Mergers & Acquisitions MTS and Sibchellendzh

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Марта 2011 в 20:11, реферат

Описание работы

The urgency of this work stems from the fact that in the poor economic situation that has developed to date in Russia, before the domestic companies more than ever is a problem of overcoming the crisis through the use of concrete and effective measures. There is need for effective search technology to overcome the crisis in the enterprise, the need to develop modern methods of restructuring ownership.


Introduction 3
1. The concept of mergers and acquisitions 4
2. Classification of mergers and acquisitions 5
3. Periods of mergers and acquisitions 7
4. Consequences of mergers and acquisitions 9

5. The merger of MTS and Sibchellendzh 12

Conclusion 14


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