Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Марта 2013 в 20:50, курсовая работа
The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective methods and techniques for the formation of the communicative competence of students in foreign language lessons.
1. Study and analyze the literature on the research problem.
2. Discover the essence and provide a meaningful description of the concept of "communicative competence".
3. Determine the degree of influence on the development of interdisciplinary connections communicative competence
4. Identify the most effective ways and methods of forming the communicative competence
5. Implement the most effective methods and techniques for the formation and development of communicative competence in grades 5-9 on the basis of school
The relevance of the study. The current stage of development of the world community, characterized by global changes in the field of intercultural communication, causes reorientation in language education, the main of which is the formation of cross-cultural competence of students. Before the modern school is the task of creating a globally oriented personality, understanding and appreciating uniqueness of different cultures, ready to participate in cross-cultural communication and the ability to live in mutual understanding and cooperation with other nations in the realities of the modern world. In connection with this change, and requirements for foreign language teachers to be able to carry out productive interaction and act as a mediator of cultures perceive reality through the prism of a double or triple of several cultures at the same time and transmit their values to students.
In accordance with the concept of modernization of Kazakhstan education issues communicative English teaching of particular importance, as communicative competence is focused on:
In this connection was defined research topic: "Development of competence for English lessons in grades 5-9."
Object of study: develop student’s communicative skills in foreign language lessons with a help of creative methods.
Subject of research: methods and techniques for the formation and development of communicative competence.
The purpose of the study is to determine the most effective methods and techniques for the formation of the communicative competence of students in foreign language lessons.
1. Study and analyze the literature on the research problem.
2. Discover the essence and provide a meaningful description of the concept of "communicative competence".
3. Determine the degree of influence on the development of interdisciplinary connections communicative competence
4. Identify the most effective ways and methods of forming the communicative competence
5. Implement the most effective methods and techniques for the formation and development of communicative competence in grades 5-9 on the basis of school
The methods of the study include a comparative analysis of the literature on the theory and methodology of foreign language teaching, learning teaching materials on the designated topic and available teaching experience, observation and experiment.
Chapter 1. The main provisions of the notion of "communicative competence"
1.1. Communicative competence and its components
Changes taking place today in public relations, media (use of new information technologies) require increasing communicative competence pupils improve their philological preparation, so the priority importance of learning English has become a means of communication.
If other things in the selection of content from the arsenal of science is based on the implementation of comprehensive and educational problems, in a foreign language has to start from a practical problem - the ability to engage in dialogue. Therefore, comprehensive and practical educational problems and solved subject to the implementation of the act of competence on some level, that is, the ability to engage in cross-cultural communication. The whole learning process is subject to the fundamental problem - the formation of communicative competence.
Communicative competence - is ready and capable of interaction, verbal and non-verbal (body language, body language) to other people.
Therefore, the basis of all communicative teaching methods should be based on the ability to make connections and find successful forms of communication in any language.
This is hard to do even in the study of the Russian language, when the thoughts and actions of participants in the communication are clear to each other. Foreign language, in this context, to study harder, because students do not always understand each other. Therefore, the basic principle of communication-based learning is a speech activity. But to form and develop communicative competence should be together all of its components, namely:
Methods and means of developing communicative competence
Basic methods:
Teaching methods, the result of which is always the students created an educational product: the idea, a hypothesis, a text work, painting, crafts, plan their lessons and so on are called heuristics.
The method of empathy (empathy) means "empathy" to a state of another object, "universe" of students in the studied objects of the world, trying to feel it and know it inside out.
For example, to get used to the nature of the tree, cats, clouds, and other educational items. When a student asks questions empathy object-itself, trying to perceive a feeling level, to understand, to see the answers. Born with the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and is a student educational product, which can then be expressed in their oral, written, picturesque form.
Teacher: Imagine yourself that you are 'Tornado ". How can you describe yourself, what are your feelings? Name your adjectives, verbs, your favourite season, places you occur, your weather.
Student: - I am Tornado. I am the most terrible of all storms. I am dangerous, violent, strong, cruel, noisy and destructive. I destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes. I occur in the springs, throughout the world, but mostly in the United States, especially in the central states. I occur in the afternoon or in the early evening in a hot day. Large clouds appear in the sky. They become darker and darker. The sounds of thunder, bright flashes of lighting! I form a funnel and begin to twist. My funnel touches the ground, it picks up everything it can.
The method of "Mind-Map" (memory card) is a simple recording technology thoughts, ideas, conversations. Recording is fast, associative. Theme - at the center. First comes word, idea, thought. There is a stream of ideas, their number is unlimited, they are all recorded, starting from the top left to write them down and end up at the bottom right.
The method is an individual work of one person or one group. Expresses the individual capabilities, creates a space for the manifestation of creative ability.
The possibility of using "Mind-Map"
The main methods of development of all components of communicative competence:
Teaching through the following types:
1. communication games (communication games)
2. communicative stimulations in role-plays and problem-solving (communicative stimulation)
3. socialization (free communication).
In modern conditions is naive to believe that full communion is possible only on the basis of ability to manipulate language material. For a successful communication requires a common body of knowledge that students are studying other subjects of general education cycle. Russian language, literature, history, geography, music, biology, physics - is the subject, the content of which in some way reflected in the themes of the program in a foreign language. Knowledge of regional geography and history of the language obtained by students in foreign language lessons are applied, in turn, the lessons of history, geography, literature.
1.2 Creative techniques
Creative pedagogy - the art and science of creative learning. This is - a kind of pedagogy, opposed to such kinds of pedagogy, as pedagogy enforcement, education collaboration, critical pedagogika (from the English. Critical - Critical pedagogy). Creative pedagogy teaches students to learn creatively, to become creators themselves and the creators of the future.
