Russian and Britain Mass Media

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Декабря 2011 в 13:47, доклад

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Media education is a quest for meaning. Much of the value of a quest lies in the search itself as well as in the achievement of the goal. A comprehensive term embracing television, radio, motion pictures, and large-circulation newspapers and magazines. It refers to much more than the journalistic aspects of the instruments of popular communication. The mass media often function as the locus of social control and the source of popular culture. They help create historical events, teach values, and by virtue of the huge commercial enterprises they represent, affect the viability of free societies.


Chapter I. The basic Mass Media in Britain and Russia…………....…….6
1.1 The analysis of the meaning of the concept of ‘Mass media’………..6
1.2 TV and radio in Russia and Britain…………………………………..7
1.3 Press in Britain and Russia..……………………………………...…14
1.4 The Internet and its Services………………………………………..21
Conclusions on chapter I………………………………………………...26
Chapter II. The comparative analysis of Russian and British mass media…………………………………………………………………....28
TV and radio in Russia and Britain……..…….…………………….28
Press in Russia and Britain…………………………………………..29
Conclusions on Chapter II……………………………………………….31
Summary Conclusions………………………………………………...…32
Supplementary Part…...…………………………………………………38

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   E-mail is an important communications service available on the Internet. The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Today it can be important to distinguish between internet and internal e-mail systems. Internet e-mail may travel and be stored unencrypted on many other networks and machines out of both the sender's and the recipient's control. During this time it is quite possible for the content to be read and even tampered with by third parties, if anyone considers it important enough. Purely internal or intranet mail systems, where the information never leaves the corporate or organization's network, are much more secure, although in any organization there will be it and other personnel whose job may involve monitoring, and occasionally accessing, the e-mail of other employees not addressed to them. Pictures, documents and other files can be sent as e-mail attachments. E-mails can be cc-ed to multiple e-mail addresses.

   Another internet service is retrieval systems that help people to find the necessary information. The retrieval systems of global scale concentrate the basic attention on English resources of a Network. The task of search of the information on servers within the limits of the separate countries is carried out with systems of local character specially adapted for features of concrete languages. There are similar search means and in Russia. All of them are united by (with) an opportunity of processing of materials in all Cyrillic codes*. However on capacity and level of offered service the Russian retrieval systems considerably differ from each other.

    Rambler, “Aport” and “Yandex” now concern to leading group systems.

    • Rambler. Among favourites is allocated Rambler (, becoming with the first professional domestic retrieval system. This system provides full text search on 3 million. Pages located on more than 15 thousand Web sites of Russia and the countries of near foreign countries. Besides Web-servers, the week archive of news of hierarchy relcom is surveyed also.Rambler has close to an optimum conclusion of results of search. Even in a normal form the link on found object  inserts the complete information. The system is designed in such a manner that the same document in the various coding is shown in the various coding are shown only once, and his(its) concrete addresses are summarized in the list. It’s a reduces time on analyze of the received results because of absence of duplication of the same documents.The main lack Rambler consists in impossibility to carry out search on the whole phase or even to specify in searches limiting distance of the required terms from each other. The casual combination of completely untied words results in distribution of the links on the documents, are absolutely not relevant to search.
    • Aport. The retrieval system aport ( is supplied with weight of various functions carrying her(it) number user-friendliest.One consists of the main advantages Aport in ample opportunities of drawing up of search. Besides the traditional operators “both” and “or”, search on the whole phase, the system is capable to isolate combinations of the terms located in the text by a number (line) with each other. Aport offers an opportunity of machine translation of search with Russian on the English language and on the contrary. Both Rambler, and Апорт are capable to allocate the same document in the various coding and to give out the link to him (it) only of time, listing(transferring) concrete addresses in the list URL. Unfortunately, thus the items of information on the out-of-date versions of the same page in time do not leave which are listed (transferred) as existing, having a difference only in date of updating. One more lack of this system is not always correct processing of the names of pages, because of what as a result of search the document without the name frequently is underlined .
    • Yandex. Retrieval system Yandex (, where besides servers of domains «ru< and «su< Yandex index the contents of foreign Russian Web-sites.The main distinctive feature of this system is the deep morphological analysis of the process able terms. The most powerful linguistics allows to take into account practically all possible (probable) shades of the use of keywords and to make search maximum precisely. Yandex has the good mechanism of recognition of one document in the several coding or on mirror servers.

   After leading Russian, there are some more search means, among which “ the Russian machine of search ” (, “«TELA-search” ( and Russian Internet Search ( While all these servers do not differ neither breadth of search, nor by comfort, and can be used only as addition to conducting search means. The search service in the Russian block Internet, as well as all over the world, develops promptly. There is no doubt, that in the near future parameters of existing systems will be raised, the new generations of search means giving to the users still (even) the large opportunities will appear.

   So, we have known that the Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge, from the pictures of family trips to an analysis of quantum mechanics. There are a lot of services that can help you in different situations. For example there are many retrieval systems that can help person to find necessary information. If you want to know more about politics you need to use yandex and you will know the lastest news about it and etc.

