Автор: k***************@gmail.com, 28 Ноября 2011 в 09:17, автореферат
Зерттеу тақырыбының өзектілігі. Мемлекеттің экономикалық жетістігін анықтау үрдісінде еліміздің бәсекеге қабілетті болуы мен оны әріқарай дамыту механизмдерін жетілдіру ісіне баса назар аударылады. Өйткені ұлттық шаруашылықтың экономикалық тиімділігін басқару жолдарын жетілдіру Қазақстанның 2020 жылға дейінгі жоспарының негізгі міндеттерінің бірі болып табылады. Ең бастысы – экономиканың бәсекеге қабілетті моделін таңдау, басым салаларды анықтау, бәсекеге қабілеттілік деңгейін арттыратын қолда бар экономикалық мүмкіншіліктерді анықтау, сондай-ақ сыртқы экономикалық бәсекеге қабілеттілік тұрғысынан бәсекелестік байланыстарды дамытуға әсер ететін механизмдер мен факторларды анықтау жөніндегі мәселелер туралы сөз қозғалады.
значимость работы. Практическое применение
результатов проведенного исследования
может быть выражено следующим образом:
- использование информационно-аналитического
инструментария анализа социально-экононмического
развития страны на основе примеров развитых
Sagimbayeva Almira Yubilerovna
Ways to improve management sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan on the
basis of excellence
08.00.05 - Economics and management of economy
(on branches and fields of activities)
Urgency of research theme.
In recognition of the economic viability of the state focuses on the
formation and development of a competitive national economy. Improving
the competitiveness of the economy can not be achieved without the use
of mechanisms that accelerate the reform and improvement of management.
Such an approach to the problems raising the economic efficiency of
management poses new challenges. First of all, it comes to choosing
a competitive model of the economy, the priority sectors that have economic
potential to improve competitiveness, identifying the factors and elements
that affect the degree of development of competitive relations. Addressing
these and other issues requires the development of new theoretical and
methodological approaches. The problem of formation and development
of competitiveness through the effective management of the economy is
long overdue and requires an examination of the best world achievements
in this field.
The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the dissertation
research is to validate the theoretical and methodological approaches
to building a competitive national economy through improved management
in view of the world's best achievements in the fields of economy, and
develop practical recommendations for its further development and improve
the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy.
On the basis of common purpose in the work were raised and solved
the following tasks:
- examine the experiences of developed countries to improve the management
of industrial economies;
- determine the cost-effectiveness of scientific and technological advances
in developed countries; identify the level of R & D spending in
the most competitive countries in the world, and on this basis show
the role of government in funding research and development, as well
as the role of research in economic development;
- the example of developed countries to show the functional dependence
of labor productivity, wages, and capital-labor. Show the need for their
use in Kazakhstan;
- consider the possibility of using the best achievements of the world
in the industrial economy to improve the competitiveness of the domestic
economy. Consider the experience of foreign financing of the economy;
- the example of developed countries to show the role of innovation
in improving the low diversification of the economy;
- show characteristics and differences of management in the developed
world, and to assess its role in economic development.
The object of the research is to develop the most competitive
sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of
governance arrangements.
The subject of the study is to identify mechanisms to improve
management sectors of the economy of Kazakhstan as a result of a better
definition of excellence.
Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it attempts
to explore the experience of developed countries to improve the management
of industrial economies, and to identify the most suitable samples for
use in enhancing the competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan. And
also attempted to show that scientific and technological progress is
a major lever for growth and competitiveness to accelerate economic
growth in rich countries, and an example of such countries to prove
that the increase in capital-labor entails the growth of average wages.
And with an increase in the average annual salary is directly related
to growth and productivity of labor and capital.
Key scientific points presented for defense:
Scientific and practical
significance of the work is determined by the possibility of using
the theoretical, methodological and practical provisions for developing
a system of government measures to improve the competitiveness of national
economies, industries, domestic business:
- used information and analytical tools of analysis of socio-ekononmicheskogo
development of the country on the basis of examples of developed countries
is the development of the theory of competitiveness;
- ways of economic development of the most competitive countries and
their lessons for Kazakhstan, as well as the results of the analysis
can be used by research centers, zanmayuschimisya national and regional
- an analysis of macroeconomic indicators developed countries can be
used in the statistical agencies;
- scientific results to determine the factors of productivity growth and its relationship with higher capital-labor and the growth of average wages can be used by public authorities and private companies.
в печать 15.02.2010 г.
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