Дипломатические термины

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Октября 2011 в 17:15, научная работа

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Nowadays developing society needs from people to be involved in culture, prove their abilities and professional qualities. In different countries people, which means each person has to prove his knowledge in his own business. If we have a talk about knowledge, we can talk about terminology science, especially in English language where it has a huge importance more than others. In conclusion of developing of our country in different directions the problem of learning and teaching English like a special aim becomes the main problem. We know that in English learning linguistics is the main part of terminology. Basic vocabulary of each language is terminology. This sphere is well developing and makes a born of language’s many new structures. (1, 189 p)



1. Nowadays view of the English and Kazakh diplomatic terms.

1.1. The meaning of “terminology”

1.1.1. About the meaning of “terminology”

1.1.2. The main description of term and terminology

2. Structural types of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages: ways of forming

2.1. Forming of diplomatic terms by semantic ways

2.2. Forming of diplomatic terms by morphologic way




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2. Structural types of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages: ways of forming

    2.1. Forming of diplomatic terms by semantic way

    In term making we have to pay attention on such signs:

    • resemblance in appearance;
    • likeness in activity;
    • proximity of meanings.

     We can see such signs in the following examples:


  1. зат. Кеңес (ағыл. Council);
  2. зат. Ақыл, кеңес (ағыл.advice);
  3. етіс. Кеңес беру (ағыл.advise);


  1. n. supplement (қосымша);
  2. adj. supplementary (қосымша);
  3. verb supplement (толықтыру).

   Given example words show us both activity and the meaning resemblance or that the root of the words is a verb.

   O. Aitbayev names such method “terming” and shows us 4 methods in Kazakh term making:

   The first, transition of our native language words to terms calls semantic way. It consists of literary or general ancient literary word terming, terming of dialects, transition of terms from one to another branches.

   The second, ways of word forming. They are:

   a) morphological or synthetically (by adding) way;

    b) syntax or analytical (mixing and compounding of words) way;

    c) abbreviation (shortening) way.  

   The third, the way of tracing paper, where are used in-words and possibilities of previous 2 ways.

   The fourth, the way of taking terms from foreign languages. [25, 158-165 pp.].

   In Kazakh and English languages diplomatic terms are forming word combinations with semantic meaning complete units, but not syntax combinations. For compound term is appropriate semantic completeness, that’s why its each half hasn’t an independent meaning, they both could mean only one thing.

   Lexical-semantic peculiarities of simple meaning words are their only lexical-semantic variant – they have only segment, but this segment has compound semantic structure. For example, in Kazakh language the word policy (саясат) is simple meaning: “is directed to protect someone’s rights, the aims or plan of action of a person or a group”, but in English there is one more meaning “insurance policy-a document stating the terms of a contract of insurance” (сақтандыру полисі). Its semantic structure consists of few segments (arch segment – AS, differentiate segment – DS ): AS – an action, way; DS – the aim: to protect rights of the country; DS2 – subject: country, man.

   Words which became terms by semantic way are usually our everyday using words, but these words and terms are homonyms, and the basic meaning of the word is widen or narrow. For example, the word citizenship (азаматтық) in Kazakh language means “to grow up, to be elder”, “to come to reason, to be humane” [18, 1 t., 77 p.], but in diplomatic category it is “belonging of a man to the country in legality”. The English meaning of the word is “a person belonging to a particular city or country and having certain rights and duties because of this”. Both of them have a meaning relation, “citizenship” in everyday use and diplomatic way has almost near meaning “to grow up”, but its using area is changing. The root of this word is “citizen” (азамат) : AS – a man, DS1 – who lives in a certain area of the country, DS2 – of age, DS3 – to have rights and duties according to the country.

   “Citizenship”: AS – to give a right to live in a particular area of the country; DS-to be citizen of a particular country; DS2 – to have rights to live in this country from birth or to give an opportunity to live in a country for foreigners because of special situation.

   These segments unite significant lexical-semantic variants of noun in its semantic structure, and form lexical-semantic group.

   In English language significant terms are formed by “index” to its each meaning. For example, “Union Jack” and “Union Flag” are the names of the Great Britain’s flags. “Index” words’ meanings are different, but general meaning is “Union” (бірлестік, одақ).

   When the first meaning of term word grows old its auxiliary meanings could be not the same. For example, term “security” basic meaning is “қауіпсіздік”, auxiliary meanings are guaranty (кепіл, шарт); in plural form they have another meaning at all: “securities” – “valuable papers” (бағалы қағаздар) [26, 671 p].

   In general when we make a conclusion of consideration semantic ways of forming terms we understand that diplomatic terms and term combinations group enrich during enrichment of term words in international lexics. Terming word is not to be in use, it could be professional word, dialect or archaism. 

