Совершенствование управления иностранными инвестициями в нефтегазовом комплексе Казахстана

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Мая 2012 в 13:45, автореферат

Описание работы

Актуальность темы исследования. Президент Н.А.Назарбаев в Послании народу Казахстана в качестве одного из основных приоритетов развития общества выделяет экономический рост, базирующийся на открытой рыночной экономике с высоким уровнем иностранных инвестиций и внутренних сбережений. Политика привлечения иностранного капитала исходит из общей экономической стратегии развития страны.

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                            - кәсіпорынның инвестициялық бағдарламасы шеңберінде инвестициялық жобаларды оптимизациялау әдістемесі әзірленді.

                            Тәжірибелік маңыздылығы диссертациядағы ұсыныстар мен қорытындыларды мұнайгаз кешенін дамыту стратегияны өңдеуге қатысатын мұнай өндіруші компаниялардың жұмыс тәжірибесінде пайдалануға болады. Автордың әдістемелік зерттеулері шетелдік инвесторлардың қатысуымен мұнайгаз саласын басқаруды жетілдіру үшін қолданылуы мүмкін.

                            Диссертациялық зерттеулердің негізгі ережелері «Халықаралық экономика», «Мұнайгаз өндіруші кәсіпорындардың экономикасы» пәндерін оқыту барысында Каспий мемлекеттік технологиялар және инжиниринг университетінің оқу процесінде, сонымен бірге «ҚазМұнайГаз» ҰК АҚ-ның қызметінде пайдаланылады.

                            Зерттеулердің жеке ғылыми нәтижелерін мұнайгаз кешендерінде стратегиялық басқару жүйесін жетілдіру, осы кешендердің өнімдерінің халықаралық саудасы мәселелері бойынша ғылыми-зерттеу жұмыстарында пайдалануға болады.





































Omarova Aizhan Igilikovna


Perfection of management by foreign investments in an oil-and-gas complex of Kazakhstan


08.00.05 - Economy and management of a national economy

(on branches and fields of activity)


Object of research. The modern condition of the fuel and energy complex including the oil and gas industry, puts forward a problem of rational use of available resources. The oil recovery and gas takes leading place in a national economy and consequently the safe investment potential, both for domestic businessmen, and for foreign investors which demands efficient control here is formed.

In this connection the problem of studying of a control system with participation of foreign investors is represented by an oil and gas complex important and actual.

Object of research. An oil and gas complex of Republic Kazakhstan.

                            An object of research is theoretical and practical questions of management of the foreign capital in an oil and gas complex of the country.

                            The purpose of research. The purpose of dissertational research is development of theoretical and methodical also scientific and practical recommendations on management of foreign investments in the oil and gas enterprises.

                            As a methodological basis of research the dialectic method of knowledge supposing research of the phenomena and processes in development, interrelation and interconditionality, and also the system approach to strategic management of an oil and gas complex have served.

                            Scientific novelty of research has found the concrete expression in the following:

- methodological aspects of attraction and management of foreign investments in an oil and gas complex of the country in a context of the general development of national economy, its efficiency and power safety are specified;

- factors of economic influence of the foreign companies on management of an oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan are allocated and determined;

- methodical positions on management of foreign investments in an oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan are developed;

                               - the model of management by investment processes in an oil and gas complex of Kazakhstan which are recommended for taking into account during the further formation of strategy of development of an oil and gas complex is offered;

- the technique of optimization of investment projects is developed within the framework of the investment program of the enterprise.

                            The practical importance of the lead research consists that the basic conclusions and the recommendations contained in the dissertation, can be used in practice of work of the oil-extracting companies participating in development of strategy of development of an oil and gas complex. Methodical researches of the author can be used for perfection of management by foreign investments in oil and gas branch.

                            Substantive provisions of dissertational research are used in educational process of the Caspian state university of technology and engineering by S.Esenova (former Aktau state university S.Esenova) at studying disciplines «the International economy», «Economy of the oil and gas extraction enterprises», and also are used in activity of joint-stock company NK "KazMunaiGaz" to what certificates of introduction testify.

                            Separate scientific results of research can be used in research work on questions of perfection of system of strategic management by oil and gas complexes, international trade in production of these complexes.

































Информация о работе Совершенствование управления иностранными инвестициями в нефтегазовом комплексе Казахстана