Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Studiju darbs studiju priekšmetā „Tirgzinības”

21 Ноября 2012, реферат

Mana izvēlētā kursa darba tēma ir «Medus tirgus izpēte" un mērķis ir izpētīt medus realizācijas iespējas Latvijā.
Bišu saimju izmantošana lauksaimniecības kultūraugu apputeksnēšanā ir cieši saistīta ar konkrētās lauksaimniecības kultūras audzētāja ieinteresētību ražas kvalitātes paaugstināšanā un arī kopražas palielināšanā. No bitēm cilvēki iegūst medu, propolisu, ziedputekšņus un vēl citus produktus, kas ir nozīmīgi medicīnā un tautas dziedniecībā

Studying other cultures is a good chance to broaden a human’s mind

25 Февраля 2012, сочинение

Most of the problems between nations grow from deep misunderstandings between people, and many of those misunderstandings are rooted in cultural differences. History has shown that when human beings understand a culture, they are less likely to respond in a "knee-jerk" fear-based way to behavior that is not like their own.

Stylistic Analysis of the Article “The Diseases of Globalization” written by Jeffrey D. Sachs

10 Февраля 2013, практическая работа

The text under analysis is the article called “The Diseases of Globalization”. The article was written by Jeffrey D. Sachs, who is a professor at Columbia University, Director of its Earth Institute. His work focuses on economic development and international aid.
The publicistic functional style of the article is marked by the use of words with the emotive meaning. There are a variety of stylistic devices, which author uses to imply emotional tension to the text and reflect his personal feelings and emotions towards the discussed subject.

Stylistic Analysis of the Text

19 Марта 2012, творческая работа

He was worried now - there was a quality of nervous despair in Daisy's letters. She didn't see why he couldn't come. She was feeling the pressure of the world outside, and she wanted to see him and feel his presence beside her and be reassured that she was doing the right thing after all.

Summer sports

29 Ноября 2012, сочинение

Sports and game exercises with a ball which cause sthenic emotions are the most popular and demand much of perception, attention, thinking and memory. According to many experts, game exercises are the best physiological tranquilizer (reduces overexcitation), promotes formation of the personality, more vigorous and self-assured.
Characterizing activity of the person in sports game, it is possible to note his typical psychophysiological features.

Szkoła postkeynesowska

18 Июня 2013, реферат

Jak i teoria neoklasyczna, postkeynesowska bazuje się na prawie wyboru ekonomicznych subiektów, których zdecentralizowanym instrumentem koordynacji jest rynek. Więc ogólnie wszystko, co było zaznaczono o rynkach, ich możliwych błędach i skutkach ekonomicznej teorii ogólnego dobrobytu, zostaje czynnym. W odróżnieniu od teorii neoklasycznej, postkeynesowska rezygnuje z poglądów teorii osiągnięcia optymalnej efektywności produkcji, przy której podział zasobów i ocena ograniczonej ilości zasobów przez tymczasową i nie tymczasową wymianę spełniają się na różnych równorzędnych rynkach, na korzyść idei rynkowej teorii własności o posiadaniu ograniczonej ilości zasobów w ramach rynkowej hierarchii.

Tahorat duolari

21 Декабря 2010, реферат

Burunga suv tortilayotganda ushbu duo o’qiladi:

«Allohumma arihni roihatal jannati va la turihni roihatan-nari».

Ma’nosi: «Ilohim, jannat hididan bahramand et, do’zax isidan nari tut».

Yuz yuvilayotganda ushbu duo o’qiladi:

«Allohumma bayyiz vajhi bi nurika yavma tabyazzu vujuhu ulaika va la tusavvid vajhi yavma tasvaddu vujuhu a’doik».

Tashkent i

02 Ноября 2012, реферат

Tashkent is the capital of the independent Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a very old city. It was founded more than 2000 years ago. The city is located at the foothills of the Tian Shan mountain range and lies in the Chirchick river valley. The population of the city has already grown to more than 2 million people.
There are several Muslim monuments and historical buildings such as the Kokaldosh madrasah and the Barkkhan mosque which were built in the 16th century.

