Sergio Zyman

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2011 в 08:54, реферат

Описание работы

He is known for his the successful introduction of Diet Coke, but also as the marketer behind the failedNew Coke campaign and its bold comeback after just 77 days. As Chief Marketing Officer of Coca-Cola, he boosted worldwide annual sales volume from 9 to 15 billion cases - the most explosive growth period in the company\'s history.

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Sergio Zyman is a marketing executive. His work experience includes tenures with Coca-ColaPepsiCo,Procter & Gamble, and Microsoft among others. 

He is known for his the successful introduction of Diet Coke, but also as the marketer behind the failedNew Coke campaign and its bold comeback after just 77 days. As Chief Marketing Officer of Coca-Cola, he boosted worldwide annual sales volume from 9 to 15 billion cases - the most explosive growth period in the company\'s history. 

Since then Zyman has launched a consulting firm called the Zyman Group that he sold to MDC PartnersInc., a Canadian investment company, for around $60 million. He was replaced there as Chairman by Scott Miller, formerly with McCann Erickson and the Sawyer/Miller Group and is no longer part of the Zyman Group\'s management team - though he is listed as the founder of the company. He is currently listed as the Vice Chairman of Broadchoice, a marketing firm focused on behavioural analysis, and can be seen in a video clip on Youtube promoting the firm. He has written four books to date on his experiences in marketing and advertising. He is also a professional public speaker, charging rates of around $25,000 to $30,000 for an appearance. He can be booked through Leading Authorities, Inc., Premiere Speakers Bureau, Washington Speakers Bureau, and

Sergio Zyman is originally a native of Mexico City. He holds an Executive MBA from Harvard University and attended graduate schools in London, Paris and Jerusalem. He was named Man of the Year in 1998 by the UJA. In 2008, he was bestowed a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Asociacion Nacional de la Publicidad.

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