Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Semantic changes and borrowing from French

14 Ноября 2010, реферат

In order to understand this sphere of borrowings from French one must bear in mind that the first loans were to be found in the upper classes who spoke Anglo-Norman. This fact led to French loans being automatically placed on a level above the normal everyday English vocabulary. Up to the present-day this characteristic of French words in English has remained. While it is true that some of the common French borrowings have become part of the basic stock of English vocabulary (cf. air, age, cry, change, large, manner, mountain, place, point, village, voice) a large quantity of words has remained on a stylistically higher level alongside the lower English terms. This results in such word pairs as the following which are distinguished more by register than by basic meaning: dress : clothe; amity : friendship; commence : begin; conceal : hide; nourish : feed; liberty : freedom.

Semantic of computers

28 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа

Semantic apparatus: Semantic analyses of computer terms: In connection of development of techniques and science the control system changes. So the maintenance of professionals is become new and needs new objectives, new opinions and new possibilities. One of the main problems in development of our society is introduction of technologies in educational progress in an educational system at school. Because of that new technologies such as teaching trough syllabus, information, managing teaching, developing, problem teaching, module, teaching through signals (trek) according to Shatolov, game, self – development teaching technologies are formed and take root at school. To get good results it’s necessary to use methods like role play, the grammar – translation, the direct approach, community language learning, the audio – lingual method, functional – national approach, total physical response methods with technologies.

Semantics of Symbol

15 Февраля 2013, лекция

The present paper is the summary of my views on imaginative symbols in the aspects of their semantic structure and conceptual transpositions in them. As was defined in one of my earlier works, symbol is a multi-notion conventional sign which represents, apart from its inherent and immediate designatum, an essentially different, usually more abstract designatum, connected with the former by a logical link. (Shelestiuk 1997: 125)1

Sergio Zyman

27 Сентября 2011, реферат

He is known for his the successful introduction of Diet Coke, but also as the marketer behind the failedNew Coke campaign and its bold comeback after just 77 days. As Chief Marketing Officer of Coca-Cola, he boosted worldwide annual sales volume from 9 to 15 billion cases - the most explosive growth period in the company\'s history.

Serviciile Internaţionale de Transport şi Rolul lor în REI

01 Апреля 2013, курсовая работа

Transportul reprezintă o latură a activităţii economice a societăţii omeneşti, organizată în scopul învingerii distanţelor. Prin activitatea de transport se realizează deplasarea în spaţiu a bunurilor sau a oamenilor în vederea satisfacerii nevoilor materiale şi spirituale ale societăţii omeneşti[15, p.30].
Transportul este strîns legat de societatea omenească şi a apărut odată cu aceasta. Omul primitiv se deplasa dintr-un loc în altul în căutarea de hrană şi protecţie împotriva vicisitudinilor naturii. Limitele fizice ale organismului uman în privinţa distanţelor ce puteau fi parcurse pe jos şi a cantităţii de bunuri materiale ce puteau fi transportate, au determinat, în timp, descoperirea unei game variate de mijloace ajutătoare numite astăzi ”căi şi mijloace de transport”

Sie waren in Deutschland auf der Reise. Erzählen Sie von diesem Land

03 Ноября 2012, реферат

Die BRD liegt in der Mitte Europas. Sie grenzt an 9 Nachbarstaaten :Danemark, die Niederlande,Belgien, Luxemburg , Frankreich, die Schweiz.Osterreich. die Tschechische Republik und Polen.

Sindarin as a linguistic phenomenon

03 Апреля 2013, курсовая работа

This graduate work is called “The Elvish languages as linguistic phenomena”. Here we have examined two of the most popular Elvish languages and their predecessor that were created by professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Every year there appear more and more fans of his great works and mostly all of them are interested in his created languages and want to learn and speak them. Moreover, a lot of scholars are attracted by them and they made researches on this topic.


11 Ноября 2012, курсовая работа

The understanding of the native speakers' language is the international problem for our people. Our secondary schools teach the students only the bases of the English language. Our universities do not prepare them to the British streets, accommodations, pubs where people use their own language, the language that differs from that of their parents. They use other words- they use slang. None of the most advanced and flexible ways of teaching English of any country can catch modern quickly developing English.

Smoke and mirrors

23 Января 2012, реферат

FIRST appeared the wooden kiosks, selling everything from vodka to stockings. Vladimir Bulanov, a burly entrepreneur from Nizhny Novgorod, built them in his workshop in 1991. Then came his first shop, trips abroad, fridges from Belarus, mandarin oranges from Cyprus. By 1995 he was rich, sporting a red tie and a white linen suit: an archetype of Novy Russkiy, drawing jokes and contempt.

So what can Russia do to protect itself from the impacts of climate change?

25 Февраля 2012, контрольная работа

The 2010 year was the hottest year in the history of Russia. Due to record temperatures and drought in the region there were several hundred wildfires that broke out across Russia, primarily in the west, starting in late July 2010.
According to the MINISTRY, from the beginning of fire period until September 7, 2010 on the territory of the Russian Federation emerged 30376 hotbeds of natural fires a total of 1.25 million. In the period from late July to mid-August for a day in the country (mostly in its European part) had up to 400 fires.

Social problem of elderly people in Finland

22 Декабря 2010, творческая работа

Презентация на английском языке

Sociālpsiholoģiskie procesi grup

02 Апреля 2013, реферат

Dinamiskie procesi grupās, jeb grupas dinamika ir sociālpsiholoģisko procesu un parādību kopums, kas realizējas mazajā grupā un raksturo visus mazās grupas iespējamos funkcionēšanas un pastāvēšanas cikla etapus: mazās grupas veidošanos, attīstību, grupas darbību, stagnāciju, regresu un iziršanu.” Dinamiskie procesi ir sociālpsiholoģiski fenomeni, kas nodrošina grupas funkcionēšanu, attīstību un grupas locekļu mijiedarbību.

Some interesting facts about the Cambridge

09 Октября 2011, доклад

The story of the University begins in 1209 when several hundreds students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. They had joined themselves into a “Universitas” or Society – the word “University”, like the word “College”, meant originally a society of people with a common employment.

Space and economy

03 Апреля 2011, реферат

As the student of the World Economy faculty, I was especially interested in the economic side of the space exploration. Because I really believe that the nation investing much more money in space research and development than any other one will be more successful. In my work I tried to compare the scientific, financial and business experience of different countries.


07 Декабря 2011, доклад

Spanish territory also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the African coast, and two autonomous cities in North Africa, Ceuta and Melilla, that border Morocco. With an area of 504,030 km², Spain is the second largest country in Western Europe and the European Union after France. Since January 1, 2010, Spain has held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Special colloquial vocabulary

22 Ноября 2011, доклад

Slang ,Jargonisms, Professionalisms, Dialectal words, Vulgar words, Colloquial coinages

Sport games and types

24 Октября 2013, реферат

The word's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. They are held once every four years.
The Olympic Games began in Olympia nearly 1,200 years ago
in Olympia. They were for men only. In 1896 the first International Olympic Games were organized in Olympia.
The Games opening ceremony is celebrated by lighting a flame called the "Olympic flame". The Olympic motto is "Faster, Higher, Stronger." The Olympic symbol is five interlocking circles colored blue, yellow, black, green and red.

Sprengel Museum Hannover

26 Февраля 2013, реферат

Das 1979 eröffnete und 1992 durch einen zweiten Bauabschnitt erweiterte Museum wird von einem Konzeptionsprinzip des Dialoges zwischen Öffnung und Schließung, zwischen öffentlichem Bereich und Kunstaura getragen. Mit seinem offenen Charakter ist das Museum zu einem Ort der Begegnung und Kommunikation geworden.

