Semantic of computers

Автор: t************, 28 Ноября 2011 в 14:03, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Semantic apparatus: Semantic analyses of computer terms: In connection of development of techniques and science the control system changes. So the maintenance of professionals is become new and needs new objectives, new opinions and new possibilities. One of the main problems in development of our society is introduction of technologies in educational progress in an educational system at school. Because of that new technologies such as teaching trough syllabus, information, managing teaching, developing, problem teaching, module, teaching through signals (trek) according to Shatolov, game, self – development teaching technologies are formed and take root at school. To get good results it’s necessary to use methods like role play, the grammar – translation, the direct approach, community language learning, the audio – lingual method, functional – national approach, total physical response methods with technologies.



Main part

II.I Semantic description of computer terms
II.II. Sublanguage of computer terms
II.III. Formation of computer terms by metaphorical transference
II.IV. Translation of terms


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          In the “pure” compiler it would be expected that the formal descriptions of all the language elements would be convertible – to implementations that are elements of the compiler. This is primarily true of the lexical and syntactic components, but the semantic module is not yet so well supported. The closest contribution is the “Attribute Grammar”. Otherwise the semantic element tends to be a collection of hand – written routines that insert into the parsed code the necessary semantic information. Actions to be taken by the semantic module include:

  • Inserting default conditions
  • Completing identifier descriptions and definitions
  • Converting syntactic structures into semantic structures and finally generation an intermediate code that will be the input for the code generation phase.

     Semantic module is the final element in the “front end” of the compiler, and the last portion that is language dependent.

     In computer science, semantic analysis is a pass that identifies the meaning of a programming language and determines how to execute it. It follows parsing and precedes code generation. This process faithfully reflects the structure of a programming language. The job of the semantic analyzer is to identify the role of an expression and make the order evaluation. In other words, a semantic analysis is what defines the individual character of a programming language.

     Semantic analyzers usually maintain symbolic tables in order to know what a symbol refers to when it is encountered. The semantic analyzer usually employs a set of tiny routines called semantic action routines.

           Wide spectrum of investigation methods is used in semantics from scientific observation method, modeling, and experiment to particular methods, which are guided by achievements of related sciences. But the most well known among the semantic methods is the method of componential analysis.

     Component analysis of the meaning is a set of procedures in the result of which word is compared to its definition represented structured collection of semantic components assigning conditions of the word use. In order to give an idea about the method of component analysis, as a method of acquiring vocabulary definition of a word, let me demonstrate you one of its variants on the specific example of analysis of the word definition “file”. This word combination is a set of records stored. Meaning of this kind relation as to the word file will be the first semantic component including into word definition file. The component – “set of records stored” – reflects the characteristics that are general ones with the other things of that kind. These sings in the word meaning are called integral semantic signs. Now we have to find all words other kinds of set of records stored and comparing the objects in mind denoting by the word file, to find out those signs, which distinguish files from the other kinds of set of records. Such signs in the word meaning are called differential semantic signs. Expect for files, profiles, catalogs, records, documents, programs can be defined as set of records stored.

            Profiles are differed from files that it has data describing the significant characteristics of a user, a group of users, and one or near computer resources, but not just a set of records more specified data are described in the profiles.

     The objects of special translations are materials that belong to different fields of human activities, science and technology. The distinctive feature of this type of translation is an exact expression of the sense of translating material, which is attained through wide usage of special terms.

      Thus, we have to include two components into the word definition “file” related to two differential sings characterized them from the point of view of the external shape as well as from its internal content.

      There is a complicated factor in the word meaning. It may seem that every word has one clear and definite denoting meaning. But in reality it is nit true. Polysemy is the complicated factor in denoting the meaning of the word. Many words are used in more than in one meaning. Let me provide you with some examples for the better understanding of the given matter. For example: a word is defined as (literary) an important event or period of history: a glorious page of Arab history in literal discourse. But in computer language it is defined as a single document in a World Wide Web sire written using HTML language. You use the FrontPage Editor to create, modify, and test the pages without having to learn HTML.

      Cell in medicine terminology means the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its own. All plants and animals are made up of cells: red blood cells the nucleus of cell in computer terms language means the smallest component of a table. In a table, a row contains one or more cells.

      Finger means one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumb is included) – in computer language Finger means an Internet program that displays information about the users.

      Editor is person who is in charge of a newspaper, magazine, etc, or part of one, and who decided what should be included: the editor of the Washington Post the sport /financial/ fashion editor – in computer language Editor meaning an interactive program that can cerate and modify files of a particular type.

      Frame in building and construction meaning the supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a building, a vehicle, etc. that gives it its shape: the frame of an aircraft /a car/ a bicycle, the bed frame is made of pine. Frame for the computer language means a named element of a frameset. A frame appears in a web browser as a scrollable window in which pages can be displayed. You assign a page to a frame when you create a hyperlink to the page.

