Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Февраля 2013 в 20:33, лекция
Работа содержит лекцию по дисциплине "Теория перевода"
The terrestrial globe is a member of the solar system. |
Земной шap входит в солнечную систему. | |
Keep off the grass! |
Держитесь прочь от травы. По газонам не ходить. | |
sweet pea |
душистый горошек (*сладкий горошек) | |
delicate balance
cold-blooded murder |
неустойчивое равновесие (*деликатный баланс)
зверское убийство (*хладнокровное убийство) | |
I’m lonesome as hell. |
Меня тоска заела. | |
Some things are hard to remember. |
Бывает, что нипочем не можешь вспомнить, как все было. | |
Не was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody. His appetite was appaling, and he told me so many times to stop pestering him. |
С ним стало трудно ужиться, то он злился, то дулся, настроение у него менялось пятнадцать раз на день. Ел он много и жадно, даже смотреть было страшно, и все огрызался – не приставай ко мне. | |
Just over a year ago a boycott of public transport in Barcelona hit the world’s headlines. |
Как раз год назад бойкот городского транспорта в Барселоне попал в газетные заголовки всего мира. | |
The outstanding reasons for the extension of the state apparatus are the growth of militarism and the development of the economic functions of the state on behalf of monopoly capitalism. |
Основными причинами расширения государственного аппарата является рост милитаризма и развитие экономических функций государства в интересах монополистического капитала | |
Their leaders even hired high-priced efficiency engineers for the unions, to organize the general speed up. |
Стремясь добиться широкого распространения потогонной системы, профсоюзные лидеры даже приглашали за высокую плату на службу в профсоюзы инженеров, специалистов по интенсификации труда. | |
*1. Выдающимися причинами расширения государственного аппарата являются рост милитаризма и развитие экономических функций государства от имени монополистического капитализма. |
*2. Их лидеры даже нанимали дорогой цены инженеров по производительности для профсоюзов, чтобы организовать общую потогонную систему. | |
It was, indeed, out of concern for the well-being of the eaters the world over that the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) was born. |
* Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН (ФАО) была создана вовсе не из-за заботы о благополучии потребителей пищи во всем мире. | |
Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация ООН (ФАО) была как раз и создана ради заботы о благополучии потребителей пищи во всем мире. | ||
Не was one of the best British football players in 1930’s. |
В 1930 году он был одним из лучших футболистов в Англии. | |
If the Prime-Minister’s speech made few new points on Britain’s economic plight, it was a skilful exercise in rhetoric. |
*Если речь премьер-министра не содержала ничего нового о бедственном положении британской экономики, она все же была примером искусной риторики. *Хотя речь премьер-министра… Хотя премьер-министр в своей речи сообщил не много нового … британский – английский риторика – ораторское искусство, красноречие пример – образец |
table 8 - Structural-activity model of translation
language personality language personality language personality
thesaurus 1
AVN pragm. AVN pragmaticon
model 1
11 Dictionary of translation terms
Note the abbreviations used:
T - translationO - original |
SL – source language TL – target language |
R - receptor Tr – translator |
adaptive transcoding (адаптивное транскодирование) - a kind of lingual mediation, where the contents of the O is rendered in a converted form ensuring the assigned size and character of information reproduced.
adapted translation (адаптированный перевод) - a kind of adaptive transcoding, where in the process of T simplification of structure and contents of the O takes place with the aim of making the text of T clear for the R, who hasn’t enough knowledge for complete understanding of the message of the original.
adequate translation (адекватный перевод) - T, ensuring pragmatic tasks of a T act at a maximum possible for this purpose level of equivalence, without violation of the norm and usage of the TL, observing genre-stylistic requirements to texts of the given type and correspondence to conventional norm of T; correct T.
antonymous translation (антонимический перевод) - lexico-grammatical transformation, where substitution of an affirmative form in the O for a negative form in the T, or vice versa, is accompanied by the substitution of a lexical unit of the SL for a TL unit with an opposite meaning.
equivalent-lacking words (безэквивалентная лексика) - SL lexical units that have no regular (dictionary) equivalents in the TL.
equivalent-lacking grammatical units (безэквивалентные грамматические единицы) - SL grammatical forms and structures that have no one-to-one correspondence in the TL.
