Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Февраля 2013 в 11:23, реферат
Бұл міндеттерді жүзеге асыру еліміздегі мектептерде оқыту процесінің мазмұндық болмысын жаңа әдіснамалық тұрғыдан негіздеуді талап етеді. Мұндай жаңа әдіснамалық жүйе дәстүрлі оқыту процесін түбегейлі өзгертудің қажеттігін көрсетіп, оқытудың шығармашылық қызметін дамытып, білім мазмұнының ұлттық негізде берілуін жаңа өркениеттік бағдар тұрғысынан жетілдіруді қарастырады.
6М010300-«Pedagogics and psychology»
It is prepared for receiving a scientific and pedagogical
Degree of the master
Aim of the research: The future teacher must define the pedagogical conditions of forming of the creative interests and peculiarities of moral education of the pupils in organizing the process of up -bringing at 12 years of study
Tasks of the research:
1. Determine the basic theory and methodology of the educational process on the basis of a new paradigm of teaching at 12 years of study.
2. Define the level, indicator, the measurement, model of the structural content in organizing the work of the educational process of the future teachers at 12 years of study and to instill the human qualities, creative interests in students.
3. Show the possibilities of using the new innovative technologies in the educational system for the future teachers in organizing the educational process of the future teachers at 12 years of study.
Object of the study: Teaching and educational process at 12 years of study
Subject of the research: Prepare the educational work of the future teachers at 12 years of study under the new paradigm in the system of education
Scientific forecast of the research: If the future teachers teach pupils of 12 years of study with innovative technologies increasing their creative interests and human qualities and defining theoretical and methodological peculiarities, it will be easy to solve all problems connected with it.
The used methods in the research: The theoretical analysis have done to the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical works in accordance with the objectives of the research and comparison methods were used, specification, legal documents were analyzed, and practical and experimental methods of testing, questionnaires, interviews, synthesis, a graphical method.
Scientific novelty and theoretical importance of the research:
The theoretical and methodological evidences of the research:
The philosophical treatise on the value of human personality and creativity, the theory of the dialect and the development of individuals, the concept of individual, the program theory of personal development, the theory of influence to actively organizing the science and practice.
Practical value of the research:
- Results of research can be used in the 12 years of teaching, scientific and practical centers, universities, colleges, and teacher training institutes.
-The purpose of the educational work is to serve the educational activities, human qualities, inculcate interest in creative work, structural content, pedagogical model rules at 12 years of school.
Terms to be submitted for protection:
- The teachers and the pupils of 12 Years study school are both the subjects of the educational process, and do the technologies of the education as performing.
- 12 Year old school pupils are adopting the quality of humanity, creative interests are shown by the stages of the theoretical model.
- Nowadays creative interests and humanity must be added in teaching in the process of preparing the future teachers.
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