Comunicative compitence

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Марта 2013 в 20:50, курсовая работа

Описание работы

The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective methods and techniques for the formation of the communicative competence of students in foreign language lessons.
1. Study and analyze the literature on the research problem.
2. Discover the essence and provide a meaningful description of the concept of "communicative competence".
3. Determine the degree of influence on the development of interdisciplinary connections communicative competence
4. Identify the most effective ways and methods of forming the communicative competence
5. Implement the most effective methods and techniques for the formation and development of communicative competence in grades 5-9 on the basis of school

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To solve the paradox of Maxwell presented the future of the device as a small demon, who was later to be replaced with a mechanical prototype.

The thought experiment is this: suppose a vessel with a gas impermeable membrane is divided into two parts: the left and right. In the partition opening with "guard" (Maxwell's demon), which allows to fly fast (hot) gas molecules only from the left side to the right side of the vessel, and slow (cold) molecules - only on the right side of the vessel to the left. Then, after a long period of time, the hot molecules will be in the right container, and cold - in the left.

Thus, it appears that Maxwell's demon can heat up the right side of the vessel and left to cool without additional energy input to the system. Entropy of the system consisting of the right and left side of the vessel, in the initial state than in the final, which is contrary to the principle of non-decreasing thermodynamic entropy in a closed system (see the second law of thermodynamics)

The paradox is resolved if we consider a closed system, which includes Maxwell's demon and the vessel. For the operation of Maxwell's demon should be transferred to it from an outside source of energy. Due to this energy is produced and separation of hot and cold molecules in a vessel, that is, a transition to a state of lower entropy. Mechanical implementation of the demon later introduced a ratchet and pawl

With the development of information theory, it was found that the measurement process may not lead to an increase in entropy, provided that it is thermodynamically reversible. However, in this case, the daemon should remember the results of measurements of the velocities (erase from memory the demon makes irreversible). Because the memory is finite, at some point, the demon has to erase the old results, which ultimately leads to an increase in entropy of the system as a whole.[15/17/18]


After all of the above it can be concluded that synectics - is the most powerful method of enhancing the innovation process within the principle of sorting options, and the most effective mechanism is a fantastic analogy, as well as comparisons with biology. For it is a fantastic method used Maxwell and Laplace in their studies.

In the course of writing a term paper had achieved all its goals and objectives, such as: short introduction, the ideas and concepts synectics, a detailed history of the method, as well as prominent examples of its application.














The study led to the following conclusions.

Intercultural competence of future teachers of foreign languages ​​is the ability to act as a mediator of cultures and implement productive interaction with the foreign-language cultures on the basis of the knowledge, skills and attitudes.


Intercultural competence is the result of the formation of its components - cognitive, practical and personal. Future teachers of foreign languages ​​are: knowledge-of-cultural universals, they are filled! in different cultures, the mechanism of reflection of culture in language and speech, psychological aspects of intercultural communication - processes of attribution, stereotypes, prejudices, etc., the ability to determine the cultural component of the realities of life, to mediate between cultures, to negotiate in accordance with the cultural norms of the language is spoken; openness to new information, willingness representative perception of foreign language culture as an equal, tolerance, development of empathy.

One of the promising directions in teaching practice is to create into cultural competence, the future teachers of foreign languages ​​s use of the creative technologies. Most of them use 2 types of creative methods:

        1.    Brainstorming
        2.    Method of synectic


We hope our teachers and education ministers will use that methods in their practice more, and have benefits of this hard work.


















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