literal translation (буквальный перевод) - T, reproducing communicatively irrelevant elements of the O, the result of which is violation of the TL norm and usage or distortion (misrepresentation) of the contents of the O.
generalization (генерализация) - lexico-semantic substitution of a SL unit with a narrow meaning by a TL unit with a more general meaning.
grammatical substitution (грамматическая замена) - grammatical transformation, where a grammatical unit of the O is transformed into a SL unit with a different grammatical meaning.
unit of non-equivalence (единица несоответствия) - an element of the contents of the O, that was not rendered or was distorted in the T, or an element of the contents of the O erroneously added in the T.
unit of translation (единица перевода) - 1. A minimal unit of the O text, which is translated as a whole in the sense that one can find its equivalent in the T, but can not find in it TL units, reproducing the meaning of its constituents, if there are any.
2. A unit of equivalence. 3. A unit of T process.
unit of translation process (единица переводческого процесса) - a minimal segment of the O text, functioning as a separate “portion” of T in the sense that the Tr begins to translate such segment after he has accomplished the T of the preceding one.
unit of equivalence (единица эквивалентности) - a minimal unit of the contents of the O retained in the T.
one-to-one (permanent) correspondence (единичное (постоянное) соответствие)- a most stable (constant) way of translating of a given SL unit, comparatively independent of the context.
genre-stylistic classification of translation (жанрово-стилистическая классификация переводов) - subdivision of translations in accord with genre-stylistic peculiarities of the O into literary T and informative T and functional subtypes of T.
genre-stylistic norm of translation (жанрово-стилистическая норма перевода) - requirements, that the T should meet, in accord with reference of the O to a certain functional style.
informative translation (информативный перевод)- T of originals that do not refer to fiction (socio-political, science-technological, official, etc.), i.e. texts, the main function of which is to convey some knowledge, and not to make an emotional or aesthetic impression on the R.
source (of information) (источник информации)- creator (author) of the O text, sender of the message.
source language (SL) (исходный язык – ИЯ) - language of the O, language from which the T is made.
blue-print translation (калькирование) - way of T of a unit of the O by substituting its constituents – morphemes or words (in case of set expressions) – by their equivalents in the TL.
communicative equivalence (коммуникативная равноценность) - the ability of the text to function as a full-value substitute (in functional, semantic and structural respect) of another text. Communicatively equivalent texts are forms of existence of one and the same message and are identified in the process of T.
compensation (компенсация) - way of T, where elements of sense, lost in T of a SL unit in the O, are rendered in the text of T by some other means and not in the same place as in the O.
conventional norm of translation (конвенциональная норма перевода)- requirements, that the T should meet in connection with generally accepted in the given period views on the role and tasks of the T activity.
specification (конкретизация) - lexico-semantic substitution of the SL unit, having a wide meaning, by a TL unit with a narrower meaning.
lexico-semantic substitution (лексико-семантическая замена) - way of translating lexical units of the O by means of the use of TL units, whose meanings do not coincide with the meanings of the SL units, but which may be derived from them through certain logical transformations.
lexical context (лексический контекст) - a totality of lexical units surrounding the given unit of the text
linguistics of translation, or linguistic translatology (лингвистика перевода или лингвистическое переводоведение) - a section of linguistics, studying T as a linguistic phenomenon.
linguistic theory of translation (лингвистическая теория перевода) - theoretical part of linguistics of translation.
linguistic context (лингвистический контекст) – linguistic surrounding of a given language unit in the text.
literary translatology (литературное переводоведение) - a section of theory of literature, studying T as a kind of literary creative work.
interlingual (bilingual) communication (межъязыковая (двуязычная) коммуникация) - speech intercourse between communicants, who use different languages
one-to-many (variable) correspondence (множественное (вариантное) соответствие) - one of regular ways of translation of a given SL unit, partially reproducing its meaning in the TL.
model of translation (модель перевода) - conventional description of a series of mental operations by means of which one can make a T of the O or some of its parts.
modulation (notional development) (модуляция, смысловое развитие)– a lexico-semantic substitution of a SL word or phrase by a TL unit, whose meaning is a logical consequence of the SL unit meaning.
