Рефераты по иностранным языкам

10 вариант

13 Марта 2012, контрольная работа

I. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в них слова, оформленные окончанием -s, и определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются эти слова и какую функцию выполняет это окончание.
II. Перепишите следующие предложения, поставив прилагательные и наречия в указанную степень сравнения (сравнительную или превосходную). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
III. Поставьте следующие утвердительные предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. Утвердительные предложения переведите на русский язык.
IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите в них и подчеркните неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
V. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

2-3 сынып оқушыларын ағылшын тілінде сөйлеуге үйрету

10 Апреля 2012, курсовая работа

Қай елде болсын, балаға білім беру ісі елеулі орын алып, ұрпағының білімділігі мен біліктілігін шыңдауға бет бұрады. Шынында да оқушылардың жалпы білімін көтеру үлкен мәселе екені сөзсіз. Себебі, еліміздің мәртебесінің биік болуы қоғам мүшелерінің келешек ел қожасы – жас ұрпақтың белсенділігі мен іскерлігіне тікелей байланысты болмақ. Қазіргі таңда еліміздің келешегін өз елін сүйетін, әдет-ғұрпын, салт-санасын қастерлейтін ұрпақты оқып тәрбиелеу–біздің басты борышымыз.

A Letter of Application

24 Ноября 2011, сочинение

I am writing in connection with an advertisement in today’s ‘Times’. I am a qualified teacher and psychologist. I would like to join the campaign to educate children in poor counties all over the world.

A Little Country in the Center of Europe

22 Ноября 2011, реферат

Belarus. It's Geographic Features, Economy and State System. The Republic of Belarus (Belarus) is located in the Eastern part of Europe. In the west it borders on Poland, in the north-west on Lithuania, in the north on Latvia, in the north-east and east on Russia, in the south on Ukraine. Belarus is divided into six regions (oblast): Brest oblast, Vitebsk oblast, Gomel oblast, Grodno oblast, Minsk oblast and Mogilev oblast. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk, which is the biggest political, economic, scientific and cultural centre of the country. The population of Minsk is 1.729 million people.

A programming language

04 Ноября 2011, реферат

текст с переводом, и грамматикой

A raw deal for commodities

13 Января 2011, статья

HOW many statistical series can boast an ancestry as long as The Economist’s commodity price index? First published in 1864, with figures stretching back to 1845, it is probably the world’s first regularly published price index. Despite its age, the index is still alive and kicking (see article)—which is more than can be said for commodity prices themselves. The industrial commodities index has fallen this year to a record low in real terms—80% below its level in 1845 (see chart).

A replica of Newton's second Reflecting telescope that he presented to the Royal Society in 1672

27 Февраля 2013, реферат

Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727 1727 )was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, who has been "considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived." His monograph Philosophe Naturalist Principia Mathematic, published in 1687, lays the foundations for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural laws, by demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravitation, thus removing the last doubts about heliocentrism and advancing the Scientific Revolution.

A visit to the dentist

27 Ноября 2011, доклад

There is nothing most of us dread more than a visit to the dentist. It can only mean pain and trauma for someone with fears. Yet alas in our world, we all must get there at some time or another.

A/S Dzintars produkcijas virzīšana tirgū

04 Апреля 2011, курсовая работа

Darba mērķis ir izpētīt produkta virzīšanas metodes A/S Dzintars uzņēmumā.

Lai sasniegtu mērķi ir izvirzīti sekojoši uzdevumi:
1. Noteikt produkta virzīšanas pasākumu nozīmi;
2. Aprakstīt galvenās produktu virzīšanas metodes;

About the Bank «VTB 24»

21 Декабря 2010, реферат

Banking is an integral feature of the modern monetary economy, banking activities are closely linked to the needs of reproduction. Being in the center of economic life, serving the interests of manufacturers, banks may mediate the relationship between industry and trade, agriculture and population. High and sustained economic growth and achieved macroeconomic stability and high competition in the banking sector requires management to commercial banks to develop new solutions aimed at ensuring sustainable development by strengthening its sustainability, competitiveness, strengthen the protection of the interests and confidence of depositors and other creditors of banks . In the long term competitiveness of the bank is also dependent on a strong brand, as well as the ability of the owner and the bank's management is constantly looking for new ways of development.

