Образовательная деятельность СIPR на примере Международного института бизнеса

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Апреля 2012 в 21:14, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Целью данной работы является ознакомление с деятельностью одного из известнейших объединений – Института общественных отношений Великобритании IPR. Практическая сторона достижения цели – это поставленные задачи:
— рассмотреть особенности организационной структуры СIPR;
— ознакомиться с видами членства СIPR;
— рассмотреть особенности стратегии СIPR в текущем году;
— проанализировать образовательную деятельность СIPR на примере Международного института бизнеса (далее МИБ) в Украине.


1 Институт общественных отношений IPR.
1.1 Цели CIPR
1.2 Организационная структура Института общественных отношений
1.2.1 Членство в Институте общественных отношений
1.2.2 Членство студентов
2 Анализ деятельности Института общественных отношений Великобритании
2.1 Кодекс CIPR
2.1.1 Кодекс норм поведения
2.1.2 Правила донесения о нарушении Кодекса
2.1.3 Инструкции для Института процедуры жалоб
2.2 Анализ деятельности CIPR по итогам 2008-2009 г
2.2.1 Годовой отчет CIPR
2.2.2 Стратегия CIPR: Приоритеты и Проблемы 2009
3 Образовательная деятельность СIPR на примере Международного института бизнеса
3.1 Квалификации CIPR
3.1.1 Advanced Certificate in PR
3.1.2 Diploma in PR
3.1.3 Преимущества квалификационных курсов CIPR
3.1.4 Формат квалификационных курсов
3.1.5 Требования к кандидатам
3.1.6 Стоимость
3.2 Международная квалификация PR (GAM)
3.3 Студенты
3.3.1Профиль студента Чартерного Института Public Relations
3.3.2 Программа Чартерного Института Public Relations
Список использованной литературы

Работа содержит 1 файл

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации.doc

— 597.50 Кб (Скачать)

17.   Disciplinary Committee: management of business

The hearing will be in private unless the Chairman decides otherwise.

The Disciplinary Committee may

amend a Complaint formulated by the Professional Practices Committee;

formulate a new Complaint on the basis of information which arises during the procedure;

remit any Complaint to the Professional Practices Committee for it to be changed;

        provided that

the Committee is satisfied that the conduct of the Defendant’s case is not prejudiced as a result; and

the Committee shall, if the Defendant or Complainant asks, adjourn to enable the Defendant and/or the Complainant to respond to the changed circumstances.

The Chairman may allow the Defendant and Complainant to call witnesses and question witnesses.  The members of the Committee may also question witnesses.

The hearing will be conducted in the presence of both the Complainant and the Defendant, unless the Chairman decides otherwise from time to time (Regulation 10 – Professional Practices Committee and Disciplinary Committee: general management of business – paragraph d) applies).

The normal order of business, subject the discretion of the Chairman, will be:   


The Chairman will ensure that everyone present is made known, and explain the procedure that the Committee will follow.

The Committee will consider the Complaint and any other written submissions.

The Defendant and his or her representatives will be called to speak and to present any witnesses.

The Complainant and his or her representative will be called to respond, to question the Defendant’s witnesses and to present any witnesses of their own.

The Defendant and his or her representative will be invited to question the Complainant’s witnesses.

The Committee will consider its findings in private.

The Defendant (and those with him or her) will be recalled and the Chairman of the Committee will tell them its findings on the Complaint.  If any finding is against the Defendant, he or she (or his or her representative) will be invited to address the Committee in mitigation.

The Committee will decide in private on its decision, then announce it in the presence of both the Complainant and the Defendant.

Unless the Chairman decides that an adjournment is necessary from time to time, the Disciplinary Committee will sit from day to day until it has announced a decision on all aspects of the Complaint.

A record will be taken of the Committee proceedings and will be supplied to the Defendant or the Complainant if they     

request it within three months of the hearing;

pay the cost of supplying it.


18.   Disciplinary Committee: findings and decisions


The Committee’s final decision in the form of a report to the Council will

indicate how the Council should exercise its powers under Article 12 or state that no action should be taken against the Defendant;

record whether the Defendant was present throughout the proceedings and, if not, confirm that Institute had duly notified the Defendant of his or her rights and obligations as set out in these Regulations;

if the Defendant has failed to comply with these Regulations or any direction made under these Regulations, recommend to the Council that one of the measures under Article 12 should be exercised against the Defendant;

state whether the Defendant should pay any costs and, if so 

the amount to be paid or the way in which it is to be calculated;

the deadline for payment.

Приложение Б. Сертификаты квалификации




[1] Марина Горкина, Андрей Мамонтов, Игорь Манн «PR на 100%: Как стать хорошим менеджером по PR»


[3] http://pr-study.ru/theory/organ.php Профессиональные PR-организации

1.      [4] http://www.cipr.co.uk – Официальный сайт CIPR

[5] pr.web-3.ru/ethics/ - кодексы профессионального поведения

1.      [6]http://www.iib.com.ua/default.asp?cid=459&lang=ru – сайт МИБ Украины

[7] http://revolution.allbest.ru/miscellaneous/00009886_0.html - эволюционное развитие pr в России


Информация о работе Образовательная деятельность СIPR на примере Международного института бизнеса