Stages of International Economic Integration

20 Октября 2011, реферат

Emperor Marcus Aurelius (160-180 AD), Archeological Museum of Athens. He was one of five wise emperors and after his reign, the Roman Empire, which started in 27 BC with Augustus, began its gradual decline until its final collapse in 476 AD. Had the Roman empire lasted five more centuries, Latin could have become the universal langauge now, at least in the Western world

Stakeholder Theory of the MNC

23 Ноября 2011, реферат

In our work we want to explain the principle ideas of the stakeholder theory.
The fact that the stakeholder concept has achieved widespread popularity among
academics, media and managers we think that it is an important task to bring some
system into all those confusing approaches around to the stakeholder concept. At the
beginning we will comment on the basic idea of the stakeholder theory. We will also
try to give a clear definition of what the concept is all about. Freeman who has
contributed a lot to this approach will be the main guide line in our work. We will also
give a brief overview of the history of the stakeholder concept and how it developed
and why it became so popular lately.

Standard English

28 Марта 2013, доклад

“We have seen that standard English is basically an ideal, a mode of expression that we seek when we wish to communicate beyond our immediate community with members of the wider community of the nation as a whole. As an ideal, it cannot be perfectly realized, and we must expect that members of different ‘wider communities’ (Britain, America, Nigeria, for example) may produce different realizations. In fact, however, the remarkable thing is the very high degree of unanimity, the small amount of divergence. Any of us can read a newspaper printed in Leeds or San Francisco or Dehli without difficulty and often even without realizing that there are differences at all.”

Starbucks. Franchising

26 Октября 2010, реферат

My work on a theme the Franchise.
The purpose of my work to learn that such at a franchising and to look as it works on a firm example Starbucks.

Starptautiski brīvas kapitāla kustības pozitīvie un negatīvie vaibsti

24 Августа 2011, реферат

Esejas tēma ir starptautiski brīvas kapitāla kustības pozitīvie un negatīvie vaibsti, kur temats ir sašaurināts un kā galvenais uzdevums ir izvirzīts, apskatīt ko nozīmē brīvā kapitāla kustība Eiropas Savienības valstīs, kā tā ir iespaidojusi Latvijas ekonomiku pēdējos gados un kādus ieguvumus vai zaudējumus ir sniegusi Latvijas iedzīvotājiem un valstij kopumā.

Statement of purpose

11 Февраля 2011, лекция

I am writing to express my interest in applying for the Master's Degree Programme in International Marketing Communication starting autumn 2011. I believe my educational background and work experience would enable me to make a strong contribution to the University.


25 Января 2011, реферат

Eine rhetorische Figur (auch Stilfigur, Stilmittel oder Redefigur) ist ein sprachliches Gestaltphänomen der Oberflächen- und Tiefenstruktur von Texten, das vom eigentlichen Ausdruck abweicht. Sie wird vom Autor meist gezielt eingesetzt, um eine bestimmte Wirkung beim Leser hervorzurufen.

Strategic management

04 Ноября 2011, реферат

What is strategic management? Strategic management can be used to determine mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities, timelines, etc.


27 Октября 2011, доклад

Summary. In this article we will look at some strategic risks (SR) accompanying motor transport companies for freight. We will examine some national and European policies and guidelines for the development of goods transport and the challenges posed by the new "White Paper 2020” EU transport to business.

Stress and stress management

05 Февраля 2013, магистерская работа

Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. Everyone sees situations differently and has different coping skills. For this reason, no two people will respond exactly the same way to a given situation.
Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good; it can motivate you and help you become more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress can be harmful. How we perceive a stress provoking event and how we react to it determines its impact on our health. We may be motivated and invigorated by the events in our lives, or we may see some as “stressful” and respond in a manner that may have a negative effect on our physical, mental, and social well-being.

Structural types of words and Principles of morphemic analysis

23 Января 2012, доклад

The morphological analysis of word-structure on the morphemic level aims at splitting the word into its constituent morphemes - the basic units at this level of analysis - and at determining their number and types.

Structure and composition of the Russian security services

23 Марта 2013, творческая работа

FSB centralized system of the Federal Security Service, to be exercised within their powers to work to ensure the security of the Russian Federation. The activity of the FSB of Russia by the President of the Russian Federation. Established in June 1995 by converting (renaming) of the Federal Counterintelligence Service Russian Federation.