Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Ноября 2011 в 21:21, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Statistics are social science, which studies the quantitative side of the high-quality certain mass socio-economic phenomena and processes, their structure and distributing, placing in space, direction and speed of time-histories, tendencies and conformities to law of motion, closeness of intercommunications and interdepends.
The quantitative side of any public phenomenon is indissolubly related to his high-quality aspects, because a quantitative dimension does not exist without high-quality definiteness.


1. An object, task of statistics, its organization, short history of development and connection, is with other sciences........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. An object, task of statistics and its connection, is with other sciences..................................5
1.2. Short history of development of statistics..............................................................................7
2. Statistical estimation of indexes of products of stock-raising and factors, that on it influence.......................................................................................................................................9
2.1. System of indexes of statistics of stock-raising and method of their calculation....................................................................................................................................9
2.2. Statistical groupings and their kinds....................................................................................11
2.3. Distributing rows and them graphic image..........................................................................15
2.4. Summarizing the indexes of distributing rows......................................................................21
2.5. Variation of signs and indexes of their measuring...............................................................29
2.6. Verification of accordance of distributing of frequencies of empiric row to distributing
2.7. Selective method....................................................................................................................37
3. Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed...........................................................................................................................................40
3.1. Grade correlation..................................................................................................................40
3.2. Linear regression. Determination of parameters of connection and them economic interpretation.................................................................................................................................43
3.3. Measuring of intensity of correlation. Coefficient of simple correlation and his maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 48
3.4. Plural correlation...................................................................................................................50
List of the used literature...............................................................................................................57

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     In the XIX item the volumes of official information and quantitative descriptions grew gradually ousted text descriptions. Statistics acquired a «quantitative tint». Its subsequent development required perfection of methods of collection, treatment, generalization of mass information. The founder of theory of statistics was become by A.Ketle. His labours, foremost «Social physics», is beginning of search of philosophical foundations of statistics. A. Ketle considered that the article of statistics is a «man in society», and by methodological basis is principle of mass character, later adopted by the law of large numbers. Exactly this principle stipulated the necessity of calculation of averages as summarizings descriptions of aggregate.

     In Russia in the XIX item statistics of politically economic were formed straight. To it works testify K. F. Herman, K. I. Arsen'eva, V. P. Androsova, D.P. Zhuravskogo but other However much intensive development of mathematical statistics at the end of age pressed political economy its direction. In this connection two conceptions were selected in relation to scientific maintenance of statistics:

    1. statistics as method of cognition (I. I. Chuprov, I. I. Kaufman,          N.A. Kablukov, N.K. Druzhinin and ін);
    2. statistics are science, the article of research of which are the mass phenomena and processes (Þ. It is. Yanson, And. Ô. Fortunatov, In. Ñ. Nimchinov, Y. S. Paskhaver but other).

     Each of conceptions represented one side of statistics only, as statistics simultaneously are and science, and method. Expansion of statistical methods in the different areas of knowledges resulted in the protracted discussion in relation to the article of statistics. One considered that statistics studied any mass phenomena, other  limited the article of study of public life the phenomena. A discussion was completed by confession of statistics by social science. 

2. Statistical estimation of indexes of products of stock-raising and factors, that on it influence 

2.1. System of indexes of statistics of stock-raising and method of their calculation

       Statistics of agriculture are one of the special areas of statistical science. Before to give determination of the article of statistics of agriculture, it follows to specify on the existent different concept of this science. Some statisticians in determination of object apply the known formulation of statistics as science which studies quantitative description of the mass public phenomena in indissoluble connection with their high-quality description, and mechanically bind this formulation to the estimations of the phenomena in an agricultural production. Other consider that statistics study the phenomena and processes of recreation of material welfares and public relations in agriculture in their high-quality expression, giving the proper digital description to them. An idea deserves the special attention, that the article of agricultural statistics is the system of objective statistical indexes of the state to development of agricultural production.

       So, Statistic of agriculture - one of basic sectorial statistician, which develops maintenance and methods of calculation and analysis of statistical indexes which characterize the state and development of agriculture. 

       The products of stock-raising are divided into two groups:

       1) products of normal vital functions of animals, realization of which for the use outside a stock-raising is unconnected with the coalface of animals (milk, wool, eggs, honey and others like that). In creation of this products animals come forward in quality facilities of labour;

       2) products of issue and increase, or products of growing of animals. Realization of this products outside a stock-raising offers the coalface of animals. The use of this products of growing of animals for the recreation of herd is related to his subsequent abandonment in the sphere of stock-raising. Thus, animals which grow or get fat come forward as the articles of labour constrained in a production, or differently, uncompleted production of meat contingent, and also animals of basic herd. Grown grown man cattle, pedigree, is the complete prepared products which is used in a role of facilities of labour.

