Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Декабря 2012 в 20:46, автореферат
Вступ. Актуальність теми дослідження. Зовнішня політика Данії, Норвегії, Швеції та Фінляндії справляє значний вплив на сучасну ситуацію на європейському континенті. Зміни, які відбуваються на Півночі Європи, нові перспективи регіонального та міжрегіонального співробітництва вимагають переосмислення ролі і місця цієї частини Європи на політичній та економічній карті. Запропонована тема стосується важливої проблеми повоєнної історії країн Скандинавії, що суттєво вплинула на подальший розвиток інтеграційних процесів.
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук по специальности 07.00.02 – всемирная история. – Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко. – Киев, 2007.
Диссертация посвящена комплексному изучению проблемы политических отношений между странами Скандинавии в контексте интеграционных процессов, имевших место на европейском континенте в 1950-х – первой половине 1970-х годов. В диссертации осуществлен анализ развития североевропейского сотрудничества в указанное время, исследованы европейские курсы правительств Дании, Норвегии, Швеции и Финляндии. Рассмотрен процесс формирования общественно-политической мысли стран Северной Европы относительно евроинтеграции и североевропейских отношений, всесторонне освещены внешнеполитические концепции правящих кругов стран, их взгляды на будущее Европы, дана характеристика отношению политических партий и общественности к ЕЭС, исследованы как внутренние, так и внешние факторы влияния на внешнеполитические отношения стран Скандинавии в контексте европейского объединительного процесса.
Ключевые слова: европейская интеграция, международные отношения, внешняя политика, скандинавские отношения, региональное сотрудничество, ЕЭС, НАТО.
O. V. Shved : The Politics of Scandinavian countries towards European integration (1950’s – until the first half of the 1970’s). – Manuscript.
Thesis for a Degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences, speciality 07.00.02 – World History – Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University – Kyiv, 2007.
This thesis analyses the origin and history of a complex problem – the foreign policy of Scandinavian countries in the context of European integration during the 1950s -1970s. The research explains foreign policy viewed through the prism of governmental attitudes, decision-making processes and other influential factors. The research also focuses on the evolution of European integration politics of national states both of the Scandinavian region as a whole and looking at each country individually (Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland).
The research also studies the inter-relationship between the development of Nordic cooperation and the European policies of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland in the aforementioned period. The study explores pro and contra arguments, alternative schemes of integration (e.g. EFTA, NORDEK), political mechanisms, institutional features and the history of the creation of Nordic institutions such as the Nordic Council, the Council of Ministers, and cross-border cooperation between government agencies. For example, the Scandinavian defence negotiations of 1948-1949 not only helped to mould the foreign policy concepts of the Scandinavian leaders but also reinforced the perception of most of their decision-makers that Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden were small states, highly dependent on the world around them.
The dissertation analyses the foreign policy concepts of the Scandinavian political establishment. The political establishment’s views on foreign policy and the future of Europe are illustrated with numerous examples. An evaluation of the role and place of different political parties’ attitudes towards the foreign policy decision-making process shows that the views of the political establishment varied widely and depended upon the following factors: their basic ideology, public opinion, factionalism, leadership influence, party competition, trans-national links and the course of development of integration itself.
It is demonstrated that the European issue gradually became an integral part of domestic politics, not only due to referendums in Denmark and Norway on EEC affairs, but also as a tactical factor in the process of cross-party bargaining and in the struggle for predominance between the main economic and social interests. Moreover, the highly debatable and arguable European dimension destabilised party realignments in Denmark and Norway. The awkward European question led to party leader resignations, cabinet divisions, party factionalism, parliamentary rebellions, and defections.
The Danish and Norwegian debates on the EEC from 1950 to 1972 are analysed from the particular point of view of the Eurosceptics. The thesis provides a detailed description of the preconditions, arguments, leaders and members of the «Yes» and «No» referendum campaigns: trade unions, farmers’ unions, employers’ organisations, and the mass-media. The EEC debate was characterised by substantial inconsistencies. Firstly, a number of different synonyms for ‘EC’ were used and no single concept became dominant. Secondly, the usage of concepts changed significantly over time: ‘The Six’, ‘The Common Market’ and ‘EC’ replaced one another as the most widely used terms. Thirdly, there were marked differences between supporters and opponents of membership. The opponents introduced a number of alternatives which better expressed their understanding of the EEC as a state in the making.
The thesis demonstrates that the debate of the early 1950s was predominantly positive towards extensive European cooperation. However, it became more controversial after 1956/57 when the EEC was created. The perception of the EEC as a «capitalist club» dominated the debate. Nevertheless, most regarded Scandinavian and wider international cooperation as something positive. The debate also focused on the issue of sovereignty and the balance between political and economic priorities. In historical terms, supporters portrayed the EEC as a natural stage in economic and political development and rarely discussed the final objectives of the EEC. The opponents, by contrast, regularly compared the EEC to the empire espoused by Charles the Great (meaning Charles de Gaulle) and believed that clarification of the future development of the EEC was required before committing to membership.
The study also underlines the wider external factors which had a great impact on inter-Scandinavian relations in the context of European integration, namely, the power balance between the world superpowers.
Keywords: European integration, international relations, foreign policy, Scandinavian relations, regional co-operation, EEC, NATO.
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