Accounting Basics

19 Декабря 2011, курсовая работа

Accounting is a glorious but misunderstood field. The popular view is that it's mostly mind-numbing number-crunching; it certainly has some of that, but it's also a rich intellectual pursuit with an abundance of compelling and controversial issues. Accountants are often stereotyped as soulless drones laboring listlessly in the bowels of corporate bureaucracies. But many accountants will tell you that it's people skills, not technical knowledge, that are crucial to their success. And although it's often thought of as a discipline of pinpoint exactitude with rigid rules, in practice accountants rely heavily on best estimates and educated guesses that require careful judgment and strong imagination.

Activity of Greenpeace

13 Января 2012, реферат

Greenpeace (born Greenpeace - «green world") - an international public environmental organization based in Vancouver (Canada) September 15, 1971 David McTaggart.

Acts of protest in Ukraine

13 Ноября 2011, реферат

Since the dawn of time people had disagreements on different topics and, as all people are different, there was variety of ways to show those disagreements. When it came to the larger groups of people, the disagreements became protests, and more often those protest took place in the center of the cities or in some open spaces, seen to everybody. Based on the specific problems faced by the opposition, it is necessary to competently and adequately choose the format of the street protests.
There are the following best-known forms of street protest actions.


07 Ноября 2011, реферат

If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adjective, it is called an Adjective Clause. My sister, who is much older than I am, is an engineer. If an adjective clause is stripped of its subject and verb, the resulting modifier becomes an Adjective Phrase: He is the man who is keeping my family in the poorhouse.


17 Февраля 2013, сочинение

The building of the Admiralty - a complex of buildings on the banks of the Neva River, where the former head of the Russian Empire, the Admiralty, and from 2012, is the General Staff of the Russian Navy. Located on the 2nd Admiralty Island in St. Petersburg. Significant monument of Russian classicism.
Boat on the spire of the building is regarded as one of the symbols of the city along with the Bronze Horseman and the contours of the diluted Palace bridge against Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling on Foot

11 Октября 2011, сочинение

Millions of people all over the world travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. Nowadays, everybody can go to the place of destination by train, plane, car, bus, ferry. However, why do many people travel on foot and consider it to be the best way?

Advantages and threats to developing nations

21 Апреля 2013, реферат

Shift from national economical growth model to global model poses in front of economic theory the question of in what extent in the national economy benefits from the country's participation in international economic relations. Will country win or lose involving yourself in the international division of labor? Economics became interested in finding answer to questions about the benefits of international trade and international specialization for a long time, referring to one of the fundamental questions of economic theory.

Advertising Campaign Plan Document for “Central Driving School” in Moscow

04 Ноября 2012, курсовая работа

Central Driving School has been operating in Moscow for 17 years, maintaining №1 market share position. CDS’ mission is to create safe drivers through providing a quality education and experience.
CDS has 27 study centers in Moscow, situated nearby Moscow Subway stations, and offers more than 25 services.

Advertising texts and their translations

24 Сентября 2011, курсовая работа

Relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the translation in its development went through several stages, but currently preferred informative translation, which features individually-author's style is not so important. Also with the development of information technology emerged computer programs to simplify the translation, we need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of translation. All these changes are related to advertising texts, which in its significance beyond a high place.

Aeroflot Airlines Company

09 Декабря 2011, реферат

OJSC Aeroflot-Russian Airlines is the biggest airline in the Russian Federation .Aeroflot Russian Airlines was also named "The Best Airline Eastern Europe" at the 2011 World Airline Awards, in a ceremony held in the French Air and Space Museum at the Paris Air Show.("SKYTRAX" The World Airline Awards™, 2011).

Al-Qaeda organization development of history

16 Июля 2013, курсовая работа

The topic of the research paper is “The origins of Al Qaeda in the Middle East”. Will going to describe all that situations what related to the topic. All that will be discussed in this work is important and necessary for this “terroristic organization”, all of which are developed in a very long time, and there have been significant changes that could significantly affect all their activities. However, this will be clearly set out and analyzed the following hypothesis - Al-Qaeda organization origins with their specific outcomes and relatively difficult relations with other countries which could affect nowadays and generate with them by their power.

