Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Октября 2011 в 17:15, научная работа
Nowadays developing society needs from people to be involved in culture, prove their abilities and professional qualities. In different countries people, which means each person has to prove his knowledge in his own business. If we have a talk about knowledge, we can talk about terminology science, especially in English language where it has a huge importance more than others. In conclusion of developing of our country in different directions the problem of learning and teaching English like a special aim becomes the main problem. We know that in English learning linguistics is the main part of terminology. Basic vocabulary of each language is terminology. This sphere is well developing and makes a born of language’s many new structures. (1, 189 p)
1. Nowadays view of the English and Kazakh diplomatic terms.
1.1. The meaning of “terminology”
1.1.1. About the meaning of “terminology”
1.1.2. The main description of term and terminology
2. Structural types of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages: ways of forming
2.1. Forming of diplomatic terms by semantic ways
2.2. Forming of diplomatic terms by morphologic way
1. Nowadays view of the English and Kazakh diplomatic terms.
1.1. The meaning of “terminology”
1.1.1. About the meaning of “terminology”
1.1.2. The main description of term and terminology
2. Structural types of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages: ways of forming
2.1. Forming of diplomatic terms by semantic ways
2.2. Forming of diplomatic terms by morphologic way
Nowadays developing society needs from people to be involved in culture, prove their abilities and professional qualities. In different countries people, which means each person has to prove his knowledge in his own business. If we have a talk about knowledge, we can talk about terminology science, especially in English language where it has a huge importance more than others. In conclusion of developing of our country in different directions the problem of learning and teaching English like a special aim becomes the main problem. We know that in English learning linguistics is the main part of terminology. Basic vocabulary of each language is terminology. This sphere is well developing and makes a born of language’s many new structures. (1, 189 p)
Changes in different (economical, cultural, scientific and teaching) spheres of society become the main problem in its each terminological system.
Different scientific spheres have their own systematic meaning. Each meaning has its own name, appears like a special term, and by developing becomes true in term making laws. It is like using different lexemes in semantic way, terms also appears in terminological way and it submits to its in-laws. (2, 184 p)
We know nowadays Kazakhstan’s collaboration with other countries writes in our official language, it means that in international relation language starts working. Huge changes in our country’s life make sphere of terminology to be born in a new and various ways.
In our research work we’ve pointed term making principles in English and Kazakh language learning, and found its importance out. According to this we’ve also made full analysis of terms making ways by spheres in English and Kazakh language learning and their lexical-semantically structure, we’ve tried to put them in one term system and to involve it in all scientific and industrial spheres, to find out the process of involving, and the role of trasing-paper in term making. By the way of reach this aim, one of the biggest problems in our work is to research nature of English and Kazakh language terms by comparing.
Actuality of the research. It is known that the main problems of terminology are transformation of everyday using words into terms, their relation to enrich terminological fund and research semantically changes in language. In that way the actuality of research are new terms, especially different ways of term making in diplomatic sphere, to show in-laws and peculiarity of source which could be basis in Kazakh and English languages’ importance.
Object of research is shown diplomatic terms system in term spheres of English and Kazakh languages.
Subject of research is diplomatic term making of English and Kazakh languages in comparative way, their linguistic description, general form of principles and laws, and their lexical-grammatical resemblance and differences.
The aims and tasks of research. The main aim of research is to find differences and resemblance between diplomatic terms in Kazakh and English languages. Achieving this aim we have to solve some tasks like:
Methods of research:
Sources of the research: We’ve taken more than 15000 diplomatic terms and sequence of terms, 6000 of them is Kazakh and others are English diplomatic words. During the research we’ve looked through such literature (dictionaries are included):
1. Nowadays view of the English and Kazakh diplomatic terms.
1.1. The meaning of “terminology”
Terminology means a part of language’s word components which include a special lexics in people’s usual working use. Terminology learning scientists haven’t seen it in only one way. In their opinion, the basic difference depends on person’s reasonable action in system of terminology and its developing. During the years a lot of people think that terminological meanings are suitable for lexical system, but according to the last scientific news terminological system has been appeared and some terminology learning scientists think that a real system is suitable for terminology system. For example, according to first scientist’s points of view “Terminology is a special branch of meaning which shows peculiarities of system, its communicative importance”. Other scientists think that terminology is a complex of people’s action and knowledge which during its developing changes naturally and marks lexical units of natural language in. (Leichik). [4, 176 p]
Giving a new significance to terminology depends on appearing of term system, its differences with terminology. Though during the last years scientists understand terminology like a natural appeared complex of names, but “term system” has another meaning:
“Termsystem (terminological system) consists of special aimed component elements like language lexical units (word and word combinations), and composition basically equal in theoretical meaning system, a marked model of person’s action and knowledge in special sphere”.
