Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Января 2011 в 18:12, реферат
We live in Belarus and our native language is Belarusian .
Almost all the words are native in our language . But some of them are borrowed from other la
n guages, though they got their meanings, spelling, according to the Belarusian la
n guage .
French borrowings in the modern english language
legal, administrative and mil i tary terms .
1204 Loss of Normandy .
French is the cultivated, prestige language .
There is a diagnostic situation, with French the high-prestige, English the low-prestige variety .
Norman French has lost its status, and Parisian French as the preferred norm . Large numbers of French loans enter English .
State of English 1300
English becomes the dominant language, but French remains dom i
nant in literature and at the court .
Increasing evidence of imperfect knowledge of French
Table 4 . Norman French chronology
· 1334-1453 The Hundred Years' War with France.
· 1348-9 The Black Death.3 0% mortality .
Labour shortage, wage rises, i n
creasing importance of the English-speaking classes
· 1386 English accepted in the courts
( 'Statute of Pleading' )
· Two major English poets at the end of the 14th century:
Gower writes mostly in French ( but composes one long work
Confe s sio amantis
, in English )
· Chaucer writes almost entirely in English.
· Evidence of private letters:
· 1350: French is the rule .
· After 1400: English becomes common .
· After 1450: English is the rule .
· Use of English in schools.
The influence of French on English in the early modern period
Influence on English phrasing
Aside from borrowing and word formation, French considerably influenced English phrasing .
The loan translations range from polite turns of speech, such as
at your service, do me the favour, to engage somebody in a quarrel, to make ( later: pay )
a visit , to idiomatic phrases like
by occasion, in detail, in favour of, in the last resort, in particular, to the contrary .
ME pronounciation
The English language of the middle ages is different from the modern one .
Here are two extracts from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales to compare :
From the General Prologue
Whan that April with his showres soote
The droughte of March hath perced to the roote , And bathed every veine in swich licour
, Of which vertu engendred is the flowr ;
Whan Zephyrus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halve cours yronne ,
And smale fowles maken melodye
That sleepen al the night with open yл - ( So priketh hem Nature in hir corages ) - Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages ,
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes
To ferne halwes, couthe in sondry londes ;
And specially from every shires ende
Of Engelond to Canterbury they wende , The holy blisful martyr for to seeke
, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seke .
The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale from The Canterbury Tales, by Geo
f frey Chaucer, performed by Elizabeth Salter, from Geoffrey Chaucer: The Wife of Prologue and Tale ( Cambridge University Press ISBN 0521635306 ) ( p ) 1976, 1998 Cambridge University Press .
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Language belongs to each of us . Everyone uses words. What is there in a language that makes people so curious ?
The answer is that there is almost nothing in our life that is not touched by language .
We all speak and we all listen so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die .
Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use English .
It has become the language of the planet .
Most of words are the same, but there are some differences .
For example in Middle English ynogh is
enough in modern English ;
longe is long; agoon is ago and so on, but they are a little bit similar in writing, so it is not very difficult to u
n derstand them .
Though the number of French loans in the modern period is relatively minor in comparison to Middle English, the contribution is most important. The French Loans were primarily borrowed to provide richness to the language.
Whilst it was arguable during the Restoration whether the loans were corrupting or enriching the language, today there is no doubt or disputable grounds to argue that the loans did nothing but enrich the English language.
The borrowing of vocabulary is rapprochement of nations on the ground of economic, political and cultural connections .
The bright example of it can be numerous French borrowings to English language .
Attempts to continue borrowings in 20 th
century did not have special success because language became more independent .
In my opinion we managed to study the problems of French borrowings in the English language .
We understood possible ways of penetrating French words in the English language, we have seen difference ways of difference types of borro
w ings .
In spite of arrival of the words from different languages into the English v o
cabulary, the English Language did not suffer from large flow of foreign elements .
On the contrary its vocabulary has been enriched due to the taken foreign elements .
1. Иванова И .П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т .М.
История английского яз ы
ка . - СПб.: Лань, 1999 .
2. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л .П.,
Беляева Т .М. Практикум по ист о рии английского языка. - СПб .:
Лань, 1999 .
3. Смирницкий А.И. Древнеанглийский язык. - М ., 19
55 .language, today there is no doubt or disputable grounds to argue that the loans did nothing but enrich the English language.
The borrowing of vocabulary is rapprochement of nations on the ground of economic, political and cultural connections .
The bright example of it can be numerous French borrowings to English language .
Attempts to continue borrowings in 20 th
century did not have special success because language became more independent .
In my opinion we managed to study the problems of French borrowings in the English language .
We understood possible ways of penetrating French words in the English language, we have seen difference ways of difference types of borro
w ings .
In spite of arrival of the words from different languages into the English v o
cabulary, the English Language did not suffer from large flow of foreign elements .
On the contrary its vocabulary has been enriched due to the taken foreign elements .
1. Иванова И .П., Чахоян Л.П., Беляева Т .М.
История английского яз ы
ка . - СПб.: Лань, 1999 .
2. Иванова И.П., Чахоян Л .П.,
Беляева Т .М. Практикум по ист о рии английского языка. - СПб .:
Лань, 1999 .
3. Смирницкий А.И. Древнеанглийский язык. - М ., 19
55 .
4. Советский энциклопедический словарь . - М.: Советская энци к
лопедия , 19 80.
5. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2004 Ultimate Reference CD-ROM
6. Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2005
7. McCrum R. The Story of English . -
New-York, 1987 .
8. Whitelock D. The Beginning of English Society . Harmondsworth Middl e sex, 1952.
9. New Webster’ s Dictionary, 1998.
Информация о работе French borrowings in the modern english language