      News means new information about Seth that has happened recently: What’s the latest news? Have you heard the news? Pat’s leaving! That’s great news. Tell me all your news. Have you had any news of Patrick? Any news on the deal? – In computer language News means the Internet protocol for retrieving files from an Internet news service. You can create news hyperlinks in the FrontPage.

      From the example given above you can observe polysemy that greatly contributes to the word meanings. Terms can have a lot of different meaning depending on to which filed of language does it bong to. Polysemy is the main factor in semantic analysis of the terms. 

2.2 Sublanguage of computer terms 

      As Vinogradov wrote almost everyday our languages are enlarged by means of new terms transforming old terminological systems. Terminological problems during rapid development of science and technology, culture, literature and are of great theoretical and practical interests.

      The task is settled in front of science how to put all investigations into direct production power. For linguistic science the great importance is discovery and description of objective laws of functional progress. Functional style of scientific and technical literature is “the most distinctive linguistic indicator of mincing development in modern epoch”.

      It is well known that each form of public consciousness coincides with its own specific form of reflection – scientific notion, artistic image. Typical features of scientific thinking are strict notions, generalization and abstract conception, consistency of logic, but means of expression and consolidation in some sciences are particular. Here, new language has appeared “language of symbols and formulas”. In its turn, it is reflected upon forming of specific lexical, stylistic and semantic means inherent in linguistic expression of ideas and notions of the given sphere of science. That is how special system of methods and means is shaped in the language of science and technology.

      Here I will pay great attention to the lexical meaning sublanguage of computer terms, for the most important thing here is studding of terminology that is its essential feature.

      Taking into consideration the fact that term “sublanguage” and its estrangement to some extent are conditional, we can give several definitions: sublanguage is a special system of lexical (mainly terminological) and grammatical terms with characteristics of each separate field of science, technology and production.

      Scientific and technical branch – computer science appeared on the basis of many sciences and in its first turn, mathematics, and physics, radio engineering. It’s sublanguage also has been developing on the basis of sublanguages of the given sciences.

      And it means that lexical and grammatical features inherent in these sciences happened to be essential and for the language of computer terms. And at the same time, in the course of it’s development some new trends were taking shop, some new features that now help to distinguish computer terms language from it’s base – sub languages. Such specific features like formation of considerable amount of abbreviations terms stipulated not only peculiar structural and semantic but also special stylistic type of all sublanguage, specific features of computer terms that show all system of notions inseparable connected with peculiarities of scientific activities realization. Consequently, terms from the very “beginning of it’s formation are stipulated by conceptual system” of the science which they belong to by objective laws and processes of development of that science. Conceptual system of computer terms terminology can be understood from the point of view that term correlated with notion simultaneously names abject of reality that is for example not only a part of computer fulfilling certain but determines that function.

      AST – (Asynchronous System Trap) – means a special device in computer and also a special characteristic: “system condition, appearing as the result of external occasion such as, for example, the end of enquiry for enters – removal”.

AMPL – a comprehensive and powerful algebraic modeling language for linear and non - linear optimization problems, indiscrete or continuous variables. Developed at BELL lads, AMPL let you use common notion and familiar concepts to formulation optimization models and examine solution while the computer manages communication with an appropriate solver. Its flexibility and convenience render it ideal for rapid prototyping and model development while its speed and control options make it especially efficient choice for repeated production runs.

ALGOL - the youngest and probably most influential of the three big classics languages the other two being LISP and FORTFAN. The language is suitable for expressing a large class of numerical processor in a form sufficiently concise for direct automatic translation into the language of programmed automatic computers.

      The algorithmic language has three different kinds of representations – reference, hardware and publication, and the development described in terms of the language are represented by a given set of symbols that the other two representations may differ. Structure and content must be the same for all representations.

      ALF – a language that combines functional and logic programming techniques. The foundation of ALF is HORN logic with equality that consists of predicates and HORN classes for logic programming, and functions and equations for functional programming. The operational semantics of ALF is based on the resolution rule to solve literals and narrowing to evaluate functional expressions.

      The ALF system is an efficient implementation of the combination of resolution, narrowing, rewriting and rejection. ALF uses a backtracking strategy corresponding to a depth – first search in the deracination tree. Therefore, this operational semantics is more efficient than PROLOG’S resolution strategy.

      ADA – powerful, general – purpose language with built – in concurrency, exception handing generic templates, distributed execution, standard and be facto interfaces to other languages and libraries. ADA compiles to just about any OS (operational system) out there. Strongly influenced by PASCAL, and at one time mandatory for Department of Defense Software projects at the Pentagon.

      ADA is a large complex, block – structured language aimed primarily at embedded computer applications. It has facilities for real time response, concurrency, hardware access, and a reliable run – time handing. So much for the pros.

      Now the cons, if was designed by committee, it’s cockish, difficult to use, and overall a disastrous, multi – billion dollar boondoggle. Hackers find ADA’s exception handing and interpose communications features particularly hilarious. The kindest thing that can be said, is that there is a probably a good small language screening to get out of its elephant bulk.

      Thus, special feature of meaningful structure of computer terms terminology is that nominative direction of terms is obvious but non – specialist is of paramount importance.

