Жоғары оқу орнында болашақ география мұғалімдерін этнопедагогикалық даярлауды жетілдіру

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Октября 2013 в 15:11, автореферат

Описание работы

Зерттеудің өзектілігі. Егемендік алған кез-келген елдің, халықтың ең басты міндеті – жас ұрпақтың ұлттық санасын қалыптастырып, шыңдауға қызмет ететін білім жүйесін қалыптастыру. Білім берудің ұлттық жүйесін құру –ұлттық мәдениетті оқу-тәрбие процесінде пайдалану арқылы ұлтжанды ұрпақты тәрбиелеу. Болашақ мұғалімдерді этнопедагогикалық біліммен қаруландыру мақсатында, халықтық дәстүрлердің тәрбиелік мүмкіндіктерін ашу - осы мәселені шешу жолдарының бірі.

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Объект исследования: педагогический процесс вуза.

Предмет исследования: педагогические условия совершенстовования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии.

Цель исследования: выявление, теоретическое обоснование и экспериментальная проверка педагогических условий совершенстовования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии.

Научная новизна и практичекая значимость исследования:

  • раскрыта сущность совершенстования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии;
  • выявлены педагогические условия совершенствования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии;
  • определены критерии, показатели и уровни этнопедагогической готовности будущих учителей географии;
  • разработана модель совершенствования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии;
  • разработана методика  совершенствования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии.

Практическая  значимость исследования заключается в том, что разработаны дополнения к рабочим учебным программам дисциплин «Общее землеведение», «Топонимика», «Физическая география Казахстана», спецкурс для студентов «Этногеография», спецсеминар для преподавателей «Особенности этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии».

Методологические и теоретические основы исследования составляют философские учения; концепция о географическом детерминизме, о влиянии особенностей ландшафта на поведению, национальную психологию; этнографические, этнокультурные, этнопедагогические, личностно-ориентированные  и системные подходы.

      Методы исследования: анализ философской, психологической, педагогической и методической литературы, педагогический эксперимент, наблюдение, сравнительный анализ, изучение официальных документов в области образования, анкетирование, методы математической статистики

Результаты  исследования:

- на основе анализа  научно-педагогической литературы, изучения нормативной, учебно-методической  документации и педагогической  практики раскрыта сущность совершенстования  этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии;

- определены педагогические  условия совершенствования этнопедагогической  подготовки будущих учителей  географии;

- разработана модель  совершенствования этнопедагогической  подготовки будущих учителей  географии;

- разработана методика совершенствования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии и проведена ее опытно-экспериментальная проверка.

Апробация и внедрение результатов исследования: Результаты исследования публиковались в журналах «География в вузах и школах Казахстана» (2006), «Ұлт тағылымы» (2007), «Ізденіс» (2007), «Высшая школа  Казахтана» (2007), «Ұлт тағылымы» (2007), «Вестник КарГУ» Серия Педагогика (2007), «Этнопедагогика» (2008), докладывались и получили одобрение на научно-практической конференциях: международных (Алматы, 2006 г., Караганды, 2007 г., 2008 г., Жезказған, 2007 г., София 2008 г.,), на заседаниях научно-методического семинара кафедры географии  КарГУ им. Е.А.Букетова, методологического семинара по проблемам общей педагогики и профессионального образования КарГУ им. Е.А.Букетова. Результаты исследования внедрены в учебный процесс КарГУ им. Е.А.Букетова, ЖезУ им О.А.Байконурова, Кокшетауский государственный университет им. Ш.Уалиханова, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Рекомендации  по внедрению результатов научно-исследовательской работы: разработанная методика совершенствования этнопедагогической подготовки будущих учителей географии могут быть внедрены в педагогический процесс вузов.

Область использования  результатов исследования: результаты исследования могут использованы в высших учебных заведениях и в системе повышения квалификации педагогических кадров.

Перспектива исследования заключается в дальнейшей разработке проблемы подготовки будущих учителей географии к использованию материалов народной педагогики во внеурочной работе по предмету, народных этногеографических знаний в воспитательном процессе школы.








Kadirbayeva Didar Artykbayevna


Improvement of ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers in higher schools


13.06.08 Theory and methods of professional education


The main task of any country which got its independence is creation of the system of education forming the national consciousness of the young generation. It includes usage of national culture in teaching and educational process acquiring ethnopedagogical knowledge by students. Moreover, knowledge of national traditions will help to get educational tasks.

