Five national foods (dishes)

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Марта 2012 в 20:41, творческая работа

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In the report I will tell to you, about national foods of Italy. The Italian kitchen interesting, due to originality, lightness of preparation, by interesting combinations of paste, marine products, vegetables and sharp seasonings.
The Italian kitchen is a founder of high culinary art. The aroma of the Italian kitchen will not entangle not with that other. He is filled with the aroma of gifts of Mediterranean - marine products, aromas of herbares and pleasure of garden-stuffs that ripened on the spaces inundated by a sun.

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Five national foods  (dishes)

In the report I will tell to you, about national foods of Italy. The Italian kitchen interesting, due to originality, lightness of preparation, by interesting combinations of paste, marine products, vegetables and sharp seasonings.

The Italian kitchen is a founder of high culinary art. The aroma of the Italian kitchen will not entangle not with that other. He is filled with the aroma of gifts of Mediterranean  - marine products, aromas of herbares and pleasure of garden-stuffs that ripened on the spaces inundated by a sun.

The most popular foods of Italy are:

  1. Pizza is Italian national food that is an open pie, usually round form, that is covered by tomato paste and cheese and baked. To pizza different ingredients can be added, such as meat, ham, salame, marine foods, vegetables, fruit, mushrooms, greenery and other.


  1. Ravioli  it small square vareniks with the sharp filling, thus not necessarily by meat, but often cheese. Macaronis and равіолі give with a tomato sauce and grated cheese.



  1. Rizoto It is crumbly and fragrant rice with a ham and пармезаном on meat-stock. He is one of the most popular Italian foods. He can be prepared with fish from lakes or year, with a pumpkin or pepperoni, by sausages or with frogs, the refined food will go out in any case.


  1. Italian cheeses are the necessary element of the Italian meal. About 400 sorts of cheese are produced in Italy, most popular is mozzarella, gorgonzola and parmigiano.



  1. Italian paste with a tomato sauce overmastered all planet. It is needed to say, that Italians use macaronis of top grade, and eat them certainly with vegetables. Probably, just the same approach the Italian was able to provide to paste success.  Paste with a tomato sauce excellent Rizoto It is crumbly and fragrant rice with a ham and пармезаном on meat-stock. He is one of the most popular Italian foods. It is difficult to imagine the Italian restaurant that does not offer this meal. He can be prepared with fish from lakes or year, with a pumpkin or pepperoni, by sausages or with frogs, the refined food will go out in any case.

If you want to arrange the refined evening, then necessarily prepare some of the Italian kitchen.

 I hope you will not be disappointed.

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