Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Ноября 2011 в 21:21, курсовая работа

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Statistics are social science, which studies the quantitative side of the high-quality certain mass socio-economic phenomena and processes, their structure and distributing, placing in space, direction and speed of time-histories, tendencies and conformities to law of motion, closeness of intercommunications and interdepends.
The quantitative side of any public phenomenon is indissolubly related to his high-quality aspects, because a quantitative dimension does not exist without high-quality definiteness.


1. An object, task of statistics, its organization, short history of development and connection, is with other sciences........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. An object, task of statistics and its connection, is with other sciences..................................5
1.2. Short history of development of statistics..............................................................................7
2. Statistical estimation of indexes of products of stock-raising and factors, that on it influence.......................................................................................................................................9
2.1. System of indexes of statistics of stock-raising and method of their calculation....................................................................................................................................9
2.2. Statistical groupings and their kinds....................................................................................11
2.3. Distributing rows and them graphic image..........................................................................15
2.4. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows......................................................................21
2.5. Variation of signs and indexes of their measuring...............................................................29
2.6. Verification of accordance of distributing of frequencies of empiric row to distributing
2.7. Selective method....................................................................................................................37
3. Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed...........................................................................................................................................40
3.1. Grade correlation..................................................................................................................40
3.2. Linear regression. Determination of parameters of connection and them economic interpretation.................................................................................................................................43
3.3. Measuring of intensity of correlation. Coefficient of simple correlation and his maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 48
3.4. Plural correlation...................................................................................................................50
List of the used literature...............................................................................................................57

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      Mean linear deviation - = ;

     Dispersion - = ;

     Standard deviation - = .

     Will confirm the calculation of dispersion, expecting it the method of counting out from the conditional beginning (by the method of moments). 

Table 22. Calculation of dispersion  after the output of calves the method of counting out from a conditional zero

Groups are after the output of calves Frequency


Center  of interval, х         Counting out is from the conditional beginning




( )2 ( )2*f
90 – 91,4 6 90,7 -2,8 -2 4 24
91,4 – 92,8 3 92,1 -1,4 -1 1 3
92,8 – 94,2 9 93,5      0       0 0 0
94,2 –  95,6 5 94,9 1,4 1 1         5
95,6 - 97 7 96,3 2,8 2 4 28
Together: 30 Х Х Х Х 60

      Certain and got before will put information to the formula and will calculate the size of dispersion: 


      Size of dispersions, and consequently and standard deviation coincides. 

Table 23. A calculation of the self-weighted  indexes of variation is after a yield

№ groups Groups after

by a yield



Center  of interval,


f 2 2f
   1 31,3 – 33,28 3 32,29 4,36 13,08 19,0096 57,03
2 33,28 – 35,26 3 34,27 2,38 7,14 5,66    16,98
3 35,26 – 37,24 8 36,25 0,4 3,2 0,16     1,28
4 37,24 – 39,22 13 38,23     1,58     20,54     2,5     32,4
5 39,22 – 41,2 3 40,21     3,56     10,68     12,67     38,01
  Together 30 Х      Х 54,64      Х 145,7

     As our information is presented as an interval variation row of distributing, utillize formulas for the grouped information.

      Mean linear deviation - = ;

     Dispersion - = ;

     Standard deviation - = .

     Will confirm the calculation of dispersion, expecting it the method of counting out from the conditional beginning (by the method of moments). 

Table 24. A calculation of dispersion  is after a yield by the method of counting out from a conditional zero

Groups after

by a yield



Center  of interval,


Counting out is from the conditional beginning




( )2 ( )2*f
31,3 –  33,28 3 32,29 -5,94 -3 9 27
33,28 –  35,26 3 34,27 -3,96 -2 4        12
35,26 –  37,24 8 36,25 -1,98 -1 1        8
37,24 –  39,22 13 38,23       0       0       0        0
39,22 –  41,2 3 40,21     1,98       1       1        3
Together 30 Х      Х      Х              Х 50

      Certain and got before will put information to the formula and will calculate the size of dispersion: 


      Size of dispersions, and consequently and standard deviation coincides. 


