Mergers & Acquisitions MTS and Sibchellendzh

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Марта 2011 в 20:11, реферат

Описание работы

The urgency of this work stems from the fact that in the poor economic situation that has developed to date in Russia, before the domestic companies more than ever is a problem of overcoming the crisis through the use of concrete and effective measures. There is need for effective search technology to overcome the crisis in the enterprise, the need to develop modern methods of restructuring ownership.


Introduction 3
1. The concept of mergers and acquisitions 4
2. Classification of mergers and acquisitions 5
3. Periods of mergers and acquisitions 7
4. Consequences of mergers and acquisitions 9

5. The merger of MTS and Sibchellendzh 12

Conclusion 14


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The State University of Management

Institute of Foreign Languages 

Mergers & Acquisitions.

MTS and Sibchellendzh 

Maktseva Anastacia

Institute of Management in Power Engineering,

Management in international fuel and energy business 4-1 


    The content

Introduction                                                                                                            3 
1.  The concept of mergers and acquisitions                                                          4 
2. Classification of mergers and acquisitions                                                         5 
3. Periods of mergers and acquisitions                                                                   7 
4. Consequences of mergers and acquisitions                                                        9

5. The merger of MTS and Sibchellendzh                                                      12

Conclusion                                                                                                             14

References                                                                                                              15 


This work aims to study this undeveloped issue as mergers and acquisitions. The theoretical aspects of mergers and acquisitions, it’s basic classification.   
The urgency of this work stems from the fact that in the poor economic situation that has developed to date in Russia, before the domestic companies more than ever is a problem of overcoming the crisis through the use of concrete and effective measures. There is need for effective search technology to overcome the crisis in the enterprise, the need to develop modern methods of restructuring ownership. In this light, activity in mergers and acquisitions as one of the main elements of restructuring, its final link, aiming at changing the ownership structure, deserves special consideration. 

  1. The concept of mergers and acquisitions

Merger - a union of two or more business entities, which formed a new economic unit (the new entity).  
The merger forms - the union, which merged companies cease to exist as an independent legal entity and taxpayer. The new company takes control and direct control over all assets and liabilities to the company's customers - their constituents, then the last bloom.  
The merger of assets - combined with the transfer of the owners of the participating companies as a contribution to the authorized capital of human control over their companies and conservation activities and the organizational and legal form of the latter.  
In foreign practice, stands another type of fusion, which in Russian law falls under the term "accession" as a kind of reorganization of legal entities. In this case, one of the merging companies to survive, and the rest lose their independence and cease to exist. At the same time surviving company receives all the rights and obligations of liquidated companies.  
Acquisitions - a transaction committed for the purpose of establishing control over the business entity and carried out by acquiring more than 30% of capital (stocks, shares, etc.) absorbed by the company, while maintaining the legal autonomy of the society.

  1. Classification of mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can be classified as horizontal, vertical or conglomerate.

  • Horizontal  mergers and acquisitions take place between competing firms in the same industry, field or domain. This category has grown rapidly recently because of the global restructuring of many economic fields in response to technological change and liberalization. Fields in which such mergers and acquisitions have been observed are pharmaceuticals, automobiles, petroleum and, increasingly, several services industries. The focus on 'the same industry' in this definition of horizontal mergers and acquisitions is a standard approach from a perspective on determinants of investment strategy and also according to available statistics. However, when considering competition policy issues and implications of such mergers, it is important to focus on markets rather than industries.
  • Vertical  mergers and acquisitions take place between firms in client - supplier or buyer - seller relationship. Typically they seek to reduce uncertainty and transaction costs in forward and backward linkages in the production chain, and to benefit from economies of scope. It is also possible that a buyer could be seeking to control access by its competitors to some important input. Mergers and acquisitions between parts and components makers and their clients, such as final electronics or automobile manufacturers, are good examples.
  • Conglomerate  mergers and acquisitions take place between companies in unrelated activities. They seek to diversify risk and attain economies of scope.

Most mergers and acquisitions are horizontal, some of them are conglomerate and fewer are vertical; out of these, horizontal mergers and acquisitions are potentially the most damaging to the competitive process, while the impact of vertical and conglomerate mergers on competition is more controversial, as they can bring about both harmful consequences and improvements upon competition.

Mergers and acquisitions may be typified as 'friendly' and 'hostile', as well, depending on the decision of the board of the target company. In a friendly merger or acquisition, the board of a target firm agrees to the transaction. However, a hostile merger or acquisition is undertaken despite the wish of the target firm and the board of the target company rejects the offer. The overwhelming number of mergers and acquisitions are friendly, while most hostile mergers and acquisitions occur in the industrial economies.

Mergers and acquisitions may also be characterized as either inward or outward. Inward mergers and acquisitions incur an inward capital movement through the sale of domestic firms to foreign investors, while outward mergers and acquisitions incur an outward capital movement through the purchase of all or parts of foreign firms. However, inward and outward mergers and acquisitions are closely related, since mergers and acquisitions transactions involve both sales and purchases.