   Conclusion on Chapter I

   TV and Radio do many things. They reflect vital and present day problems, they raise questions and problems for discussion. And they affect various spheres of life. TV and Radio include information to all tastes. Some programs teach us, inform, entertain. And of course TV and Radio include effective advertisement. Every day we watch advertisement and it is not important for people who earn TV and radio stations if we want to watch it or we don’t. You can watch almost everything on TV: current affairs, documentaries, chat shows, quiz shows, a series, the arts, education programs, soap operas, sports, films, plays and of course news. TV creates many popular personalities: talk show hosts, singers and newsreaders. People prefer to watch programs with famous hosts, popular newsreaders and famous singers. Also internet is one of the most popular mass media all over the world. People everywhere use it. It has a lot of services, such as e-mail, blogs, forums and suites. There are many retrieval systems that help person not to get lost in the Internet. The most popular among them are: Google, Yandex and Aport. Every system has its own destination, for example if you want the latest news you can use Yandex. You can read all latest news here. If you want to know some interesting things about world you can use Google. Here you can find all necessary information about this or that thing. So we can see that mass media is helpful in every country. 

Chapter II. Comprehensive analysis of Russian and British Mass Media

2.1 TV and radio in Russia and Britain

   In every modern country, regardless of the form of the government, the press, radio and television are political weapons of tremendous power, and few things are so indicative of the nature of a government as the way in which that power is exercised. While studying the politics of any country, it is important not only to understand the nature of the social, economic, political or any other divisions of the population but also to discover what organs of public and political opinion are available for the expression of the various interests [5]. So we will compare Russian and British mass media and then sum up their differences and similarities.

   What about British mass media Britain's BBC has five radio stations. One of them passes almost exclusively on popular music, the second - light music and talk shows, and the third is devoted entirely to classical music, while a fourth - is mostly news and sports, and finally, the fifth broadcast various shows, analytical programs and advice to consumers. In 1932 came the International Service BBC, which first received the right to broadcast throughout the empire, and now broadcasts around the globe in English and several other languages.

        In Britain, there are four national channels: Two channels BBC, in which ads missing, and two commercial channels (ITV = Independent Television, Independent Television), which are funded by advertising.

   Against the organization ITV at the time disagreed Labor, as well as some conservatives and liberals. These politicians have expressed concern that the new channel will be home to "tabloid TV journalism" and will broadcast mostly trashy TV shows. Perhaps such a difficult debut of the new channel contributed to the fact that advertisers have not found such an influence on the formation of programs, what they have, say, in the U.S.. Commercial channels include private companies in various regions of the country, which form the program in these regions. But at the same news program is jointly owned by all these companies and thus protected from direct commercial pressure. In style and content of the news on ITV do not differ much he eastern on BBC. Moreover, the appearance (tion ITV has created competition. For that to increase the cost of advertising time, ITV must create vinous great transfer, attracting ball: highest number of viewers. In her Ocher) BBC not to lose their aim, thorium, seeks to keep pace. As a result, the so-called "ratings war" between the main channel. First place in the ratings conventional Onno take soap operas. In the first place also entertaining talk-n quizzes, comedy program, and popular movies.

   In Russia there about 330 channels. They are: 16 all-Russian TV channels, about 117 satellite and cable TV channels, 7 channels that broadcast outside of Russia, about 180 regional TV channels and 30 channels of small towns and villages [12]. Russian also prefer watching TV. It gives us a good opportunity of education and entertainment at the same time. TV services provide programmes of general interest such as light entertainment, sport, current affairs, serious drama, and music. There are programmes on arts, children’s and family programmes, interview with outstanding personalities, news reports covering international, national and local events.

   Much attention is paid to foreign films, American in particular, foreign TV programmes and soap operas.

    So, in the past people learnt about news from newspapers. Nowadays people usually learn what is happening in the country and in the world from TV or radio news programmes or from the Internet. Maybe Russian and British TV and radio are not entirely the same but all Russian and British listen to it and watch TV. It does matter that we are different nations we all are humans and use mass media. 

2.2 Press in Russia and Britain

   In this paragraph we will consider peculiarities of Russian and British press and sum up its differences and similarities.

   Probably in no other country are there such great differences the various national daily newspapers- in the type of news they report and the way they report it. On the one hand, there are the "quality" newspapers: The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, the Financial times and the Daily Telegraph. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international events, with the world of political and business and with the arts and sport. On the one hand, there are the "populars" and "tabloids", so-called because of their smaller size. The tabloids- the most widely read of which are The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, the Daily Mirror, The Sun and the Daily Star- concentrate on more emotive reporting of stories often featuring sex, violence, the Royal Family, film and pop stars, and sport. It is often said that the popular press aims to entertain its rather than inform them. The tabloid press is much more popular than the quality press. In some countries, newspapers are owned by government or by political parties. This is not the case in Britain. Newspapers here are mostly owned by individuals or by publishing companies, and the editors of the papers are usually allowed considerate freedom of expression. This is not to say that newspapers are without political bias. In addition to the 12 national daily newspapers there are nine national papers which are published on Sundays. Most of the "Sundays" contain more reading matter than daily papers, and several of them also include "colour supplements"- separate colour magazines which contain photographically-illustrated feature articles. Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday lunch, is an important tradition in many British households. Besides, nearly every area in Britain has one or more local newspapers. The British are one of the biggest newspapers-reading nations in the world.