Termsystem is a complex of term which is not according to alphabet, but lay stress on classification of special science meanings.
Natural terminology forming is still has to be researched. But according to this we couldn’t make a conclusion that system doesn’t depend on terminology.
Both of scientific opinions tell that terminology is a complex of terms. This is the main sign of terminology.
Terminology itself is a significant term. Scientists divide it in 5 groups:
It is known that scientists’ opinion according to the problem of belonging terminological lexics to literary language is not the same. A.Superanskaya and other scientists divide these opinions into 3 groups:
First two of these three opinions could be right, because we can argue about it, but the last one’s basic is not so balanced. We have to notice that basically part of terms is made by a peculiar language words (symbol; if we don’t add word terms), and it’s too difficult to divide terminology from language just by admitting it like a complex of artificial signs. Scientists who support first two opinions have their own proves and arguments.
of terminology. Science and techniques, industry and art have different
branches. People’s work is different and some of special branches
have thousands considerable and inconsiderable names of the definitions.
Such known special complex of the branch names is terminology. That
complex could be called like geographical terminology, diplomatic terminology,
physical terminology, mathematical terminology, musical terminology
and etc. [7; 61 p]
1.1.2. The main description of term and terminology
Terminology is a technical terms of a subject. Forming time of terminology describes its terms, ways of making, its accordance to the language. It is very important to know the structure of the terminology. According to this, term learning has its own terms to describe. These are some of them:
Historical description of terminology recognizes by its ages of appearing, ways of making, antiquity, types of forming, completeness and principles.
Age of terminology is known by its midline of separating from one sphere to another and being independent.
Terminology’s ways of making, give us an opportunity to know differences between terms, which are made by different ways of term making (lexical-semantically, morphological, syntax). This is an important work for developing terminology, its customs and tendency.
Antiquity of terminology is a description of old terms in the complex of terminology and differences between in-words from other language.
By distinguishing between terminologies it is important to know direction to technical-scientific relationship and its influence on different language forming.
Examples of terminology forming are a description according to the forming of the terminology branch.
In science learning there are 3 basic examples of new branches. They are:
Completeness of terminology is a description of term changing from one to another one, differences between them. It is important to know relation between terminology and its influence on other term spheres.
Relation of terminology – is a description of genetically relation between special lexical branches and its typological resemblance between special lexical branches’ forming.
Principles of terminology are saving structure and basic parts of terminology in appropriate time.
These are historical descriptions of terminology, and formal are the next:
Quantity of terminology describes amount of terms which entrance to the terminology.
If there are 100 terms it is called microterminology, from 100 to 1000 terms is mezoterminology, more than 1000 terms is macroterminology, and more than 10000 terms is megaterminology.
Middle high of terminology terms describes an amount of term making signs or lexical dimension of words which consist of terminological terms.
Complex structure of terminology introduces with term kinds and its structural types.
A part of terminology is a term. If we talk about language description of terms, usually first of all we understand it like people’s action in a special circle of branches, basically in professional experts’ language, a word which is used in special literature. But between term learning experts are shown different signs of discern terms’ language nature. When we have a talk about term we always repeat such quote like “All terms are word. But not all words are term.” It is a right decision according to the belonging of language units to words. But we couldn’t tell it about all the terms because some of them have numbers, graphical signs and symbol words.
Although we have to remember that terms are not only words, there are also a lot of word combinations and some language term scientists tell that there is also could be sentence terms. We can’t tell that term’s nature is full opened. N.Z. Kotelova said: “Terms are words but they haven’t anything belonging to the language” (“Терминдер – сөздер, тілдік ешнәрсе оларға тән емес”). Term is a linguistically nature of the word. It is proved by a lot of last research works according to term learning branches.
General we can tell these about term:
We can call them the basic signs of the term. In term learning researchers and linguistically scientific literature term has other qualities and peculiarities.
Term in its structure has a root, an auxiliary, a complex word, and terminological combinations. Let’s look through some information which was given in different theoretical opinions:
Linguistically information:
Term is a word or word combination which has a special used definition in scientific or industrial-technological ways.
Term learning information:
Term is an element of terminological system.
Information of special aimed theory of the language:
Term is a special aimed language unit which marks a special branches’ general, exact and abstraction meanings of person’s action and knowledge.
If a term has a meaning, its definition is scientific information to that exact meaning. Term words’ significance is known by its definition.
And now if we talk about general criterions to terms, what kind of should they be? They should have a meaning in their contest, have to be short and understandable, shouldn’t have synonyms and have needs. General there are a plenty of information about what kind of term should be and about its criterions. But the most important are these:
this part of research we gave information about the meaning of terminology,
its description and definition. Although, we found out different theoretical
opinions about criterions of term and terminology, we gave a description
to terminology and to a part of it – to term, gave different information
and considered its peculiarities from different ways.