Teaching Listening

12 Марта 2012, реферат

Listening is the language modality that is used most frequently. It has been estimated that adults spend almost half their communication time listening, and students may receive as much as 90% of their in-school information through listening to instructors and to one another. Often, however, language learners do not recognize the level of effort that goes into developing listening ability.

Teaching listening comprehension

06 Февраля 2013, курсовая работа

Methods of research were chosen for the specific subject, object, and purpose of work:
Analysis of the scientific literature on psycholinguistics, linguistics, psychology and methods of teaching foreign languages;
Experiential learning of students of psycho-pedagogical profile to test the rationality of the developed technique training of professionally-oriented listening as an important component of professional business and intercultural communication competence;

Teaching writing

02 Апреля 2012, курсовая работа

В настоящее время преподавание, чтобы выразить правильно свои мысли в письменной и устной форме стал очень важным. Написание и письменной речи является основой для дальнейшего обучения (обучение) развитие. Bad развития письменной влияние на понимание других школьных предметов и учениками социальной адаптации в целом.

Technology of ice cream

07 Февраля 2013, реферат

Raw materials are stored in tanks, silos, drums or bags depending on their physical form. Arrangements for reception depend on the capacity of the plant.
Dry products used in comparatively small quantities, such as whey powder, stabilisers and emulsifiers, cocoa powder, etc., are usually delivered in bags.

Teenage drug use

28 Февраля 2013, реферат

In today’s society, the common problem among teenagers is the use of drugs. Teen age years is probably one of the most challenging periods of life. It is a stage of identity versus confusion – knowing oneself compared to losing oneself. Belonging and being accepted in a group is very important and being cool as well.
During these years of growing up, teenagers encounter their share of positive and negative experiences. Peer pressure, curiosity, and the availability of drugs are factors that some youthful and vulnerable teenagers have to deal with in their adolescent lives.

Tema Botellón

02 Апреля 2012, доклад

El “Botellon” es un fenomeno, que ya desde hace unos años define el ocio juvenil en España. El “botellón” no es privativo de la villa y corte. Muchas ciudades de España al amanecer del día ofrecen la misma estampa desoladora: mugre, botellas estrelladas, chucherías rodando por el suelo. Los desperdicios acaban como combustible en las hogueras que prenden los adolescentes para calentarse en las frías noches. Aparte de la borrachera que llevan puesta, los hijos del botellón están atormentando al vecindario con el ruido. Las batallas nocturnas en Granada, cuando miles de adolescentes transforman la ciudad en el “mayor pub al aire libre del mundo” obligan al consistorio a ir camino de prohibir el botellón en el casco antiguo.

Territorial varieties of English pronunciation

24 Октября 2011, курсовая работа

The actuality and necessity of scientific research. The modern English language is an international language nowadays. English is spoken today on all five continents as a result of colonial expansion in the last four centuries or so. The colonial era is now definitely over but its consequences are clearly to be seen in the presence of English as an official and often native language in many of the former colonies. Another legacy of colonialism is that English fulfils the function of a lingua franca (for example, in Nigeria). It is also the first spoken language of such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa.

Testing as a method of motivation of pupils in teaching English language

28 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа

Every teacher wants to give his pupils the best knowledge, which they will use every time, anywhere where it is necessary. But how to achieve this aim? Of course he must be qualified teacher, he must teach them letters, new words, phonetic, grammar, and etc., but also he must rightly evaluate pupils’ knowledge and makes them do it without any fear and with ease. Because pupils should improve their skills and knowledge in foreign language.

The Aral Sea

19 Июля 2013, сочинение

Millions of years ago, the northwestern part of Uzbekistan and southern Kazakhstan were covered by a massive inland sea. When the waters receded, they left a broad plain of highly saline soil. One of the remnants of the ancient sea was the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. The Aral Sea surface was 66,100 square kilometers. Salt content was 1%. Then in the sixties, the flow of water into the Sea began to drop alarmingly. The former sea bed is now a salt desert. More and more water is used for irrigations and this may cause a reduction of water pouring into the Aral Sea. As the result of the shrinkage of the Sea.

The Biography of O. Henry

24 Октября 2013, биография

O. Henry is the pen name of the American writer William Sydney Porter. He was born on September 11, 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina. His life was full of sorrow from the early childhood. When William was three, his mother died. His father, a penniless physician, became to drink hard and soon turned into a good-for-nothing alcoholic

The British inventors

04 Ноября 2011, реферат

An invention is a novel composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived, in which case it may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others. Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience.