Mergers and acquisitions have their own characteristics in  different countries or regions of the world. For example, unlike the U.S. where there are, above all, a merger or acquisition of large firms in Europe is the absorption of small and medium-sized companies, family businesses, small-stock companies of related industries. 

  1. Periods of mergers and acquisitions

The first peak of mergers took place in the early nineteenth century. Then the consolidation have been caused by changes in legislation and extremely unfavorable conditions for business. First appearance of the company who have taken a number of industries a monopoly position. To significantly affect market prices by manipulating the production and supply, provided it is particularly high profitability and to change the very essence of a market economy, to this team based on the principles of free competition.  
Historically, very interesting surge of mergers of companies engaged in different types of business, ie, conglomerate mergers type. The boom of large diversified companies, ie conglomerates, which occurred on 60 th of our century, though large conglomerates were created in the 20's. But then, their creation was initiated by problems of militarization of the economy, and in the 60 years as the formation of conglomerates occurred on a purely commercial basis. 

In the 70 years of active work of the large companies for their continued diversification and it was associated primarily with the desire to acquire assets in the fields of electronics and telecommunications.  
But in the 80 years of profit conglomerates have become increasingly unsustainable. Companies that were part of conglomerates, showed worse results than independent businesses in the same industries, and new absorption only bring huge losses. According to estimates by Michael Porter, in the first half of the 80-ies of absorption conglomerate of companies in unrelated industries ended in failure in 74% of cases.  
In the eighties the share of mergers such as conglomerate declined significantly. Moreover, the creation of new corporations was accompanied by the destruction of conglomerates, emerged 10-20 years ago. During this period, dominated by the absorption of competitors by buying their shares, including a very prominent among them were hostile takeovers. Given the softening of the antimonopoly legislation intensified horizontal merger. Thus, cases of horizontal mergers can be found, for example, in aviation: Company Northwest in 1986, the firm absorbed the Republic.  
We emphasize once again that a merger with the formation of conglomerates are the least popular. However, among the companies whose shares are currently traded on the New York Stock Exchange, forty companies officially categorized as conglomerates. Their number includes such well-known companies as "General Electric", the U.S. conglomerate "Textron Inc" and "United Technologies Corp", British "Hanson", Dutch "Philips Electronics", Italian "Montedison" etc. But all of these conglomerates has refocused its activities on those segments in which they lead. Currently, they acquire companies in key business areas and sell all non-core assets. 

In the nineties one of the reasons for mergers was the desire to ensure stability in changing markets. In the West, as a result of fierce competition and the uncertainty of the environment has become a popular type of horizontal mergers. Thus, in the steel industry, for example, due to excess supply has been reduced the number of the industry. The same can be said about the companies that provide services on Internet access. In this industry, the uncertainty of the situation led to a merger of companies America Online and CompuServe. In the 1997-98 boom in mergers embraced, especially financial institutions.  
From the point of view of experts, the reasons for the burst of mergers in 1998 related to the general processes of economic globalization, the expected establishment of the European Economic and Monetary Union. However, there are specific factors in each specific area of ​​business. For example, the growing number of mergers of companies that specialize in financing activities have affected the growth of demand for these firms, as well as the convergence of previously fundamentally different market sectors, banking and insurance. 

  1. Consequences of mergers and acquisitions

Mergers can increase the efficiency of the combined companies, but they may affect the results of current operations, to increase the burden of bureaucracy. Often very difficult to estimate in advance how large may be changes due to mergers or acquisitions. But the results of many studies to measure the net effect is produced by mergers and acquisitions give very inconsistent and often totally contradictory, conclusions.  
According to the Mergers & Acquisitions Journal, 61% of all mergers and acquisitions do not pay back investments in these funds. A study of 300 mergers that have occurred over the past 10 years, conducted by Price Waterhouse, showed that 57% of the companies formed as a result of a merger or acquisition, lag behind in terms of its development from other similar representatives of the market and are forced to once again split into independent corporate units.  
Experts are usually specified three reasons for failure of mergers and acquisitions:  
• Incorrect assessment of the absorbing company attractiveness of the market or the competitive position of the absorbed (target) company;  
• underestimation of the size of investment needed to implement a merger or acquisition;  
• errors made in the implementation of the merger. 

Absorbing the company sometimes misinterpret the assets of interest to their companies or their obligations. For example, to underestimate the costs associated with the modernization of equipment in this company, or its obligations under the warranty of defective products. Significantly can affect the efficiency of merger obligations of the absorbed company to protect the environment. If the operations of this company lead to contamination of the environment, all costs in this case is likely to be imposed on the shoulders of the absorbing company.  
Very often underestimated the necessary investments to implement a merger or acquisition. Errors in the valuation of future deals can be very impressive. For example, the absorption of BMW Rover Company the estimated cost of the last was 800 million pounds, as required in the next five years after the merger of investment - 3.5 billion  
Many mergers that seem economically feasible, have failed because of mistakes made in the implementation process.  
Sometimes managers are not able to cope with difficulties arising from integrating the two companies with different characteristics of the production process, accounting, corporate culture. 

