Russian and Britain Mass Media

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Декабря 2011 в 13:47, доклад

Описание работы

Media education is a quest for meaning. Much of the value of a quest lies in the search itself as well as in the achievement of the goal. A comprehensive term embracing television, radio, motion pictures, and large-circulation newspapers and magazines. It refers to much more than the journalistic aspects of the instruments of popular communication. The mass media often function as the locus of social control and the source of popular culture. They help create historical events, teach values, and by virtue of the huge commercial enterprises they represent, affect the viability of free societies.


Chapter I. The basic Mass Media in Britain and Russia…………....…….6
1.1 The analysis of the meaning of the concept of ‘Mass media’………..6
1.2 TV and radio in Russia and Britain…………………………………..7
1.3 Press in Britain and Russia..……………………………………...…14
1.4 The Internet and its Services………………………………………..21
Conclusions on chapter I………………………………………………...26
Chapter II. The comparative analysis of Russian and British mass media…………………………………………………………………....28
TV and radio in Russia and Britain……..…….…………………….28
Press in Russia and Britain…………………………………………..29
Conclusions on Chapter II……………………………………………….31
Summary Conclusions………………………………………………...…32
Supplementary Part…...…………………………………………………38

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