Methodological aspects of economy legalization in the conditions of globalization

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Января 2012 в 16:46, автореферат

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Работа по теневой экономике, на английском языке.



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      By the tasks of public policy in relation to legalization of economy of Ukraine followings:

      –  follow implementation of Decrees of President is in relation to legalization of economy of Ukraine;

      – reformation of the tax system is in sending of providing of equitability tax pressure to the taxpayers, simplification of procedure of tax administration;

      –  improvement of the money-and-credit and bank systems, optimization of mechanism of crediting;

      –  an improvement of market mechanisms of management in the sphere of economy, strengthening of control after activity of enterprises is through the effective system of corporate management;

      – strengthening of control in a budgetary sphere, introduction of transparent mechanisms of distributing and use of budgetary facilities;

      – improvement of the checking system in the field of foreign economic activity, removal of reasons and terms of contraband import to Ukraine of commodities after the chart of the «halted transit».

     Measures of legalization the economy:

      – amnesty only of those capitals which are sent in  an innovative  sphere and some other  publicly meaningful priority sectors;

      – introduction of tax incentives is to piling up and investing of facilities in an innovative sector;

      – diminishing of level of taxation of physical persons is on the size of the documentarily confirmed facilities, expended in the recreation of human capital;

      – the real and radical simplification of conciliatory and permition procedures is in relation to the course of business;

      – application of present theoretical developments  in relation to the exposure of illegal financial - industry groups that liquidation of found out the charts of illegal capital;

      – the purchase of commodities the obligatory ground sources of origin of money facilities;

      For development of the system of state measures of counteraction shadow economic activity of social-economic relations, foremost, it follows to give up the situational going near the decision of problems of illegal economy. The structure of organizational and legal measures must be developed the basis of complex approach, that account of the economy - legal system of legalization of economy and, above all things, by stimulation of legal entrepreneurial activity.  


      1. An origin and functioning of shadow economy in Ukraine is conditioned the row of political, economic and social reasons, which follow from the improper methodological, legislative and normative providing of economic transformation of society, which created favorable terms for the receipt of population of high profits, task of considerable economic losses the state separate groups, resulted in low level of state functions control and adjusting in many industries of financial activity.

     2. