in Third Countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and these countries.
24 Августа 2011, реферат
In recent years the United Nations Environment Program, UN Conference on Environment and
Development, and other international organizations have acknowledged the importance of civil society for
engaging stakeholders in environmental change—especially at the local community level—and in
promoting democracy.1 In Russia, efforts by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to promote reform
since 1991 have aimed at achieving both objectives and face numerous political, legal, and attitudinal
11 Апреля 2013, реферат
Promovarea reprezintă totalitatea activităţilor necesare pentru transmiterea informaţiilor către clienţi, sprijinirea vânzării şi influenţarea favorabilă a deciziei de achiziţie şi consum a clienţilor(Popescu 2003).
Stimularea vânzărilor constă în acordarea unor stimulente pe termen scurt clienţilor care vor să cumpere noile produse demonstănd astfel existenţa unui anumit interes pentru noile produse .Aceste stimulente pot fi:
Publicitatea la locul vânzării
20 Октября 2011, реферат
There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Summer Bank Holiday. All of them (except New Year's Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day) are movable. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday, which falls on the псы Sunday after a fool moon on or after March 21. May Day falls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Bank Holiday - on the last Monday of May, Late Summer Bank Holiday - on the last Monday of August.
04 Декабря 2011, лекция
A public house, informally known as a pub, is a drinking establishment fundamental to the culture of Britain,[1][2] Ireland,[3] Australia[4] and New Zealand. There are approximately 53,500 public houses in the United Kingdom.[5] This number has been declining every year, so that nearly half of the smaller villages no longer have a local pub.[6] In many places, especially in villages, a pub can be the focal point of the community.
16 Декабря 2010, биография
Биография А. С. Пушкина на английском языке (5000 знаков)
18 Октября 2011, сочинение
Pythagoras of Samos was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. Most of the information about Pythagoras was written down centuries after he lived, so very little reliable information is known about him. He was born on the island of Samos, and might have travelled widely in his youth, visiting Egypt and other places seeking knowledge. He had a teacher named Themistoclea, who introduced him to the principles of ethics.
26 Декабря 2011, реферат
Quantitative techniques describe variables by assigning a number – representing an attitude, opinion or motivation- which can be statistically analyzed. Quantitative methods are based on facts that can be observed, and then analysed. To find out economic influences of tourism in the town of Imatra and to study money consumption of individual tourists in the town, we need to think about what kind of variables and indicators (ways and tools to collect data) can be used in the study.
26 Октября 2011, реферат
A rapid transit, underground, subway, elevated railway, metro or metropolitan railway system is an electric passenger railway in an urban area with a high capacity and frequency, and grade separation from other traffic. Rapid transit systems are typically located either in underground tunnels or on elevated rails above street level. Outside urban centers, rapid transit lines may run on grade separated ground level tracks.
06 Декабря 2012, сочинение
Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different countries. Through reading books we hear their voices, thoughts and feelings. It gives us an insight not only into the past, but also into the future.
16 Января 2011, реферат
Currently, the tourism potential of the Crimean peninsula can be estimated as follows:
- Historical and cultural resources:
In the Crimea over 11,500 historical monuments, culture and architecture, belonging to different historical epochs, civilizations, ethnic groups and religions. The most famous ones, for example, a complex of cave towns and monasteries, Genoese fortress, sacred places of various faiths and others are used as tourist attractions.
06 Февраля 2011, реферат
It is not a part of the plan of this book to present any extended bibliography, but there are certain reference books to which the student's attention should be called.