One of the chief tasks of the society is training of real professionals adapted to modern circumstances of life. Nowadays there is necessity to form in students' minds knowledge about the role and place of national pedagogics in teaching and educational process at schools and training of national consciousness in schoolchildren's minds in Geography classes. And here formation of knowledge about surroundings and nature phenomena by means of national pedagogics becomes an actual problem in higher schools. That is why there is a great necessity to improve ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers within the framework of materials of national pedagogics. We consider national empiric knowledge about the environment, names of local area in this field of education to be an independent part of its content. It’s very important to improve the ethnopedagogical preparation  on the basis of the geography and ethnopedagogics interrelation that plays an important role during the teaching process.

In geographical education empirical knowledge of people about environment, names of places is considered to be as an independent component of the contents of education. Imparting the ethnopedagogical knowledge  would be teachers in the process of acquisition of geographical knowledge on surrounding environment, weather conditions, names of places and heavenly world which are considered as an integral part of the coherent pedagogical process.  The formation of ethnopedagogical knowledge about the surroundings, weather, area names and celestial world is one of the main parts of the educational process.

Study of the history of local names' origin gives much in forming patriotic education of schoolchildren. To achieve this result it is necessary to bring-up in a future teachers  the national pride and to impart  the ethnopedagogical knowledge. 

The urgency of research is determined by necessity to form ethnopedagogical competence in teachers of Geography and lack of scientific researches and methods of training which can afford realization of such training.

The object of the research is the educational process in higher school.

The subject of the research is educational circumstances of improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers.

The aim of the research is finding out theoretical grounds and experimental checking of educational circumstances in improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers.

The scientific novelty and the practical value of the research are as follows:

- the essence of improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers is revealed;   

- pedogogical conditions of improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers have been brought to light;

- criteria, data and levels of ethnopedagogical preparation of future Geography teachers have been determined;

- the model of improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers has been worked out;    

- methods  of improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers have been worked out.

The practical value of the research is the folowing: there are worked out supplements to the curriculums of the subjects as General Earth using, Toponymics, Geography of Kazakhstan, a special course for students "Ethnogeography", a special seminar for lecturers "Peculiarities of ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers".

Methodological and theoretical basis of the research are philosophic doctrines, conceptions on geographic determinism, influence of landscape peculiarities on national psychology and behavior; ethnographic, ethnocultural, ethnopedagogic, learner-centered and systematic approaches.        

Methods of the research are analyses of necessary literature on Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogics and methods; pedagogical experiment, observation, comparative analysis, studying of official documents in the field of education, questionnaire, methods of mathematic statistics.

The results of the research are as follows:

- on the basis of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, studying standard, teaching and methodical documents and educational practice has been revealed the main point of improving of ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers;

- there have been determined educational conditions for improving ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers;   

- models for improvement of ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers have been worked out;

- methods of improving of ethnopedagogical training of future Gepgraphy teachers have been worked out and experiments checked.

Approbation and introduction of the research results

The results were published in such journals like "Geography in Kazakhstan. High and Higher Schools" (2006), "Ult taglymy" (2007), "Izdenis" (2007), "Higher School in Kazakhstan" (2007), "Vestnik KarSU" (2007), "Ethnopedagogics" (2008). The results were approved at international scientific and practical conferences in Almaty, 2006, Karaganda, 2007, 2008, Zhezkazgan, 2007, Sophia, 2008; at the meetings of scientific and methodical seminars at the chair of Geography in the Buketov Karaganda State Unviversity; at the methodical seminar on problems of general pedagogics and professional training of the mentioned University. The results of the research are introduced into the teaching process of the Buketov University in Karaganda, the Baikonurov University in Zhezkazgan, the Alfaraby University in Almaty.

Recommedations on introduction of the results of the scientific work: the worked-out method of improving of ethnopedagogical training of future Geography teachers can be introduced into the educational process of higher schools.

The field of usage of the results of the research: the results of the research can be used in higher schools and in raising the level of teachers' skills at teacher training educational centres,

The perspectives of the research are in further working out of problems of training future Geography teachers and using materials of national pedagogics in out-of-the class works and improving ethnographic knowledge in educational process at schools. 





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