Alcohol More Harmful Than Heroin

19 Апреля 2012, реферат

A new study has discovered that alcohol is a more dangerous drug than heroin and cocaine. The report is from Britain’s Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. Its research classified drugs on the basis of the harm they do in our society. Alcohol came top of the list, with heroin second and cocaine third. Researchers created nine categories of harm that drugs can do "from death to damage to mental functioning and loss of relationships," and seven types of harm they do to others. Experts in Britain are now calling for new laws to control alcohol. Don Shenker from the group Alcohol Concern said: “The government should now urgently ensure alcohol is made less affordable and invest in prevention and treatment services to deal with the rise in alcohol dependency that has occurred."

Alice in wonderland

26 Декабря 2011, реферат

Alice in Wonderland is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells about a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar creatures. The tale plays with logic and it is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre.

Alisher Navoiy (1441 - 1501)

14 Апреля 2013, реферат

Asl ismi Nizomiddin Mir Alisher. U Hirotda tug’ilib, shu yerda umrining asosiy qismini o’tkazgan. Navoiyning otasi G’iyosiddin Bahodir temuriylar xonadoniga yaqin bo’lgan. She’r zavqi va iste’dodi erta uyg’ongan. Bolalikdayoq Farididdin Attorning “Mantiqut-tayr” asarini yod olgan, Sharafiddin Ali Yazdiy nazariga tushgan, Mavlono Lutfiy yosh shoir iste’dodiga yuqori baho bergan, Kamol Turbatiy e’tirofini qozongan.
Sayyid Hasan Ardasher, Pahlavon Muhammad kabi ustozlardan ta’lim olgan, Abdurahmon Jomiy bilan ijodiy hamkorlikda bo’lgan. Navoiy 1469 yilgacha temuriylar orasidagi ichki nizolar sababli Hirotdan yiroqroqda yashagan.

Alternative energy

09 Марта 2012, реферат

Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such for example fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to be "free" energy sources. They all have lower carbon emissions, compared to conventional energy sources. These include Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy sources.

Alternative Medicine

14 Декабря 2011, доклад

Throughout recorded history, people of various cultures have relied on what Western medical practitioners today call alternative medicine. The term alternative medicine covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. It generally describes those treatments and health care practices that are outside mainstream Western health care.

American English is a form of the English language

30 Марта 2013, курсовая работа

Everyone knows that Americans speak English differently than the British or Australians or even Canadians do, but most of the time we think of these differences in terms of the way we pronounce certain words (i.e., our accents). Most people also know that there are some differences that manifest themselves in written language as well as speech. But beyond calling some things by different names, there are many other peculiarities of American English in its phrasing and syntax that set it apart from other brands of the English language. There are also considerable semantic differences between British and American English. Usage not only differs but can be misleading.

American houses

01 Апреля 2013, творческая работа

In every American houses there is a fire-place. Almost in every house there is a fire-place in living room, which is the most favourite place for all the family. They like to chart in front of the fire place on holidays and in the evenings.
In this picture you can see two types the living room. The living room is rather large and comfortable. There is modern blinds. The TV set is on the right side of the room, and the sofa with many pillows on the left side of the room. There is a dressing table in the middle of the room. You can see the marvelous view through the window.

American idioms

02 Ноября 2012, доклад

In colonial America without electricity, the Pilgrims' main staple food was corn. To get the greatest use from the corn it was ground to a powder known today as cornmeal. The corn kernels were poured in to a stone "bowl" in which the giant wheel (the millstone) rested. The wheel was turned from above by the power of a windmill. In order to get the corn in to the bowl, the "miller" had to pour it in from the back side which made his nose get quite close to the turning millstone.

American youth culture

07 Февраля 2013, курсовая работа

Курсовая работа 39 страниц, 33 источника.
Key words: youth culture, subculture, history, origin, fashion, ideology, influence, problems
Object: American youth culture
Subject: the history of different youth cultures and subcultures in the USA; their influence and problems
Methods of research: study of literature on the history of American youth culture and subcultures; analysis of their influence and problems
Purpose: to study the history and the main types of youth cultures and subcultures in the USA to understand their influence and problems