Creative pedagogy goal is to transform any object (class, course, program, school) in the creative learning process, which brings up a creative learners (pupils "for life", capable and loving self-learning) - much more effective than produced by traditional schools. This process of transformation of the traditional object (class, course, program, school) called "creative and artistic orientation."
Creativity techniques (methods of creation) - methods and techniques that contribute to the creative process of generation of original ideas, finding new solutions to known issues and problems. Creativity techniques to help better articulate the problem and speed up the process of finding ideas and increase their number, to expand view of the problem and eliminate the mental blockade. Techniques are not algorithms, following which is sure to be a solution of the problem, but they indicate the direction and discipline of the train of thought and increase the likelihood of good ideas. Techniques reduce the time brainstorming, organizing and making more efficient the search process itself. Various techniques are designed for creativity, one person, two, or group.
Tasks creativity techniques
Popular techniques
Brainstorming - operational method for solving the problem by stimulating creativity, in which participants are invited to discuss the largest possible number of options, including the most fantastic. Then, out of the total number of ideas expressed select the most successful, which can be used in practice. Is a method of expert evaluation. The method was invented by one of the founders of the advertising company BBDO Alex Osborne and described in his book, "Your creative power" (English Your Creative Power) in 1948.
The theory of inventive problem solving (Henry Altshuler)
The theory of inventive problem solving - based inventor and science fiction writer Genrich Altshuller in 1946. TRIZ is a methodology, tool set, knowledge base and modeling technology to generate innovative ideas and solutions to problems. TRIZ provides tools and methods for the formulation of the problem, system analysis, failure analysis and Paterno evolution (from the "as-is" to "what should be"). In contrast to the method of brainstorming (which randomly formulate ideas and solutions to the problem), the goal is to create a method of TRIZ algorithmic approach to the invention of a new system or improving an old one.
The Delphi
Delphi method - a technique that allows using surveys, interviews, brainstorming sessions, to achieve the maximum consensus for the correct solution. Analysis using Delphi method is carried out in several stages, the results are processed with statistical methods. The basic principle of the method is that a number of independent experts (often unrelated and do not know about each other) better assess and predict outcome than the structured group (team) personalities. Avoids open conflict between speakers opposed positions as it excludes direct contact with each other and experts, therefore, group influence, which occurs when the joint work and consists in adapting to the majority. Provides an opportunity to interview extraterritorially without collecting experts in one place (for example, via e-mail).
Lateral thinking (Edward de Bono)
British physician Edward de Bono suggested many methods of creativity and thinking. He is the author of the concept of lateral thinking, which is different from the usual patterns based on vertical thinking, that calls into question the baseline. One example of lateral thinking technique is six caps (white - analytical thinking, red - emotional thinking, black - critical thinking, yellow - an optimistic mindset, green - creative thinking, blue - thinking big run). In a metaphorical sense, each wearing hats a person can look at the problem from several angles.
Synectics (William Gordon)
Creative technique called synectics was designed by William Gordon and George Prince in the company Arthur D. Little Invention Design Unit in 1950. The methodology of the participants are trying to "make certain strange and weird - known." The method consists of ten steps: analysis and definition of the problem, offers solutions to the problem of spontaneous, a new formulation of the problem, the construction of direct analogies, personal analogies construction, building symbolic analogies, again building a direct analogy, analysis of direct analogies transfer analogy to the problem and to develop approaches to .
Practical application
Stimulate creative thinking techniques are used in many areas of life that require original ideas. Among other things, the use of techniques such as the theory of inventive problem solving and morphological analysis of the prevalence of engineers and inventors. Lateral thinking techniques used in business and advertising. The method of Walt Disney and brainstorming are used in the discussions on the problems of different industries. SCAMPER technique is often used to develop new products.
Often, in order to facilitate the process of solving problems in a creative way using a graphic representation of ideas in the form of a map of thoughts, Ishikawa diagrams, and similar techniques.
Chapter 2: Brainstorming
2.1. The origin and steps of brainstorming
Brainstorming came to the United States in the late 30's. At this time the owner of a large advertising firm Alex F. Osborn began practicing among its employees a new approach to search for ideas. The method finally formed and became known the wider community with the publication of A. Osborne "guided imagery: the principles and procedures of creative thinking" in 1953.
Structural method is quite simple. He is a two-step procedure for solving the problem: in the first stage are put forward ideas, but in the second they are specified, it is. Osborne faced with everyday situations that most of us do not perceive as a problem. Despite the apparent high intellectual potential employees to the company, many of the challenges ahead keenly hesitated for a long time.
Search options for their solutions occupy a narrow range of high-level professionals. Others worked in the mode of simply carrying. Habitual response to a question about the reasons for this is the indication of the incentives. But is there a reason? After all, creativity is in all people.
The answer was found by Osborne when we look at procedures for adding a "newbie" to the problem. Typically, problems are formulated by experts in the professional language with the assistance of specialized terms, based on a deep knowledge of what is happening, internally the effect. A thorough understanding of this problem to fully engage in the discussion, is not easy. So often repeated ideas newcomers previously passed and already rejected version that looks tempting, but has internal weaknesses. And ideas are expressed by non-professionals without due professional terminology, often incorrect, lax form. All this leads to a negative reaction of professionals, a wave of criticism directed at the form of a statement. You can not ignore the jealous attitude of specialists to strangers. Judgments of incompetence very quickly develop into conclusions about the absence of creative edge, of the impossibility of the person for creative work.[ 1]