       To the completed products of stock-raising, cattle got as a result of growing, take:

       1) animals, grown for pedigree aims (completing of basic herd);

       2) animals, grown for exploitation in quality draft force;

       3) animals, grown for a coalface on meat;

       4) increase of living weight of grown man animals which are put on fattening.

         It follows notices, that if not to take into account the increase of living weight of grown man cattle and precocity of types of animals, then the prepared products of stock-raising (in the type of adults, pedigree, workings and appointed to the coalface meat animals) created during more or less great while (1,5 - 3 years). In this connection to the end of year, when determine the products of all industries considerable part of population is in a state of the uncompleted production. However very specific this uncompleted production is through the features of the natural form, as: a) possible realization of part of such cattle on a side for the subsequent growing on a tribe or coalface; b) possibly comparatively in largenesses change of time of transmission of cattle for a coalface (though economic cattle of that or other age and setting or to the uncompleted production, whether to functionings facilities of labour, at certain terms this cattle can be also hammered in on meat).

       As a result of the noted circumstances in quality the prepared products of stock-raising of agricultural  enterprises all cattle of the pedigree and meat setting realized outside an economy appears, at first, including unfinished a production in general (sapling), secondly, cattle which is grown for addition to the herd and for a внутрігосподарського coalface. But cattle, realized on a side, and a cattle, leave on a tribe for itself or hammered on meat, is a result of production of not alone year (in any event this period of production goes out outside a calendar year). Moreover, realized after fattening cattle and bought cattle contains part of products, which was taken into account for other periods or in other economies. Therefore products this year can be defined only by a calculation way in two forms: in money and in living weight.

       1. In a money form. In this case from the cost of cattle on the end of year and cost of the realized hammered cattle calculate the cost of cattle, which is on beginning of year and purchased.

       2. In living weight. Determination of products of stock-raising in living weight has the known economic value from two grounds: 1) growing on a tribe and meat, and also fattening of cattle is characterized by the change  of living weight; 2) all cattle of the meat setting, and also (during the proper period) and the cattle of basic herd presents complex raw material for the production of meat, fat, skin and others like that. At the same time it is necessary to mark, that this index of living weight is very rough and inexact, as: a) living weight of cattle of different kinds, which differs the output of meat and his quality, is summarized (calorie content, taste qualities, et cetera); b) living weight considerably hesitates regardless of for slaughter weight through one state of animal; c) the taken into account products of living weight can be forgotten at to the next underfeeding of cattle. 

       The first failing can be in a certain measure liquidated by the count of living weight on for slaughter. However, in relation to growing of pedigree cattle it does not give  the special advantage. The second failing can not be overcame by a normative count by for slaughter weight. For this purpose it is necessary to define for slaughter weight of animals, that needs the special skills and to carry  out only on purveying points. The third failing, unfortunately, presents specific difficulty of account of unjustified losses of production. Information about motion of total number of livestock of cattle and bird in the agricultural enterprises of area is resulted in addition 1. 

       2.2. Statistical groupings and their kinds

     A statistical report is the scientific working of primary materials of statistical supervision for description of aggregate by the generalized indexes.

     Primary purpose and maintenance of statistical report - to generalize material, full and objectively to describe all aggregate of facts, expose conformities to law of mass processes which are fixed in indexes.

     Grouping is the major stage of statistical report. It is a method of research of the mass public phenomena by the association of units of aggregate in homogeneous groups after substantial signs. It enables to dissociate substantial lines from unimportant in primary statistical material, to feel passing of quantitative changes to high-quality, in many chances to find out a necessity as those or other conformities to law of the investigated phenomenon.

     In addition, the method of grouping creates terms for scientific application of other statistical methods of analysis: to the method of, relative averages, index method and others like that. An important value has a table of contents of groupings in sociallegal researches, as enables: to find out high-quality homogeneous aggregates, types of the phenomena; to describe the structure of aggregate and structural changes; to investigate intercommunication between legally dependent indexes. In accordance with these tasks a statistician is applied by three basic types of groupings:typological, structural and analytical.