        2.6 Verification of accordance of distributing of frequencies of empiric row  to distributing theoretical 

     The empiric distributing not always answers to normal, it is here and there necessary to find out, strongly or poorly the empiric go away and theoretical rows. To that end it is needed to set such boundary path, not achievement of which means that divergence between the empiric and normal distributing is yet not so large, to take into account it, and that is given an empiric row yet can  be practically taken for normal. With this purpose expect a criterion Хі - square (χ2 )

     The size of this criterion is determined after a formula: 


where nі, nт - accordingly frequencies of empiric and theoretical row.

If at the chosen level of probability values are calculated  χ2 the tabular exceed, a zero hypothesis about accordance of the empiric distributing is cast aside. 

Таблица 25. Calculation information is for a calculation χ2

Hopes on a cow,cц


Amount of economies, ni Middle of interval,


Rationed rejection 

T=|xi – xсер|

F(t) nт


Rounded off


ni - nт (nт-nm)2/nт 31,3 –  33,28 3 32,29 1,99 0.0551 1.49 2 1 0.5 33,28 – 35,26 3 34,27 1.09 0.2203 5.97 6 -3 1.5 35,26 – 37,24 8 36,25 0.18 0.3925 10.65 11 -2 0.364 37,24 – 39,22 13 38,23 0.72 0.3079 8.35 8 5 3.125 39,22 – 41,2 3 40,21 1.63 0.1057 2.87 3 0 0 Together 30 Х X X 29.33 30 X 5.489  
σ = 4,8


a=0,05; 0,01; 0,001 


χ2т(0,05; 2)=6,0     χ2т(0,01; 2)=9,2        χ2т(0,001; 2)=13,8 

     As, χ2т> χ2р;    6,0>5,489 a hypothesis about normality of distributing of general aggregate is not cast aside, that empiric and theoretical frequencies differ between itself insignificant.

       2.7   Selective method 

     The selective is name such supervision which gives description of all aggregate of units on the basis of research of some its part. The aggregate of mathematical facilities and grounds which use for application of selective supervision got the name of selective method.

     In statistical practice a selective supervision is applied at the study of budgets by populations, for the account of prices. Lately a selective method is widely used for the different questioning of public opinion on political, economic and commercial questions, in the advanced study at statistical treatment of results of researches.

     Distinguish general and selective aggregates. A general aggregate is a general aggregate of units, from which selected part of units. A selective aggregate is part of general aggregate which will inspect electorally.

     The task of selective supervision can be a study of the medium-sized probed sign or specific gravity of the probed sign.

     The important condition of scientific organization of selective supervision is the correct forming of selective aggregate. On the method of selection of units for a supervision distinguish such types of forming of selective aggregate:

     - repeated - if each is selected unit again goes back into a general aggregate and in future can be selected repeatedly;

     - безповторна - at which every selected unit does not go back into a general aggregate, that meets in виборці only one time.

      A безповторний selection is mainly used in statistics, as he allows to get more exact results by comparison to repeated and engulfs more units of aggregate. Separately examine such basic types of selective supervision: actually casual selection, mechanical, serial and typical selections,  combined but other

     In an order to give description of all aggregate of units, it is needed to define the possible limits of rejections of selective middle and particle from middle in a general aggregate. These rejections are named select an error.

     Middle select an error is calculated after such formulas: 

                                                              At the repeated selection 


     for middle -;
    - for a particle;

                                         At without the repeated selection




- для середньої; 
- для частки,

      where δ2 – dispersion of sign which varies; w – a particle of units is aggregates which has certain signs; N – number of units of general aggregate; n – number of units of selective aggregate.

      Maximum select an error: , where t – coefficient of multipleness of error (coefficient of trust). Value of t at probability 0,863 evened 1, and at probability 0,954 evened 2.

