Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Октября 2011 в 17:15, научная работа
Nowadays developing society needs from people to be involved in culture, prove their abilities and professional qualities. In different countries people, which means each person has to prove his knowledge in his own business. If we have a talk about knowledge, we can talk about terminology science, especially in English language where it has a huge importance more than others. In conclusion of developing of our country in different directions the problem of learning and teaching English like a special aim becomes the main problem. We know that in English learning linguistics is the main part of terminology. Basic vocabulary of each language is terminology. This sphere is well developing and makes a born of language’s many new structures. (1, 189 p)
1. Nowadays view of the English and Kazakh diplomatic terms.
1.1. The meaning of “terminology”
1.1.1. About the meaning of “terminology”
1.1.2. The main description of term and terminology
2. Structural types of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages: ways of forming
2.1. Forming of diplomatic terms by semantic ways
2.2. Forming of diplomatic terms by morphologic way
Task 4.
Make a dialogue between two persons using the following terms:
Citizenship, a refugee, parties, treaty, WHO, UN, state, process, alien, government, declaration.
presented you only a few examoples of using diplomatic terms in the
English language, but everyone could make such tasks according to the
skills, teaching programm, and the level of the language studying.
Kazakh and English languages’ diplomatic terms consist of native, in- and international terms.
Kazakh diplomatic terms for 70 % and English diplomatic terms for 60 % consist of international terms. According to the differences between these two counts we could make a conclusion that English has more possibilities to join international terms in it.
Terms which include in English language has changed their root and basic view, in Kazakh language all the terms have saved its native view and root but we suggest that during the time they also would change phonetically.
In Kazakh language the meaning of diplomatic terms with mixed root is connected with their component units and the meaning of English diplomatic terms don’t depend on its in-components.
English mixed diplomatic terms are shown like term combinations in Kazakh language, and they could be added in the structure of terms some time later.
In Kazakh language terms which were made from international language with few lexical-semantic units or with only unit have the auxiliary meaning according to the foreign language or in the process of translation.
Forming of the English diplomatic terms has a long history, different ways of making, is completely connected with word building types, has a steady system, is formed as a science, forming and developing have different levels. Kazakh diplomatic terms’ way is still short, it develops intensively and systematized, and it could give possibilities to suggest that Kazakh diplomatic terms are on the way of developing tendency. Comparing two different developing of terminology we can see that different terms are shown differently.
to the society developing our country has huge changes, and new waves
of international relationship will certainly enrich diplomatic terms
with new terms. Our president N.A. Nazarbayev tells that the future
of the country is in the youth’ hands, that’s why we’ve shown
how it’s important for our future to add in our school program learning
diplomatic terms. We need youth who makes everything for prosperity
of our country, but it is possible only with international connection,
with knowledge how to build this relationship and how to use all these
terms in right way to reach the main aim.
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Appendix A
Appendix B
for terms:
Requirements | ||
Semantically | Especially for terms | Functional |
1 | 2 | 3 |
2. the only meaning
(this requirement is used in one special circle) |
the shortness of term
a) Lexically shortness b) personal shortness |
easy speaking
(pleasant sound) |
4. no synonyms |
4. in variations
(no any phonetically, graphical, morphological, wordmaking and syntax variants) |
Appendix C
The example
of graphical abbreviations:
Writing of graphical abbreviations | Reading of graphical abbreviations or their full meaning |
F.O. | Foreign Office |
Ltd | Limited |
K.C. | King’s Counsel |
O.D. | Officer of the Day |
Ala | Alabama |
D.C. | District of Columbia |
c | Cent |
C. | Centigrade |
Co. | Company |
D-day | It’s the day of the beginning of operation |
Dr | Doctor |
E. | East |
Esq. | Esquire |
I.Q. | Intelligence quotient |
L. | Libra |
Mr | Mister |
Mrs | Missis |
N. | North |
No. | Number |
o.k. | All correct |
R.S.V.P. | Repondez s’il vous plait (French) |
U.K. | United Kingdom |
W. | West |
Sec. | Second |
Sq. | Square |
Appendix D
number of international terms in the English and Kazakh languages
1. The number of international terms in the English language
Term’s place of born | Its percent equivalent in language % |
Latin | 40 % |
French | 17,3 % |
German | 2,5 % |
Italian | 2,5 % |
2. The number of international terms in Kazakh language:
Term’s place of born | Its percent equivalent in language % |
Latin | 40 % |
French | 17,5 % |
English | 10 % |
German | 2,5 % |
Italian | 2,5 % |