The economy current state

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Декабря 2011 в 22:12, доклад

Описание работы

The economy current state, imperfection of system of the organization of the government and civil society, criminalization of public relations create a wide spectrum of threats of national safety, as a whole, and public safety, in particular.
The basic subject of safety of the rights and personal freedoms, material and society cultural wealth, and also the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country the state which is carrying out functions in this area through bodies legislative, executive and judicial authority is.

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     The economy current state, imperfection of system of the organization of the government and civil society, criminalization of public relations create a wide spectrum of threats of national safety, as a whole, and public safety, in particular.

     The basic subject of safety of the rights and personal freedoms, material and society cultural wealth, and also the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country the state which is carrying out functions in this area through bodies legislative, executive and judicial authority is.

     Protection of the rights and freedom of the person and the citizen, maintenance of legality, the law and order, public safety it agree the item ч.1 item 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is in joint conducting the Russian Federation and its subjects.

     The constitutional position that local governments independently carry out public order protection, and also solve other questions of local value (p.1 item 132 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) it is substantially provided by positions of the Federal law of the Russian Federation «About the general principles of the organization of local government in the Russian Federation» which carries the organization of protection of a public order to questions of local value in municipal union territory, participation in the prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations, maintenance of primary measures of fire safety and actions for preservation of the environment, and also other questions, in various degree persons providing safety and

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