      Will apply theoretical material in practice. Will consider that given in relation to the level of the productivity - it 10% random without repeated sample. That 30 economies is a selective aggregate, then  a general aggregate makes 300 economies.  Utillizing information  of previous calculations (d2 =4.8), will show it in calculations.

      Will define middle select an error for middle:  

       = =0.144c

      Will define middle select an error for a particle:


       = =0.0027c 

      Will define maximum select an error :

      =2*0,144=0,288 c

      =2*0.0027=0.0054 c

     Middle and maximum select an error - sizes are named, they are expressed in those  units, that and mean arithmetic and middle quadratic deviation. Limits middling descriptions make in a general aggregate:

    • for middle Х=  х ±∆
    • for a particle Р= w ±∆

Conducting these calculations, we can with probability 0,954 (3 1000 cases 954) to assert that a level of the productivity of cereals in a general aggregate can’t be less than after 36.62c, but he will not be greater after 37.198 c (36.91±0.288).  P= 0,1±0,0054

      Organizing a selective supervision it is needed to define the quantity of selective aggregate, at what limit of possible error does not exceed some set size.

      Formulas are for the calculation of necessary quantity of selection: 

    1. for middle:
      • -repeated -
      • without repeated -
    1. for a particle:
        • - repeated
        • without repeated -

Will expect the quantity of selection for middle: 


Will expect the quantity of selection for a particle: 


 Section ІІІ. Correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed 

      3.1. Grade correlation 

      Intercommunication between signs which it is possible to range, foremost on the basis of ball estimations, measured the methods of grade correlation. Name the numbers of natural row, which in obedience to the values of sign get  the elements of aggregate and definitely put in an order it, grades. Range is conducted on every sign separately: the first grade gets the least value of sign, last - to most.

      The amount of grades equals the volume of aggregate. Obviously, with the increase of volume of aggregate the degree of «recognizableness» of elements diminishes. As grade correlation does not need inhibition of any mathematical pre-conditions in relation to distributing of signs, in particular requirements of distributing normality, it is expedient to utillize the grade estimations of closeness of connection for the aggregates of small volume. 

Grades, given the elements of aggregate after signs і , mark accordingly and . Depending on the degree of connection between signs grades are definitely correlated. At direct functional connection = , that a rejection is between grades consequently, and sum of squares of rejections At a functional feed-back where — number of grades. If connection absents between signs shows by itself middle arithmetic these extreme values: . This is the maximal sum of squares of rejections of grades. Consequently, in default of connection  

     Leaning against the noted mathematical identity, K. Spirmen offered a formula for the coefficient of grade correlation:



     A coefficient of grade correlation  is the same characteristics, as well as linear coefficient of correlation: changes in limits from -1 to +1, at the same time estimates the closeness of connection and specifies on his direction.

     Will expect grade correlation and will define the crowd conditions of connection between the productivity of sugar beets, quality of soil and bringing of mineral fertilizers. 

Таблица 26. Information and calculation данні for the calculation of grade correlation

