Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Февраля 2012 в 17:43, курсовая работа
Зерттеу тақырыбының өзектілігі. Көп салалы экономика қалыптастыру және нарықтық қатынастарды дамыту аграрлық өндірістің тиімділігін арттыруда, елімізді азық-түлікпен қамтамасыз етуде, халықтың тамақ азық-түлігіне деген қажеттілігін қамтамасыз етуде және ауылдың әлеуметтік проблемаларын шешуде маңызды.
Қазақстан агроөнеркәсіптік кешені ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдері мен азық-түлік өндіру бойынша оның экономикасын дамытуға басым бағыттардың бірі болып саналады.
The Problems of management the competition able food production
and agricultural in Kazakhstan
08.00.05 - Economy and management of a national economy (on branches and fields of activity)
Object of research or development. An object of research is management of competitiveness of agricultural production and the foodstuffs in Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization of economy. Object of research is management, the agricultural, processing enterprises and all control system of economy of agroindustrial manufacture are determined.
The purpose of work. The basic purpose of dissertational research consists in definition of methodological approaches and practical offers and recommendations on formation of the economic mechanism of management by agrarian sphere of Kazakhstan in manufacture of competitive agricultural production and the foodstuffs in the internal and world (global) markets.
She(It) is directed on a substantiation of strategy of management to agriculture, definitions of efficiency of the mechanism of managing, development of economic methods of the government on the basis of price, financial - credit mechanisms.
Method and methodology of carrying out of work. In a basis the theorist of methodological carrying out of research fundamental works scientific ideas and concepts of world(global) and Kazakhstan scientists under the economic theory, problems of investment transformations connected with economy of agroindustrial manufacture and the introduction into WTO are taken.
In dissertational work the legislative and normative documents, the saved up experience of the countries making the competitive foodstuffs in the world market are used.
As information base of research the statistical data, development of research establishments results of economic researches of the competitor, materials of periodicals of foreign countries and Kazakhstan, and also concepts and programs of development of Kazakhstan are used.
Depending on performance of problems(tasks) general scientific methods are used: monographic, economic - statistical, balance, settlement - constructive, forecasting, export, etc. Research was carried out(was spent) at a level of economy of agriculture of republic and separate regions.
Results of work. As a result of the lead(carried out) researches offers and recommendations on perfection of management of competitive agricultural production and the foodstuffs in conditions of globalization of economy are prepared.
In which have found reflection: methodical approaches on formation of the competitive environment, increase in manufacture of articles of food, the mechanism of economic mutual relations between the agricultural and processing enterprises on a basis кластерной systems; formation of price, financial - credit mechanisms.
The basic constructive, technological and technics(technical equipment) operational characteristics:
The economic mechanism of management, the government, globalization of economy, world(global) and a home market, competitive manufacture and the foodstuffs, the quality standards, tax system, insurance, investments, the world(global) and internal prices.
Scope. The developed offers and recommendations will find application in сельхоз formations of all patterns of ownership and managing, in processing, арго the service enterprises, export and import of production and articles of food, and also other enterprises and the organizations of agriculture and other branches of economy of Kazakhstan.
Degree of introduction. The complex control system of competitive production and the foodstuffs can be used in practice that will allow to raise(increase) his(its) efficiency sharply.
Offers, recommendations can be used by legislative and normative controls at formation of competitive agrarian manufacture in view of requirements of WTO.
For rational use of resource potential of agrarian manufacture creation of the average both large enterprises and their association on the basis of cooperation and is offered to integration, a competition and specialization. It will allow to raise(increase) competitiveness of production and the foodstuffs, optimization of manufactures, development of a serving infrastructure, introduction of scientifically proved degree of conducting manufactures.
Recommendations on introduction or results of introduction of research work.
Offers and recommendations on formation of competitive manufacture and articles of food will find reflection on perfection of нормативно-acts of Kazakhstan on questions: managements of economy, including the state financial support, the price, financial - credit, tax, investment mechanism and their application at all levels of economy of agroindustrial manufacture.
The system of food maintenance should be considered(examined) in a complex: consumption, manufacture and distribution of articles of food.
The methodology of a machinery of government at globalization of economy assumes use of system of economic-mathematical models and the means of their program realization providing analytical and прогнозные calculations (models): the general(common) balance, partial balance, regulations about the existing and minimal access, special mechanisms of protection, the special differentiated approach.
Depending on a level of competitiveness in the world market of branch of agrarian and industrial complex it is recommended to divide(share):
Focused on export of the foodstuffs and carrying out manufacture of food stuffs for realization on a foreign market;
The having industrial and scientific and technical potential for manufacture of competitive kinds of production in the world market;
Focused on satisfaction of needs(requirements) of the population in a home market.
The state financial support should include the following basic directions: industrialization, development of an infrastructure, national competitive advantages, state regulation of the market and maintenance of food safety.
The flexible price mechanism should include: procurement prices, extra charges to them, mortgaging and target. Introduction in practice of parity of economic attitudes(relations) of two concepts: equilibrium and relative. It is necessary to understand interbranch attitudes(relations) at which the norm of profitability coincides with average norm on economy as equilibrium parity; relative - a condition of interbranch attitudes(relations) at which profitableness, the payment in an agriculture is lower than average on a national economy, but this deviation(rejection) does not interfere with the expanded reproduction.
Economic efficiency. Introduction ресурсосберегающих technologies will allow to reduce quantity(amount) of technics(technical equipment) almost in 2 times, on its(her) updating it is required less investments, consumption of combustive-lubricating materials in 1,5 times will decrease, and the economy of means will make on 1 hectare of 15 dollars. Expenses for production растениеводства and animal industries will decrease: the level of profitability растениеводства will increase with 24,1 up to 46,8 %, animal industries - with 7,2 up to 16 %. Introduction of actions of organizational - economic character will allow to raise(increase) a level of profitability of a clap - сырца - with 15,2 up to 39,5 %. For effective development of manufacture it is necessary to increase volume of investments into a fixed capital.
Probation of fers on development of objects of research.
The lead(carried out) analysis shows, that for the further development of agroindustrial manufacture in Kazakhstan it is necessary to carry out research on: to an effective utilization and restoration of industrial potential, food safety and competitiveness of agricultural production and the foodstuffs, increase of a standard of life of the population, perfection of economic attitudes(relations) in sphere of manufacture, preparation, deep processing, to selling of production, the foodstuffs, service, management of economy in conditions of WTO.