norm of translation (норма перевода)- a totality of requirements that the T should meet
norm of language of translation (норма переводческой речи) - requirements to be met by the language of the T.
norm of translation equivalence (норма эквивалентности перевода) - a requirement of maximum possible similarity of the T to the O.
zero translation (нулевой перевод) - non-rendering of a grammatical unit meaning in the T due to its being superfluous.
general theory of translation (общая теория перевода) - a section of linguistic theory of T, which studies the most general linguistic conformities of T, irrespective of specific features of a concrete pair of languages, ways of accomplishing this process and individual peculiarities of a concrete act of translation.
integration of sentences in translation (объединение предложений при переводе) – a way of T, where the syntactic structure of the O is transformed by integrating two or more original sentences into one or compressing a complex sentence into a simple one.
same-type correspondence (однотипное соответствие) - a grammatical equivalent in the TL, having the same name, definition and grammatical meaning, analogous to a substituted SL unit.
occasional equivalent (contextual substitute) (окказиональное соответствие, контекстуальная замена) - irregular, exclusive way of translating a unit of the O, that suits only the given context.
official (for publication) translation (официальный, готовый к опубликованию, перевод) - an ultimate variant of T that the Tr submits as a full-value reproduction of the O.
translation (перевод) - a kind of lingual mediation, in which the contents of a foreign language O is rendered into another language by means of creating a communicatively equivalent text in it.
translatology (переводоведение) - a totality of scientific disciplines, studying various aspects of T.
translational (interlingual) transformation (переводческая (межъязыковая) трансформация) – transformation, that helps to make transition from units of the O to units of T.
translational equivalent (переводческое соответствие) – a unit of the TL, regularly used for rendering the given unit of the SL.
language of translation (TL) (переводящий язык, ПЯ) – the language into which the T is made.
written translation (письменный перевод) - a type of T, where the O and the T function in the process of T in the form of fixed (mainly written) texts, to which the Tr can turn time and again.
pragmatics of translation (pragmatic aspect of translation) (прагматика перевода, прагматический аспект перевода) - influence of the necessity to reproduce the pragmatic potential of the O and ensure the desired effect on the R on the course and result of the T process.
pragmatic adaptation of translation (прагматическая адаптация перевода) - changes, made in the text of T, with the aim to achieve a necessary reaction on the part of a concrete R.
pragmatic norm of translation (прагматическая норма перевода) - the requirement of ensuring the pragmatic value of the T.
pragmatic value of translation (прагматическая ценность перевода) - the degree of correspondence of the text of T to the tasks for the sake of which the T process took place.
pragmatic potential of the text (прагматический потенциал текста) - the ability of the text to influence the R, to evoke his intellectual and emotional reaction to the message conveyed.
approximate translation (приближенный перевод) - the use in the T of a grammatical unit of the TL, that in the given context partially corresponds to an equivalent-lacking grammatical unit of the SL.
technique of lexical addition (прием лексических добавлений) - the use in the T of additional lexical units for rendering implicit elements of the sense of the O.
technique of pronominal repetition (прием местоименного повтора) - a repeated indication in the text of T to objects, that have been mentioned, with the substitution their names by corresponding pronouns.
technique of deletion (прием опущения) - non-rendering in the T of semantically superfluous words, the meanings of which are irrelevant or easily restored in the context.
technique of lexical units replacement (прием перемещения лексических единиц) - the use of a closest equivalent of a SL unit in a different place of an utterance in the text of T.
technique of word-for-word translation (прием пословного перевода) - substitution of closest equivalents for lexical units of the O with retaining of syntactic ties between them as an intermediary stage in the process of search of an optimal variant of T.
process of translation (translation proper) (процесс перевода, собственно перевод) - translator’s actions in creating the text of T.
psycholinguistic classification of translation (психолингвистическая классификация переводов) - subdivision of translations into types and subtypes according to the mode (speech form) of apprehension of the O and creation of the text of T.
not for publication translation (рабочий перевод) - preliminary T, the equivalence of which is confined to rendering at the level of method of describing the situation of a denotative-logical contents of the O.
different-type correspondence (разнотипное соответствие) - grammatical correspondence in the TL, which does not coincide with the unit of the SL in name and definition.
receptor (of information) (рецептор информации) - receptor of the message; the listening or reading participant of communication.