    1. Forming of diplomatic terms by morphologic way.

   Auxiliary terms usually are made by suffixes, but not all of them. Some of the suffixes could be added not only for one group, it could be appropriate to the whole group of terms, but others join only to members of terms.

   In Kazakh language diplomatic terms and term combinations are formed by the following suffixes:

    • -лы/-лі, -ды/-ді, -ты/-ті (Ұлы мәртебелі мырза т.б.),
    • -сыз/-сіз + -дық/-дік (заңсыздық, тәуелсіздік т.б.),
    • -кер/-гер (заңгер, мәмілегер т.б.),
    • -шылық/-шілік (басқыншылық, нәсілшілік т.б.),
    • -лық/-лік, -тық/-тік (аутентикалы мәтін, Веналық регламент, папалық нунций т.б.),
    • -ма/-ме, -ба/-бе, -па/-пе (ескертпе, міндеттеме, тапсырма т.б.),
    • -ман (оралман), -гершілік (сыпайыгершілік т.б.),
    • -у (басқару, бекіту, даму, қорғау, мәлімдеу т.б.),
    • -ыл/-іл (өкіл, уәкіл т.б), -ым/-ім/-м (бітім, келісім, сенім т.б.),
    • -ыс/-іс (егес, қозғалыс, отырыс, тексеріс, шиеленіс т.б.),
    • -ық/-ік (естелік хат т.б), -ша/ -ше (төтенше, уақытша т.б.),
    • -ын/-ін/-н (сатқын, тұтқын т.б.).

    And in English language’s diplomatic branch:

    • “agent personal”: -ant|-ent, -er, -ess, -ician, -ist, -ee suffixes mean persons and public men (agent, immigrant, commander, courier, ambassadress, empress, politician, capitalist, communist, trustee, referee, etc.),
    • “collectivity”: -acy, -dom, -ery|-ry, -hood, -ship suffixes mean diplomatic terms in collective activities (confederacy, diplomacy, Kingdom, brotherhood, citizenship, relationship).

    Each suffix forms a “meaning group” and segments’ group.

      V + (a)tion = N and N + (a)tion = N is example of forming diplomatic terms which includes:

    a) V + (a)tion = N: declare – declaration (декларация); ratify – ratification (ратификация); resolve – resolution (бұрыштама) etc.;

    b) N + a(tion) = N: convention (конвенция), relation (қатынас) etc.

     N + -an (-ian) = N the meaning of example is “a person or thing belonging to a place, country”, but it doesn’t mean a thing, only a person. For example: establishmentarian (консерватор), Malthusian (мальтузиандық), politician (саясатшы) etc.

     Adj. + -ization = N is example of forming new terms from adjectives: “multilateral-ization”  (көп тараптық); socialization (the process by which politician culture is transmitted from generation to generation) (қоғамдастыру) etc.

     In English language there are about 70 suffixes which is included in auxiliaries of adjectives. Such suffixes like –ate, -ive, - ory don’t join with old roots. For example: deliberate (қасақана бұзылған), aggressive (агрессивті), Absolutory (ақтаушы) etc.

     Adjectives basically include in term combinations. For example “special mission”, “short information”, “foreign policy”.

     In Kazakh language after nouns we usually put predicative in term combinations. For example: the verb “тіркеу” has noun form like “тіркеу тәртібі”, and predicative form “актілерді тіркеу”, “өкілді тіркеу”, “Жарғыға қоса тіркеу”, “шартты тіркеу” etc.

     English language has the same manifestation. Diplomatic term “state” (зат. 1. Мемлекет, 2. штат, 3. жағдай, жай-күй), “to state” (етіс. 1.Мәлімдеу, 2.бекіту), confederated state (конфедеративті мемлекет), depository state (мемлекет-депозитарий), state party (қатысушы мемлекет немесе жақ) etc. has a function of noun, but “to state facts” (фактыларды мәлімдеу), to state one willingness (өзінің тілегін білдіру) etc.is forming like a predicative.

     Some Kazakh terms are formed by adjectives too. For example, екі жақты келісім - bilateral agreement, etc. In the English language as an example of such construction we can use  “two police state border conflicts".

   In Kazakh language adverbs and pronouns are not used as terms. Even if they become terms they could be nouns in the sentence.

   Conversion is one of the ways to enrich English language. Conversion doesn’t change the first view of the word, it just cross to the lexical-grammatical type of the word. For example, the word “debate”:

   1. noun "жарыссөз";

   2. verb "талқылау";


     1. noun "процесс ";

     2. verb "виза жасау " etc.

   Words with the suffix –ee means a person: аddressее (хат-хабар жіберілетін тұлға), trustее (қамқор адам, попечитель), referее (төреші)etc. But there alo could be differences between the root and auxiliary in the nouns because of enrich of the meaning. By the time it loses semantic connection with verb, e.g. the verb "to guarantее" (кепілдік беру) made a conversion from the noun "guarantее"; the noun "to referее" (соттау)from the auxiliary noun "referее" etc.