   Today Russia can be proud of the variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. One can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, for all kind of fans: sport-fans, car-fans, music fans, etc. The freedom of press has become actual and real today. Most of the newspapers can boast their independence, their individual styles, their peculiarities. Usually there are four or eight pages in a newspaper, but some newspapers have a twelwe or sixteen pages. There is no need to read all of the articles. People can look through the newspapers and read the columns they are interested in. Every newspapers has its readers. I prefer to read "Komsomolka", "I - Molodoy". Besides the newspapers, there is a lot of magazines in our country. Some of them are very popular with the youth, for example "Younost", "Rovesnik", "TV-Park" and others.

   So, we can se that Russian and British prefer reading newspapers and watch TV. With developing of modern technologies the most popular mass media became the Internet. All of retrieval systems are used by all British and Russian. Not all mass media are different and similar in Russia and Britain but we can say that its popularity is the same both in Britain and in Russia.

   Conclusion on Chapter II

   From this chapter we have known that not all mass media in Russia and Britain is similar and different. In most cases it is similar by its popularity. But at the same time it’s different because we have 330 channels and in Britain there are only 5 channels. Russian and British people like reading newspapers. There are many kinds of newspapers in every country. Both Russian and British are fond of reading newspapers. As for the Internet all Russian and British use it and now we can not imagine our life without it. Practically everybody have it because our technologies are developing and many new things appear every day including computer and the Internet.

   So, Russian and Britain mass media is not very different, it depends on our preferences and developing of technology. And we can say that Russian and British mass media is not much differ from each other but we have differences but not so important.

Summary Conclusions

   This research paper aimed to study mass media in Britain and Russia, to known more about it. There were special objectives along with goal and objectives given in introduction. The main objective was to study the peculiarities of mass media in different countries such as Russia and Britain.

   The first objective was to know more information about Mass Media in different countries. So, we have known that people need mass media like information center. It’s important to keep people informed about almost everything. People must know important information because they can use it in useful and right way. We have learned many interesting things about Russian and Britain press. For example the British are one of the biggest newspaper-reading nations in the world. There are about 130 daily and Sunday newspapers, over 2,000 weekly newspapers and some 7,000 periodical publications in Britain. That's more national and regional daily newspapers for every person in Britain than in most other developed countries. The major papers, twelve national morning daily newspapers (5 qualities and 7 populars) and nine Sunday papers (4 qualities and 5 populars) are available in most parts of Britain. All the national newspapers use computer technology, and its use in the provincial press, which has generally led the way in adopting new techniques, is widespread. Russia can be proud of the variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. One can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, for all kind of fans: sport-fans, car-fans, music fans, etc. The freedom of press has become actual and real today. Most of the newspapers can boast their independence, their individual styles, their peculiarities. Usually there are four or eight pages in a newspaper, but some newspapers have a twelve or sixteen pages. There is no need to read all of the articles. People can look through the newspapers and read the columns they are interested in. Every newspapers has its readers.

   We have learned about British and Russian radio. British broadcasting has traditionally been based on the principle that it is a public service accountable to the people through Parliament. Following 1990 legislation, it is also embracing the principles of competition and choice. Three public bodies are responsible for television and radio services throughout Britain.

      Russian radio used to be very popular in the Soviet Union and still is. Every house in Russia has a radio socket, so you will be sure to have three AM stations. However, because our country is very huge, the same radio may have different frequencies at different locations.

   The second objective was comprehensive analysis of Russian and British mass media. The second chapter was dedicated to comprehensive analysis of Britain and Russian mass media. We have known that not all Britain and Russian mass media are different and the similar, we are different countries but the way we communicate is the same. Russian and Britain mass media is not very different, it depends on our preferences and developing of technology. And we can say that Russian and British mass media is not much differ from each other but we have differences but they  are not so important.

    The third objective was to study the new Mass Media such as the Internet and know its peculiarities. Mass media includes Internet media (like blogs, message boards, podcasts, and video sharing) because individuals now have a means to exposure that is comparable in scale to that previously restricted to a select group of mass media producers. The communications audience has been viewed by some commentators as forming a mass society with special characteristics, notably atomization or lack of social connections, which render it especially susceptible to the influence of modern mass-media techniques such as advertising and propaganda.

   Internet is one of the most popular mass media. People all over the world use it and some of them can not imagine their live without it.

     Internet is connected to computers, is that for successful work with it(him), generally speaking, it is not necessary of any books. Internet can serve both directory, and tutorial, and encyclopedia itself. However on the initial stage, as it seems, the advantage(benefit) of the book, distinctly and is accessible of a stating basis, can be rather significant.

   There are many different retrieval systems in Russia and Britain. You only need to press the button and then you can find the information you need. It is very fast and helpful method to find the information, to communicate with your friends, to listen to the music online and etc.

   Maybe the internet has appeared not long ago but it has acquired a great significance in our live. 


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Информация о работе Russian and Britain Mass Media