Жастарды жұмыспен қамту жүйесін басқаруды жетілдіру жолдары

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Марта 2012 в 20:59, автореферат

Описание работы

Қоғамның стратегиялық ресурсы болып табылатын жастар, қалыптасып жатқан өмір шындығын өзінше қабылдай және бағалай отырып Қазақстан пайдасы үшін қызметке қатысуға ұмтылады және бүгінгі таңда оларға қолдау көрсеткен жөн, мемлекеттің еңбекке қабілетті халқының арасында жастардың үлесін арттыру үшін осы қызметке жас ұрпақ потенциялын қосу керек. Алайда әлеуметтік-экономикалық үрдістерге қазақстандық жас ұрпақтың қатысу белсенділігі олардың экономиканың түрлі секторларында жұмыспен қамтылу мәселесіне байланысты.

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Apiev Kanat Serikovich


The ways of perfection of management by system being busy of young people


     Actuality of research theme.-The crossing from planned centralizated economy to market economy brings a lot of changing’s.

     Modern economy – is on economy of mixed tipe, in wich subjects of local and governmental sectors do their activity. The break of economical relations as a result of 90-th years crisis, changing of economical-geographical space reduct to the negative consequences in economy and appearing such problems,  as a problem of formed and growing, and using people resources in a labor market.

     The youth, being a strategic resource of the community and taking, estimating the realities of life is trying to take a port in contemplative activity for Kazakhstan. And even today it is very important to keep it in order to increase the number of youth among able – bodied population of the country in situation where the number of working resources is decreasing. However, the activeness of the youth taking part in economically- social processes depends on solving the problem it’s engaged in different sectors of economy. That’s why nowadays needed to form  a whole management system of engaging the youth based on coordinating the work of structures  wich help to engage them on a local level and making a new approach of managing this sphere.

     Necessity of managing the engaging of youth shows the problem of realization yourself, wich is connecting with the abilities to get a good knowledge, professional growth and excellent salary, wich has a reason in differentiating of economic, geographic, demographic situation in each territory. This problem is getting worth because of lacking of non-communicational situation between local economic systems as in exchanging the information and experience in youth engaging management, and also in organizing the structures, governmental and local management and other people, who are responsible for that.

     The modern labour market is forming by making economic transformation, wich are showed in a high level of  hidden unemployment, the break of communication between the worker’s contribution to work and his incomes, non-regular paying of salary and etc.

       Development of market relations means the research of problem, which take place in labour market, connected to regulation of demand and supply to workers, reformation the system of labour relations, increasing the conditions of working places, adaptation of professional knowledge to the new economic conditions.

        While solving this problem it is very important to analyze the hard situation of week ports of socium, one of them is the youth, which increase the number of these ports constantly.

        When the youth get insides of the labour market they usually face to different problems and the main reason of it is that young people usually choose their future profession not because it is very needed in the market, but just because of its popularity in community. This is the reason why, most young people can’t find the job by their profession or it is hard to find it after finishing university, and this bring the growth of youth unemployment. As the result money, which where paid for education usually are not justified.

         That is why the actuality of the dissertation research theme is in looking for new ways of using the labour of youth in order to solve this problem on a new high level, whichis principles to market economy.

          The level of problem eloboritation. Scientific elaboritations, which are connected with the research of using youth labour helps, in our opinion, to valuate the effectivness of using labour in this category, depended on different factors of labour market forming, which is form other side make a problem of valuating its developing

      Theoretical and methodical breeding, which where in dissertation research, are based оп scientific works of scientists who research problems of labor market, especially engaging and unemployment of labor resources. W е сап mark the works of А. Smith, D. Ricardo, Zh. В. Soy, D. М. Keins, А. Marshall, К. Morks, М. Fridmen, Р. Kheins, К. R. Makkonell, S. L. Blue, А. N. Ananiev, Е. G. Antosenkov, В. N. Belkin, 1. У. Bushmarin, А. G. Gadzhiev, А. Z. Dadashev, Т. 1. Zaslavskaya, Е. 1 Kapustin, У. G. Kostakov, А. G. Kostin, А. Е. Kotlyar, S. А. Mikulski, А. S. Ponkratov, В. У. Rakhitsky, Е. S. Rusanov, L. S. Chizhova, У. N. У akimov; and others.

The Analysis to adapting the different groups of the population to market situation of the labour, questions mechanism his(its) regulations with reference to  youth are dedicated to works V.S.BOROVINA, V.G.BOCHAROVOY, T.B.ZHURAVLEVOY, V.A.MATUSEVICH, K.G.MYALO, V.V.NOVIKOVOY, G.E.STARCHENKO, V.I.CHUPROVOY and the other scientist.

The Certain approaches to theoretical and methodological studies of the labour youth in economy, her(its) social-economic problems are considered domestic scientist economist, sociologist and demographer: T.A.ASHIMBAEVYM, A.T.KONYSBAEVYM, E.KENZHEGUZINYM, N.MAMYROVYM.

In ditto time, remain it is not enough designed methodical approaches to study of the youth labour, which consideration influences upon shaping social-economic politicians.

The Incompleteness of the studies and developments but chosen subject thesis work at presence relatively scant few of the scientific works on given themes on modern stage definable choice of the subject thesis studies, his(its) purpose and problems.

The Purpose persisting work present reveals the main trends of increasing to efficiency of the use the labour youth on base of the forecasting and instituthional of the regulation.

The Subject of the study are theoretical and practical aspects of the operation youth market labour.

The Object of the study emerge the labour facility a youth on the market of the labour.

The Theorist-methodological base thesis studies are a works scientist economist, sociologist, psychologist, specialist in the field of social and economic problems of the study modern market labour, as well as legislative and normative acts state and regional organ of power.

Problems of the study modern market labour, as well as legislative and normative acts state and regional organ of power.

In theses are used work Russian and Kazakhstan scientist in the field of labour, official documents and material, statistical collections, results of the sociological studies, analytical reviews centre to employment Almatinskoy area.

The Information basis for undertaking the study and theoretical conclusion has formed the data an Agency Republics Kazakhstan but statistical: Ministry of culture to information and public consent of the Republic Kazakhstan (MKIOS); Governing the statistics and Department of the labour and social protection of the population Almatinskoy area; the statistical data published in periodic seal and scientific literature; the primary material about activity enterprise city Almaty.

Scientific novelty of the study is concluded in following:

- is revealed notion to economic category "labour facility youth" and is motivated their upper age border by method "gilded sections":

- a complemented factors of the shaping modern youth market labour;

- a systematized methods of the study of the use the labour youth and is offered methods of the estimation, founded on using correlation - retrogressive analysis;

- is elaborated mechanisms of the regulation modern market labour and is offered model instituthional mechanism of the development modern youth market labour;

-is offered methods forecasting to number labour resource youth on the market of the labour.

Practical value of the functioning consists in that that recommendations and offers of the author, founded on result called on theorist-methodological study on estimation of the use the labour youth, as well as payment to perspective number labour resource youth, is the economy Almatinskoy area used by Governing, at development of the program.

Anrobaciya functioning. The Positions and findings thesis functioning lecturer and were discussed on scientifically- practical conference, amongst which: On subject of the thesis’s is published 8 functioning’s.

The Volume and structure robots. Functioning consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusions, list of the used literature and applications.





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