Автор: t************@gmail.com, 28 Ноября 2011 в 14:03, курсовая работа
Semantic apparatus: Semantic analyses of computer terms: In connection of development of techniques and science the control system changes. So the maintenance of professionals is become new and needs new objectives, new opinions and new possibilities. One of the main problems in development of our society is introduction of technologies in educational progress in an educational system at school. Because of that new technologies such as teaching trough syllabus, information, managing teaching, developing, problem teaching, module, teaching through signals (trek) according to Shatolov, game, self – development teaching technologies are formed and take root at school. To get good results it’s necessary to use methods like role play, the grammar – translation, the direct approach, community language learning, the audio – lingual method, functional – national approach, total physical response methods with technologies.
Main part
II.I Semantic description of computer terms
II.II. Sublanguage of computer terms
II.III. Formation of computer terms by metaphorical transference
II.IV. Translation of terms
Associated nomenclatural program titles such as accountant (program used for elaboration and fulfillment of accountant records, accounts). Doctor Web (program for struggle with viruses and treatment from them) (compare also aids test – antivirus program; lexicon – title of Russian text editor) stand by themselves. High degree of figurativeness in most cases retains in such nomenclatural signs.
Model “apparatus (device, appliance) – of the program)” shows the productivity. For example, analyze (algorithm performing analysis of initial program, and also the program of grammatical analysis; compare name of different devices which help to do the analysis of substances and phenomena, ad etc. “gas analyzer”), filter (program preventing penetration to database program or system of some data, compare: device used for purifying liquids or gases from unnecessary solid elements, admixtures and etc), compare also switch (in programming: “argument accepting automatically or as to programmer’s order meaning “on” or “off” and used for the selection of one of the alternative algorithm branches of tasks solution”; initial meaning “device for switching of something”).
Terms built up as top the model of “apparatus (device)” – apparatus (appliance, technical component) are usually can be met, for example: commentator (in the network: device for communication (connection) of two or more appliances, compare in telecommunication: devise used for connection of telephone lines by hand), accumulator (external accumulating devise for keeping data, initial meaning: appliance, apparatus allowing to accumulate, collect something), inspector (specialized processor designed for managing of external device – accumulator, display, printer and etc., initial meaning: devise used for handing of electric engine work in trolleybuses, tramways, electric locomotives, lifts, and etc.), accelerator (special device of computer designed for performing of some operations of the central processor that allow to increase computer productivity, initial meaning: “device, appliance, machine designed for acceleration of any process, motion”). Such kind of model is widely spread in terminological sphere of computer techniques, whereas two preceding models “man – program” and “apparatus – program” are referred to another sphere – programming.
There are some other entries in the sphere of informatics and programming terminology system except for technical (disquieted, disks, memory); from linguistics: syntax (language programming, commands, functions call), prefix, prefixation, suffixation (in programming); from logic: condition (in programming) and etc.
Here we will talk about so – called endogenous borrowing that testify interdependence, integration of different terminological systems.
Re – specialization is observed in the endogenous borrowings, if in the case of re - comprehension of commonly used word, so – called terminology takes place, i.e. its transference from one terminological system to another. In the first case (terminology) transference of denomination is done to the model “commonly used word – term” and in the second (re - specialization) – “term of the terminological system A – term in the terminological system B”.
2. Metaphorical transference based on resemblance of location: title (procedures function – in programming). Terms expressing notions similar on the basis of time sequence, timing space also refer to such unities. Programming language terms can be interesting examples of this; prototype, ancestor (class – parent), descendant (object – descendant, class – descendant), parent (object – parent), forefather (object – forefather). Timely genetic sequence is observed in such terms.
Thus, for example, “term prototype” (procedures, functions) denotes “minimal system version designed for generation and elaborations of full version” (Compare with initial meaning: “original sample, prototype”). Then prototype of functions is prototype for the further, outgoing functions, procedures, and structures. Terms, such as ancestors, parent, forefather, are related to each other, crating so – called tree (objects, classes). The transference of denominations was carried out exactly on the basis of the given sign.
3. Metaforization on the basis of form resemblance. This kind of metaforization takes the second position after resemblance of functions on the basis of degree diffusion. For example: mouse, tile – cascade, mosaic 9 kinds of windows location in Windows, disk, network, track – site – sector (on the disquette), and window.
Form resemblance sometimes is felt abstractive, i.e. this is not resemblance of external form, but so – called associated form. At that, notion resemblance according to form usually recedes to the background. So, for example: file, archive, catalog – here is observed not only form resemblance, but above all by content, by purpose, and by function.
4. Metaphorical transformation based on course of action resemblance, activity. The word virus is the vivid example of this kind of transference
5. Metaforization based on destination resemblance: command, menu (list of commands), memory, inquiry, condition (in programming), and window.