The value of many companies is directly dependent on specific assets such as human resources - professional managers, qualified workers, engineers and researchers. Change the host leads to a revision of existing criteria for personnel evaluation and career planning traditions, to change the priorities of spending, a change in the relative importance of individual management functions and, hence, breaking the informal structure. In addition, if managers are absorbed by the company have a share in its capital, its instantaneous transformation of the owners of employees affects the motivation, and as a result they begin to work less. If these professionals will not feel satisfied with their position in the new company formed after the merger, the best of them go out of it.  
Analytical studies of mergers, show interesting results: it appears more profitable to sell the company than to buy someone else's. In most cases, shareholders of companies that were the sellers in mergers or acquisitions, received a very substantial benefits, and the shareholders of the absorbing company benefited much less. This can be explained by two reasons:  
First, the absorbing company, as a rule, always larger than absorbed. In this case, the uniform distribution of the net benefits of a merger or acquisition between two companies, shareholders of each company will receive the same profit in absolute terms but in relative or percentage, the expression returns to shareholders of the absorbed company will be much higher. 

Secondly, significantly contributes to this process, competition between buyers. Each next contender to buy the company strives to surpass the conditions put forward earlier. In this case, all the most benefit from the upcoming mergers goes to the shareholders of the absorbed company. At the same time, managers of the company, which is going to absorb, can take some measures protivozahvatnogo nature, seeking to sell their company, if it occurs, has occurred at the highest possible price under these conditions. 
In large corporations formed in a merger or acquisition often occurs phenomenon known in economics suboptimization. Its essence is as follows: within corporations usually dominated by the desire to strengthen intra-group cooperation relations, mainly to fly in "their". In addition, each "own" the company is naturally inclined to set a price that brings the maximum profit. As a result, any products at the outlet becomes too expensive and uncompetitive, or normal commercial negotiations on the price level are transformed into endless debriefings Claims. The more complex the system of cooperative relationships within the corporation, the more difficult to build and debug the system of transfer prices that satisfy the firm at different ends of the Cooperation of the chain. 

  1. The merger of MTS and Sibchellendzh.

OAO Mobile TeleSystems signed an agreement to acquire 100% stake in Sibchellendzh, a cellular operator in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia.  
In accordance with the strategy of MTS to expand the geography of business in the most attractive regions of Russia, the company signed an agreement to acquire 100% of the company Sibchellendzh, a cellular operator in Krasnoyarsk, for $ 45.4 million  
"Sibchellendzh is the holder of a license to provide mobile services in GSM 900/1800 standard and DAMPS in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Population of the region is about 3 million people. Mobile penetration in the region on 30 June 2003 is estimated at 11% of the total population. Earlier in the MTS was not licensed to provide cellular services in the region.  
Subscriber base Sibchellendzh "is about 130 000 users (GSM - 123 000, DAMPS - 7000). According to the information-analytical agency market share "Sibchellendzh" in the region on 30 June 2003 is 40%. 

"The acquisition of Sibchellendzh" MTS provides a unique opportunity to develop their activities in one of the key regions of Siberia. We are acquiring a company in the industrial area where there is potential for growth. This is another step to strengthen our position in the Siberian Federal District, in many regions where we already operate, "- said Mikhail Smirnov, President of MTS.  
Krasnoyarsk Territory will be 59-m region of Russia where the company owns the GSM-license. The acquisition of Sibchellendzh will increase the population of the licensed area of ​​MTS to 172.2 million (of which 113.2 million live in Russia, 49 million - in Ukraine, and 10 million - in Belarus).  
After spending a transaction acquirer (MTS) has acquired the following assets Sibchellendzha:  
• Sibchellendzha subscriber base - about 130 thousand users, or 40% of the Siberian region.  
• 106 base stations and 2 switching center - a network that covers the main points of Krasnoyarsk Territory: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk, Minusinsk and Dudinka.  
• The average monthly service revenue per subscriber for 1 - $ 21 for 2002.  
• License to provide mobile services in the Krasnoyarsk territory, the republic of Khakassia and the Taimyr Autonomous District. Earlier in the MTS was not licensed to provide services in the region. 


In a globalizing and liberalizing world with rapid technical change, mergers and acquisitions constitute an essential part of the process of restructuring that undertakings and economies are undergoing all over the world.

Mergers and acquisitions can play a role in revitalizing ailing firms and local economies through restructuring process, acquisition of technology and productivity growth. To this end, in periods of crisis or transition, for example, mergers and acquisitions may be the only way to inject foreign resources and enable economies to adjust to new circumstances. The fact that acquired firms provide an element of inertia may be an advantage to the host economy in that, existing linkages, skills and business practices can be preserved to the extent that they are efficient. Yet, countries have differed widely in their openness to foreign direct investment, including cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and in the benefits they have realized from the ongoing globalization of industry. Government policies and corporate culture caused some countries to be largely closed to foreign acquisitions until recently. The ongoing liberalization of foreign investment regimes indicates that a broader range of countries could realize benefits from mergers and acquisitions. 



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