     Under the типологічним grouping understand distributing of the investigated aggregate on the high-quality homogeneous types of the phenomena and processes. (Grouping of enterprises is after the patterns of ownership; population - after community groups; crimes - after forms and types of guilt - intentional, careless and after the categories of weight; personalities guilty - minor, adults, засуджені, justified; criminals after - by the articles of the Criminal code and others like that.)

     The structural grouping is characterized by distributing high-quality of homogeneous aggregate on groups on a certain sign with the purpose of study of structure (to composition) typically homogeneous groups of cultures. Consequently, the типологічне grouping is preceded structural.

     The analytical grouping is done by possible by the exposure of intercommunication of the investigated phenomena and processes. Two signs are fixed in basis of the analytical grouping at least: factor and effective. The factor is name such sign, which other sign which is named effective changes under act of.

     At grouping after signs which have direct quantitative expression, it is necessary to untie a question about the amount of groups and about the choice of interval of grouping after a formula:


     where Xmax and Xmin -  accordingly most and the least value of sign; n - is a number of groups.

       If aggregate - N<30 of units, then the amount of groups (n) will be evened three. In our project task of N=30, that is why will select 5 groups.

     Determination of influencing of charges of forages on yield:

     So , using a formula to our aggregate of information, will define that an interval will be evened 0,77 c.f.un.

     Knowing the size of interval and amount of groups, build the limits of groups: 

     1. 35,4 - 36,94

     2. 36,94 - 38,48

     3. 38,48 - 40,02

     4. 40,02 - 41,56

     5. 41,56 - 43,1 

     Erect all calculations in a table 1.

  Table 1. Influencing of expense  of forages on hopes              

Groups of economies for to the charges of forages Number of economies Amount of economies Charges of forages of all are on groups Х1 A level of yield of all is on groups Y
І. 35,4 – 36,94 20, 30 ,5 3 108,7 101,9
ІІ. 36,94 – 38,48 17, 12, 27, 10, 25, 7, 14, 24, 2, 8, 15, 19 12 451        420,7
ІІІ. 38,48 – 40,02 18, 3, 21, 23, 16 5           197,5 190,6
IV. 40,02 – 41,56 9, 1, 22, 26, 6, 13 6 245,2 234,5
V. 41,56 – 43,1 29, 4, 28, 11 4 170,4 151,7
In all: х 30 1172,8 1099,4

     For to information of auxiliary table 1, will build a basic table 2: 

Table 2. Influencing of middle  is charges  of forages on yield

Groups of economies are on bringing of mineral fertilizers Amount of economies A middle level of charges of forages is on groups A middle level of yield is on groups
І. 35,4 – 36,94 3             36,23 33,97
ІІ. 36,94 – 38,48 12 37,58 35,06
ІІІ. 38,48 – 40,02 5 39,5 38,12
IV. 40,02 – 41,56 6 40,87 39,08
V. 41,56 – 43,1 4 42,6 37,93
In all: 30 196,78 184,16

     Tables are given 2 testify to the presence of direct connection between the probed signs, that with the increase  of charges of forages on a cow  the level of yield is increased.

     With the increase of level of charges of forages in economies And group as compared to economies   ІV groups on 88,65% ( ), the level of yield was increased on 86,92% ( ).

     Determination of influencing of output of calves on yield:

     So, using   formula to our aggregate of information, will define that interval approximately 1,4 chairmen.


     Knowing the size of interval and amount of groups, build the limits of groups:

    1. 90 – 91,4
    2. 91,4 – 92,8
    3. 92,8 – 94,2
    4. 94,2 – 95,6
    5. 95,6 - 97

     Erect all calculations in a table 3: 

Table 3. Influencing of output of calves on yield

Groups of economies are after the output of calves Number of economies Amount of economies An output of calves of all is on groups Х1 A level of yield of all is on groups Y
І. 90 – 91,4 12, 14, 18, 21, 20, 25 6 544 206,6
ІІ. 91,4 – 92,8 3, 24, 27 3 276 106,4
ІІІ.92,8 – 94,2


2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 23, 29, 30 9 841 329,2
IV.94,2 – 95,6 1, 8, 19, 26, 10 5 475 186,2
V. 95,6 - 97 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 22 , 28 7 675 271
In all: х 30 2811 1099,4

     For to information of auxiliary table 3, will build a basic table 4:

Table 4. Influencing of middle output of calves  on the level of yield

Информация о работе Cross-correlation analysis of the productivity of sugar beets and factors, that it is formed