Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Ноября 2011 в 13:11, реферат
In our work we want to explain the principle ideas of the stakeholder theory.
The fact that the stakeholder concept has achieved widespread popularity among
academics, media and managers we think that it is an important task to bring some
system into all those confusing approaches around to the stakeholder concept. At the
beginning we will comment on the basic idea of the stakeholder theory. We will also
try to give a clear definition of what the concept is all about. Freeman who has
contributed a lot to this approach will be the main guide line in our work. We will also
give a brief overview of the history of the stakeholder concept and how it developed
and why it became so popular lately.
1. Introduction........................................................................................3
2. Basic idea of the Stakeholder Theory and Definition ....................3
2.1. The stakeholder concept – popular and trendy..........................................................................4
2.2. Different definitions of Stakeholder....................................................5
2.3. What is a Stakeholder?..........................................................6
2.4. Who are Stakeholders?...........................................................................6
2.5. History of the Stakeholder Theory................................................................................................7
3. Contribution of Freeman to the stakeholder literature ..................9
3.1. Freeman Strategic Management ...................................................................................................9
3.2. Freeman’s essential book: A stakeholder approach......................... 10
4. Normative, instrumental, and descriptive stakeholder theory....13
4.1. Introduction........................................................................................................ 13
4.2. Normative theory......................................................................................... 14
4.2.1. Objective................................................................................................ 14
4.2.2. The action of a company should be ‘ethic’........................................................................... 15
4.2.3. Freeman’s normative theory................................................................... 15
4.3 Analytic theory............................................................................................. 17
4.3.1. Introduction.................................................................................... 17
4.3.2. Strategic management: Freeman (1984) and Savage et Al. (1991)................................... 18
4.3.3. Stakeholder identification: Mitchell, Agle and Wood (1997)................................................ 21
4.3.4. Friedman and Miles (2002)................................................................................................... 22
5. The stakeholders: from theory to practice....................................24
5.1. The Corporate Social Responsibility theory............................................................................ 24
5.2. The three main current of the CSR............................................................................................ 26
5.3. Te different CSR strategies .................................................................. 28
5.4. The Limits of the theory and its application ............................... 30
6. Conclusion .......................................................................................33
realization of the social ends looked for by the protagonists of the social
responsibility. It is necessary in this
subject to return to the essential education of the
Stakeholder Theory of the MNC
economic theory, to the market as a mechanism of penalties and rewards and in the
role of the instigations on the behavior.
The theory and the history demonstrate that in its research for the maximum
profit for its shareholders, the company realizes „the common good " in sub-product,
and especially, that the ambition of " do-gooders " to divert it from its appropriate end
that is the profit produces the exactly
opposite effect that the one we suppose.
6. Conclusion
The Stakeholder Theory is a quite new theory in the way it introduces the
concept of stakeholders in the strategic management of a Multinational Company.
The purpose of the MNC is not anymore only to make profit for shareholders but also
to defend an image and values respecting all stakeholders. There is of course a link
between the wealth of Shareholders and the wealth of all Stakeholders because the
MNC need a good reputation to sell its products and so to make profits. But it has still
not been clearly proven by empirical
The Stakeholder Theory is very popular in our times because people, and so
on stakeholders, are worried about the sustainability of the actual economic system.
With globalization, companies take more and more importance and are in many
cases more powerful than states. In these conditions, their action can have a huge
impact on the society in general, and people ask such companies to have “ethic” and
values. With deregulation, and less power of state in favour of economy, companies
should not only enjoy the rights of this deregulation but also duties. And that is what
stakeholders (and in particular consumers) are asking for. Examples of Shell or Nike
show that an irresponsible way of management, with low ethic or values, lead to a
decreasing wealth of the first stakeholder
of an MNC, its owner, shareholders.
One of the main problems of the stakeholder theory is: stakeholder theories!
One of the major contribution in Stakeholder theory is Freeman book “Strategic
Management: A Stakeholder Approach” (1984) and it is often seen as the fundament
of the Stakeholder theory. Then many Economists or Sociologists have made their
contribution but not always sharing Freeman
concept of Stakeholders. As a signs of
Stakeholder Theory of the MNC
these divergences we have shown that there is more than 75 definitions of
Stakeholders, witch is of course the key point of the theory. This is mainly due to the
fact that Stakeholder Theory is not only an economic theory, having a huge part of
philosophic or sociologic concepts.
But in spite of these discussions it seems possible to identify some
propositions on witch every author agree: The firm has stakeholders witch have
requests, every stakeholders do not have the same influence, MNC prosperity
depends of the ability of the companies to manage strategic stakeholders and the
principal function of managing stakeholder is to take into account and to arbitrate
stakeholders requests even when there
are contradictory.
In practice, contributions of these different theories at the governance level
establish a new base to redefine the stakes of the company and its model of
governance, analyzing them with regard to the expectations and to the interests of
stakeholders. It is what led to us to
analyze in our third part the concept of CSR.
In the sights of what we explained, it seems that the application of the CSR
can only come true, in general in the social and environmental sides, under reserve
that this application does not prevent from financial profits (as the CSR slogan says: "
doing well by doing good "). However we can notice the attitude of companies trying
to take into account, in an increasing way, this “new” approach of governance, and
this, facing to more and more strong pressures coming from the different
stakeholders. Furthermore, companies are more and more urged to position
themselves in front of the emergence of the “sustainable development” concept, and
making it, the CSR seems to be an effective instrument for the integration of this
concept by companies in their strategic
Stakeholder Theory of the MNC
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