The British Royal Family

13 Февраля 2013, реферат

The term “The Royal Family” has no strict legal definition. Nor does the family have a constitutional role, but the work of its members is an essential part of the modern monarchy.
Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of the United Kingdom and Head of the Commonwealth on the sixth of February ,nineteen fifty-two (1952) . As of today she has reigned for 60 years, and she is celebrating the Diamond (60th) Jubilee of her reign in two thousand twelve. She is head of the British Royal Family, has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchilden, and is 86 years old.

The Central Bank

29 Марта 2012, реферат

The Central Bank of The Russian Federation is the central bank of The Russian Federation. Its functions are described in the Russian constitution and in the special Federal law. Bank of Greatest Russia was founded on July 13, 1990, but traced its history to the State Bank of the Russian Empire, which in honor of its 150th anniversary will issue a 5-kg commemorative gold coin featuring Alexander II in 2010.

The Chicken-Egg Problem with Organizational Change

26 Февраля 2013, доклад

by Ron Ashkenas
Timing is critical for successful organizational change. What you do first and the sequence of actions that follow can make or break your effort. But in many cases, it's not completely clear whether one step causes another or vice versa. Like the classic "chicken or the egg" dilemma, you're left asking yourself: Which should come first? Here are two examples of this problem:

The Coca-Cola Company

07 Декабря 2011, статья

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
To refresh the world...
To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
To create value and make a difference.

The Complex Development Program for Tourism Moscow for the Period up to the Year 2010

09 Января 2012, реферат

Complex Tourism Development Program in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as Program) is developed by the order of the Mayor of Moscow and contains the most urgent offers and events on their fulfillment in order to create a legal, managerial, administrative, and economic environment favorable for further development of the tourist industry in Moscow.

The constitution of Ukraine

27 Июля 2011, сочинение

The adoption of a new constitution of Ukraine on the 28th of June 1996 became an important event in the life of the people of Ukraine. Our country has long-standing constitutional traditions. The first Constitution of Ukraine was written by hetman Philip Orlyk in 1710. Being the first constitution in Europe it was notable for its profound democracy.

The definition of punctuation marks

10 Апреля 2013, курсовая работа

In Russian there is a strict principle saying that a subordinate clause is always marked off from its head clause by a comma. Thus, practically speaking, if there is no comma in a sentence, we may be certain that there is no subordinate clause in it. In English, on the other hand, there is no such general principle: sometimes a subordinate clause is not separated from its head clause by any punctuation mark whatsoever.

The Development of Students Language Awareness on the Base of Using Idioms in Classes

28 Марта 2013, дипломная работа

Idiom is a phrase or expression whose total meaning differs from the meaning of the individual words. For example, to blow one's top (get angry) and behind the eight ball (in trouble) are English- language idioms. Idioms come from language and generally cannot be translated literally (word for word). Foreign language students must learn them just as they would learn vocabulary words.
It is generally accepted that interpreters did not know much about the laws and rules of translation at the dawn of civilization. They did not have enough scientific knowledge, and some writers maintained later that translation was a problem which could never be solved (e.g., "All translation seems to me to be simply an attempt to solve an insoluble problem." W. von Humboldt).

The economy current state

24 Декабря 2011, доклад

The economy current state, imperfection of system of the organization of the government and civil society, criminalization of public relations create a wide spectrum of threats of national safety, as a whole, and public safety, in particular.
The basic subject of safety of the rights and personal freedoms, material and society cultural wealth, and also the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country the state which is carrying out functions in this area through bodies legislative, executive and judicial authority is.

The Effects of Inflation

14 Марта 2011, реферат

Inflation leads to an arbitrary redistribution of real income. Although a rise in the general price level produces 2 corresponding rise in money incomes, all prices do not rise ю the same extent and different income groups will be affected in different ways. There will be some 'gainers' and some 'losers'.

The Etymology of English Words

13 Января 2012, реферат

It is true that English vocabulary, which is one of the most extensive among the world's languages contains an immense number of words of foreign origin. Explanations for this should be sought in the history of the language which is closely connected with the history of the nation speaking the language.