   Auxiliary nouns with the suffix –er means the person who acts, but it doesn’t make a conversion to the verb: lawyer (заңгер), loner (тәуелсіз полиция қызметкері), теssenger (курьер) etc.

   X + -іоп (-аtіоп, -tіоп, -sіоп) structural auxiliary nouns are mde from conversion of the verbs – in words from Latin or French languages. For example: to action, to position, to provision etc.

   We could divide verbs which made a conversion from auxiliary nouns according to their semantic, etimolgy differences into 2 groups:

   1) in the structural type like X + -іоп (-tіоп), х + -еr, х + -ее, х + -еss, х + -ster, х + -agе, х + -пеss verbs make a conversion;

   2) in the structural type like X + -ееr to make a conversion from the verb is more effective.

   In conclusion we could make a decision that diplomatic terms which have made by morphological way have two resemblance – in kazakh and english languages diplomatic terms are formed by suffixes, adjectives, numbers and verbs. Also they have some differences like in kazakh language adjectives are used only in term combinations, and there is no adverbs and pronouns in termbuildiing. And in english language terms which are made from adjectives by adding some suffixes could change their form, could be the term itselves, could enrich vocabulary structure and by the conversion form new kinds of terms.

   In practice, there should be lessons with using diplomatic terms, and explainig their methodological value. We could prove it in such way:

      1. By texts:

    Таsk 1:

    А) Read the texts and introduce with international companies. Find Kazakh equivalent for these names:

    United Nations (UN)

    Un is an international organisation established by charter on October 24, 1945, with the purposes of maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations on the principle of equal rights and self-dtermination, and encouraging international co-operation in solving international economic, cultural, and humanitarian problems. The UN’ headquarters are now located at the UN Building in New York City.

    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

    UNESCO is a specialised agency of the United Nations created to contribute to world peace by promoting international collaboration in education, science and culture. The activities of UNESCO are mainly facilitative; the organisation attempts to assist, support, and complement national efforts of member states in the elimenation of illiteracy and the extension of free education and seeks to encourage free exchange of ideas and knowledge among peoples and nations of the world providing clearing-house and exchange services. The permanent headquarters of UNESCO are in Paris.

    World Health Organisation (WHO)

    WHO is a specialised agency of the UN established to promote international co-operation for improved health conditions. The objective of this organisation is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health which is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The administrative headquarters of WHO are in Geneva.

    Б) Read the text again and tell your own opinion using terms

      1. By translation:

      Таsk 2.

    Find kazakh translation for the following terms and learn them by heart:

    To come to one’s defence – 

    To have a veto over something – 

    To have a vote – 

    To join as partners –

    To maintain a hedge – 

    To possess nuclear weapons – 

    To renoince aggression –

    To voice concern – 

      1. By fixing exercise:

    Таsk 3.

    А) Put in a right order association names and their kinds of work:

    Association names Work types
    1. Greenpeace a. organisation aimed at locating icebergs in the North Atlantic, following and predicting their drift, and issuing warnings to ships in the vicinity.
    2. World Council of Churches b. Nongovernmental educational organisation founded to promote co-operation at the international level among the universities of all countries as well as among other bodies concerned with higher education and research.
    3. International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) c. Association which is concerned with problems in the organisation, storage, retrieval, dissemination, and evaluation of  information by both mechanical and electronic means.
    4. International Ice Patrol d. Ecumenical organisation that works for the unity and renewal of the Christian denominations and offers them a forum in which they may work together in the spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding.
    5. International Association of Univercities e. Large nongovernmental organisation interested primarily in environmental issues.
    6. International Committee of the Red Cross. f. Autonomous intergovernmental organisation dedicated to increasing the contribution of atomic energy to the world’s peace and well-being and ensuring that agency assistance is not used for military purposes.
    7. International Organisation for Information and Documentation g. Organisation aimed at promoting the widest possible mutual assistance between all the criminal police authoroties within the limits of the laws existing in the affiliated countries.
    8. International Atomic Energy Agency h. Organisation that acts to help all vctims of war and internal violence, attempting to ensure the implementation of humanitarian rules and restricting armed violence.

    Б) find the meaning of the following terms::

    Pay The money paid to someone for regular work
    Fee A payment made to aprofessional person (e.g. to a lawyer, writer) or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services
    Income Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
    Reputation The general opinion that people have about a person, organisation based on what they have heard,read, seen or experienced
    Image The idea or opinion that people have about a person, organisation, especially when this has been deliberately made or planned
    Prestige The respect and good reputation a person, organisation has because they have a high position in society, are admired by people

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