6. there are some terms in computer terminology created on the basis of metaforization by emotional impressions resemblance. For example: route: 1) (Route advancement of a command, signal, message); 2) (route data search), route, help (prompting, reference) (program function described, as a rule, program usage methods), infect (program; about virus), infected (program, by virus), block up (memory, about virus), spoilt (file, by virus), treatment (program from virus).
Computer slang vocabulary is actively developing system. It is stipulated by exceptional rapid progress of informational and communication technologies, their active popularization and relative availability to the vast masses. Jargon language functions not only in oral speech, in numerous electronic documents but also in periodical publications, very often in reliable computer publications. Many words from computer slang transform to official terminology.
There are different methods of slang words formation. The mostly wide spread of them is transformation of any term, as rule, long and difficult to pronounce. Here we can stress: shortening (computer – comp.), compression (strategic game – strategy). Slang has a lot of “anglicizes” as in terminology of information technologies. As a rule, these are borrowings from English computer slang. For example, геймер – from the English jargon gamer (professional player of computer games). Professional terms of English origin can be considered as sources for computer slang: конектиться - to connect (cоединяться), юзер – (пользователь), кликать – to click (щелкать). Grammatical assimilation by Russian language – зиповать, зазипованный, зиповский; user formed new Russian word – юзерский. Many computer slang words are formed as to word formation models, adopted in Russian language. For example, with the help of affixes: стрелялка, леталка, бродтлка (according to the main games functions). Example of semantic tracing combined with metonymy: small opening windowpanes – ironical name of operational system Windows. Suffix – юк, typical to popular language can be met in the words like сидюк (compact disk or device of reading compact disks) or писюк – (from English word – personal computer).
Some words are borrowed form slang to other professional groups. For example, from motorists: kettle (чайник) – user beginner, sometimes computer processor is called engine and computer itself – machine. Metaforization is the most productive way of computer slang formation. This method is widely spread in other slang system. With the help of this method the following words have appeared: pancake – блин – compact disk (already outdated), reanimate – реаниматор – specialist or collection of special programs to “call computer out of coma”, which software is badly damaged and computer cannot function. Numerous verbal metaphors: hamper - тормозить – extremely slow work of program or computer, to kill or blow off – убивать или сносить - to remove information from the disk.
There is interesting range of synonyms connected with the process of violation of normal computer work, when the computer does not react to any of the commands except the button RESERT. They say about such kind of computer that he hangs by (повис), завис, встал, упал, рухнул, сдох, откинулся, крякнул. Though the word hand – up (Зависание) nowadays can be excluded from slang words – it is officially used as the term. Slang words are also formed with the help of metonymy. For example: iron (железо) – in the meaning of “computer and its components”, buttons (кнопки) – in the meaning of “keyboard”.
following other authors, we observe in modern Russian language of the
last decade formation of new lexical subsystem of computer slang, at
that recourses of Russian as well as of English language are widely
used. It is possible to observe peculiar synthesis of official terminology
and derived jargon system, the reason of which is growing popularity
of informational technologies, on one hand, and ‘opacity’ of official
scientific terminology, from the other.
2.4 Translation
of terms
Most translators prefer to think of their work as a profession and would like to see others to treat them like professionals rather than as skilled or semi – skilled workers. But to achieve this, translators need to develop an ability to stand back and reflect on what do and how they do it. Like doctors and engineers, they have to prove to themselves as well as others that they are in control of what they do; that they do not just translate well because they have ‘flair’ for translation, but rather because, like other professionals, they have made a conscious effort to understand various aspects of their work.
Translation is a process of rendering a text, written piece or a speech by means of other languages. The difference of translation from retelling or other kinds of transfer of a given text is that translation is a process of creating an original unity in contexts and forms of original.
The translation quality is defined by its completeness and value. ‘The completeness and value of translation means definite rendering of the contextual sense of the original piece and a high – grade functional – stylistic conformity.’
The concept ‘high – grade functional – stylistic conformity’ clearly points on two existing ways of rendering the form in unity with the meaning: the first one is a reproduction of specific features of the from of the original piece and the second one is the creation of functional conformities of those features. It means when translating the specific features of an original literature we should rather consider the style inherent for the given genre but than direct copying the form of an original. While translating, we should also remember that different lexical and grammatical elements of an original might be translated differently if accepted by the norms of conformity to the whole original. The translation adequacy of separate phrases, sentences and paragraphs should not be considered separately but along with achievement of the adequacy and completeness of the translating piece as a whole because the unity of piece is created through collecting the components.