Y X1 X2 Ry Rx1 Rx2 d1= Ry- Rx1 d2= Ry- Rx3 d12 d22
1 38,1 40,4 95 21 22 21 -1 0 1 0
2 35,9 37,9 93 9,5 12 12 -2,5 -2,5 6,25 6,25
3 38,4 39,5 92 25 17 8 8 17 64 289
4 37,5 42,3 93 17,5 28 12 -10,5 5,5 110,25 30,25
5 35,4 36,7 94 7,5 3 16,5 4,5 -9 20,25 81
6 38,2 41,3 93 22,5 25 12 -2,5 10,5 6,25 110,25
7 36,3 37,6 96 14 9 25,5 5 -11,5 25 132,25
8 37,3 38,0 95 15,5 14 21 1,5 -5,5 2,25 30,25
9 41,2 40,2 97 30 21 29 9 1 81 1
10 36 37,4 95 12 7 21 5 -9 25 81
11 38,6 43,1 97 26 30 29 -4 -3 16 9
12 32,4 37,0 91 3 4,5 4,5 -1,5 -1,5 2,25 2,25
13 39,4 41,5 96 28,5 26 25,5 2,5 3 6,25 9
14 33,7 37,7 91 4 10 4,5 -6 -0,5 36 0,25
15 36 38,0 93 12 14 12 -2 0 4 0
16 39 40,0 96 27 20 25,5 7 1,5 49 2,25
17 35,9 37,0 94 9,5 4,5 16,5 5 -7 25 49
18 37,9 38,5 91 20 16 4,5 4 15,5 16 240,25
19 35,4 38,0 95 7,5 14 21 -6,5 -13,5 42,25 182,25
20 31,3 35,4 90 1 1 1,5 0 -0,5 0 0,25
21 37,5 39,7 91 17,5 18 4,5 -0,5 13 0,25 169
22 38,2 40,6 96 22,5 23 25,5 -0,5 -3 0,25 9
23 37,8 39,8 94 19 19 16,5 0 2,5 0 6,25
24 36 37,8 92 12 11 8 1 4 1 16
25 33,8 37,5 90 5 8 1,5 -3 3,5 9 12,25
26 39,4 41,2 95 28,5 24 21 4,5 7,5 20,25 56,25
27 32 37,1 92 2 6 8 -4 -6 16 36
28 38,3 43,0 97 24 29 29 -5 -5 25 25
29 37,3 42,0 93 15,5 27 12 -11,5 3,5 132,25 12,25
30 35,2 36,6 94 6 2 16,5 4 -10,5 16 110,25
Bag 1099,4 1172,8 2811 465 465 465 X X 758 1708

     Utillizing the formula of Spirmena will expect the coefficient of correlation of grades: 



     Expecting the coefficient of correlation of grades we can assert that between effective and factor signs is direct connection. In addition between a yield and charges of forages is connection close, at the same time we can look after also close connection between a yield  and output of calves, although some weaker than previous. 

    3.2. Linear regression. Determination of parameters of connection and them  economic interpretation 

     Phenomena and processes which take a place in society, in particular in an agricultural production взаємопов'язані and взаємообумовлені. Studies these intercommunications of statistician, utillizing a cross-correlation regressive analysis.

     This analysis supposition is underlaid that dependence between the values of factor sign and conditional mean values of effective estimation can be presented as a function: 


     what is named equalization of regression. The expected mean values of effective sign are expected after this equalization for every (from levels) factor sign of x reflected y and named theoretical, unlike empiric, that got as a result of direct supervisions by value y .

     If the analytical grouping enables to find out only a presence and direction of connection, it is possible to set by equalization of regression, as far as on the average the value of effective sign will change at the change of factor on one unit.

     It is expedient to divide calculations, CPLD with the use of cross-correlation regressive analysis of connection of two signs which characterize that or other sphere of activity, into such stages:

     choice of form of equalization of regression;

      • calculation of parameters of equalization of regression;
      • estimation of closeness of connection;
      • verification of importance of connection.

     With the purpose of choice of form of equalization of regression in statistics use such receptions.

     A theoretical analysis is based on professional knowledges of researcher about the probed connection. Correctly to apply a cross-correlation method, it is necessary deeply to understand essence of processes of intercommunications. It is important to remember, that cross-correlation methods do not find out reasons of connections between those or other phenomena, character of their co-operation, that does not set reasons of dependence, their role is taken to establishment of quantitative conformity to the law between the probed signs and wholeness of connection.

     But before to define quantitative dependence of the probed signs, it is necessary to set, which from the probed indexes is factor, and which - effective.

     During the theoretical analysis of indexes it is necessary to take into account the range of possible values of factor sign. If in the probed aggregate a factor sign changes in narrow scopes, in the field of it actual variation the segment of curve can be close linear equalization.

Информация о работе Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed