Profession of judge

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Января 2013 в 07:32, творческая работа

Описание работы

This is representative of the government, designed to settle legal disputes between individuals, organizations, and government agencies.
The judge - a man who takes responsibility to resolve the conflict between the two parties, whether the dispute between competing companies or former spouses. The judiciary is independent and independent of the legislature and the executive, it is carried out by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Judges are subject only to the Constitution and other laws

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Profession of judge

This is representative of the government, designed to settle legal disputes between individuals, organizations, and government agencies.

The judge - a man who takes responsibility to resolve the conflict between the two parties, whether the dispute between competing companies or former spouses. The judiciary is independent and independent of the legislature and the executive, it is carried out by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. Judges are subject only to the Constitution and other laws

Requirements and orders of judges due to their work, are required for any and all state bodies, public organizations, businesses and individuals. Work of judges clearly regulated by law, in particular, the law "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation." They are appointed for life and inviolable, that is against them can not be prosecuted (except for a small number of cases, again, clearly specified in the law). These specialists work in the courts of different levels (from the magistrate authorizing small administrative and financial disputes before the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation).

The work takes place in a high mental stress, is in production at the same time a large number of cases that have to deal with many people who are not always well-disposed with respect to the situation. Often the parties to the proceedings are dissatisfied with the decision of the court, we can not exclude the direct pressure of representatives of criminals (although in this case, the law protects judges: contempt of court, defamation or threats against persons administering justice, strict liability, including imprisonment, and for the encroachment on their lives - up to life imprisonment).

 Personal qualities

An adequate assessment of other people's actions, and the judge himself to be a man of high moral principles. Independence and impartiality - these are the qualities that are most important for the expert, whose responsibilities include independent decision making and which in any case should not go on about the threats or "mutually beneficial proposals."



Claiming to be a judge in the court of federal or autonomous region must be at least 30 years old and have experience in the legal profession for at least 7 years. Judge - an elected position, one who meets the requirements, may apply for the contest to fill the respective vacancies. Must pass a difficult qualifying examinations of the special board of judges.

First, you, of course, legal literacy, perfect knowledge of the laws and regulations on the basis of which the proceedings. Criteria for office clearly define the path of building a career in this field.

1. Get a law degree.

2. Some time to work in the legal profession (for example, as a legal adviser in the organization or instructor of relevant disciplines at the university.)

3. To bid for judgeship and pass a qualifying exam.

4. With the accumulation of seniority and experience to apply for employment in the higher courts.

Place of work and career:

These specialists work in the courts of different levels (from the magistrate authorizing small administrative and financial disputes before the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation).

Информация о работе Profession of judge