No matter how a translator is talented he should remember two most important conditions of the process of translation: the first is that the aim important conditions of the process of translation: the first is that the aim translation is to get the reader as closely as possible acquainted with the context of a given text and then second – to translate – means to precisely and completely express by means of one language the things that had been expressed earlier by the means of another language.
A translation can be done:
1. from one language into another, kin – language, non – kin
2. from literary language into its dialect or visa versa
3. from the language of an ancient period into its modern state.
The process of translation, no matter how fast it is, is subdivided into two moments. To translate one should first of all to understand, to perceive the meaning and the meaning and the sense of the material.
Furthermore, to translate one should find and select the sufficient means of expression in the language the material is translated into (words, phrases, grammatical forms).
There are three, most identified types of translations: literary, special and sociopolitical.
The ways of achieving the adequacy and completeness in those three types of translation will never completely coincide with each other because of their diverse character and tasks set to translator (interpreter).
The object of literature itself. And its distinctive feature is a figurative – emotional impact on the reader, which is attained through a great usage of different linguistic means, beginning from epithet and metaphor up to rhythmical syntactic construction of phrases.
Thus, in order to preserve figurative – emotional impact on the reader while translating a work of art, the translator (interpreter) will try to render all the specific features of the translating material. That’s why, on the first place one should reconstruct the specific features of an original and the creation of functional conformities to the features to the features of the original play the subordinate role.
Thus, in order to render an exact and clear meaning while translating such materials alongside with the selection of term equivalents, on the first place one has create functional conformities to the features of an original, and the creation of specific features of the original play the subordinate role.
And finally, the objects of social – politic translations are the materials of propaganda and agitation character, and therefore a bright emotional sense abundant with special terms.
Concerning the achievement of adequacy this type of translation possesses the features of literary and special translations as well.
Computer literature like any other scientific kind of literature have languages items characteristic to them that requires the translator to be precise and sharp.
As a field of linguistic activity translation of computer term represents one of the types of special translations possessing as objects of its activity different materials of characters.
The computer translation comes out into a special field of study due to its specific features of written and verbal speech on computer topics, which is specified by its essential character and the knowledge without which it would be very hard to clearly perceive the inner sense on computer or a translated piece.
Therefore, the study of specific features of written and verbal speech acquires great importance to translators (interpreters). To the features mention above belong the following:
1. Maximal filling the computer literature with special computer terms and in verbal speech – filling it with words of computer jargon – slang.
2. Presence of special idiomatic expressions and phrase logical units in verbal and written speech that rarely used in colloquial speech and general literature.
As was told before, while translating a computer character, like doing any other special translation a great importance is given to translation of special terms.
While speaking of difficulties of translation, we imply as a matter of the first importance, the translation general computer literature, which either do not yet have any equivalents in the translating language or have several similar notion for the term in question or at least one equivalent but of doubtful adequacy. There are lots of word phrases and idiom and terms of this kind and their number is growing with development of technology and interrelation of people and especially with the development of Computer sciences.
To achieve a correct translation we can recommend grouping the political literature and the used in them according to their field of application and some principles of translation of each group. All the political terms and idioms existing in politics can be divided into three groups:
English language and not having generally accepted term – equivalents.
The adequacy of translation of the first group is achieved by the use of terms implementing corresponding notions in English language only by its main, essential attributes.
An adequate translation of the second group is comprised in the selection of generally accepted terminological equivalents.
Even terms, not fully meeting the above mentioned requirements due to the terminological meaning fixed for it through the linguistic activity will adequately fit into these rules.
An adequate translation of the words of the third group may be achieved by means of creation of a new term, which will have to completely merge into the existing system of computer terms underlying the systematization of available notions, reflect the essence of the notion it express or at least not to contradict it and possess an unambiguousness within its field of application.
we have considered all the general principals in achieving and adequate
translation including translation of computer literature and the essential
features of translation of computer terms.
– терминдер
Toolkit – программа жабдықтары шығарылған аспаптық қаражаттар терімі
TOOLS – информацияны объектіге бағытталған байланыстыру жаңа бірлесіп қолдану технологиясы; сервистік программалар – аспаптық программалық қаражат атқарылып біткен соң есте қалу
TSR – Program – үшін резиденттік программа
Tutorial – программалық қаражаттың және системаны қолдану бойынша оқу құрал қатары жазылған бөлігі
TWAIN – TWAIN – Aldus, Corel, Hewlett Packard, Kodak жаңа Logitech фирмалары тарабынан сканерлер үшін іштен шығарылған программалық интерфейс
URL – ресурстардың универсалды локаторы
VGA – видеографикалық стандарт
V x D – виртуалдық түзулердің драйверлердің Windowsб системасындағы жалпы белгіленісі