      This is great difficulty determining of terminology and nomenclature status of new lexical unit in the process of term selection for computer dictionaries. Connection of man with computer, constant “communication” with him lead to formation of computer – systems as a “man – machine”, determining the character of such communication all information embedded in the computer has special coded special feature. Codes are based on different principles, but abbreviations, digital and literal symbols have also been a part of them. Examples of special computer languages are BASIC, ALGOL, FORTRAN, BAWK, BETA, BABEL, BEFUNGLE, and etc.

      Abbreviation terminology of computer terms in English language as well as in Russian is very productive. Activization of the words formation method is caused by linguistic as well as non – linguistic reasons. Let’s mark some of them. From the point of view of extra linguistic factors significantly contributed to the development of abbreviation system of computer terminology. Firstly, “reality as an object of logic and conceptual designing is essential connections and objective laws”. And reality of computer science is that the most important part of man’s work with computer is creation of special computer language that is characterized, as distinct from natural language, by “complete and limiting formalization and abstraction”. Secondly, sublanguage of computer terms (as scientific style in general) correlated with generalization and cognitive activity of consciousness, in the process of which word first of all is directed to cognizable object and its reflected notion. Thirdly, mass character of science and scientific publications alongside with “information explosion” lead to that in scientific interpretation tendency of means economy, in particular, compression (especially on the syntactic and word – formation levels) is becoming very perceptible.

      Let’s consider lexical composition of sublanguage of computer terms, and to be precise, its separate groups, terms – abbreviations and contemplate a title bit on the nature of terminological units, taking into consideration first of all its structures.

      Specification of computer terms reflected upon its units. But especially it can be noticed in terms – abbreviations, which mostly resembles mathematical formulas than just simple abbreviations. They consist, first of all, of so called mathematical abbreviations that exist in English language as well as in Russian.

      For example;

                       English TL (Transistor – transistor logic);

      FC (critical frequency);

                       M (Miller – squared);

                       2-D image (two – dimensional image);

                       2x speed (double speed);

                       DF d (data flow diagram);

                       D ma (direct memory access). 

      Index abbreviations are widely spread among mathematic abbreviation terms. Numerical and literal indicators act as definers and classifiers. Such phenomenon is widely spread in English as well as in Russian system of graphic abbreviations in terminology of computer language. Compare, for example: G m (gibe function per atom or molecular) and Б м (блок моделировония). It is significant that mathematical index system exists. So, in abbreviations T s (surface) temperature basic, pivotal component T (traditionally) represented by initial capital letter T, secondary specified component s (surface) – initial small letter that is written as an index in the bottom or at the from right as it is done in mathematics according to its rules. Such graphic design of abbreviation terms shows that index s can be substituted by others and in given abbreviation is a changeable figure. Examples of such kind abbreviations are numerous.

      Here are some more examples of another kind of abbreviations in computer language terminology. They are AOS (algebraic operating system technical manual), IDL (Intelligent Data base language).

      Conventionality of such abbreviations is nicely demonstrated by usage of different alphabetic systems in abbreviations. Is Russian terminology system of abbreviations we may find cases, when basic component appeared as Latin letter D (from Latin denotation dictation), and index is written down in Russian initial letter corresponding abbreviate words.

      Abbreviations of the type TL, E GL are presented in the group of index digital abbreviations. Number “2” is used as double mark that is at top of abbreviations. It might mean double a word, which may twice be encountered in terminological word combination, for example;

            E CL (emitter – emitter coupled logic);

            T L (transistor – transistor logic);

      Or double initial letter, two different components of terminological word begin with this letter, for example:

            I L (Integrated Injection - Logic);

            A L (Average Access Time);

            BE P (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol);

            CD I (Copper Distributed Data Inference);

            EF (Electronic Frontier Foundation);

            E C (Escrow Error Correction);

                  E S (Escrow Extended Standard).

      There are also some cases where “2” has purely mathematical denotation – “squared”, i.e. literal indication of a number that should be squared. It concerns above-mentioned M2  (Miller – squared).

       It is interesting to know that method has found its implication in linguistic much earlier. It can be applied in systems familiar with duplication, for example, in Indo – European language orang2 means (people), buah2 an – buah – buahan (fruits).

      Among English graphical terms of computer language widely spread type of abbreviations united by sign and denoting copulative conjunction and such abbreviations were called conjunctives. For example:

            - OC – Operation and Checkout;

            - RD – Research and Development

            - DCAS – Digital Control and Automatic Systems;

            - E EM AC – Electrical and Electronically Manufactures in Canada;

            - CAD D – Computer – aided Design and Drafting;

            - C CIA – Computer – aided Design and Drafting;

            - C CIA – Computer and Communications Industry Associations;

            - CM VC – Configuration Management and Version Control;

            - D IP – Document and Image Processing;

            - DSS SL – Document Style Semantics and Specification Languages;

            - IS IS – Intelligent Scheduling and Information System;

Информация о работе Semantic of computers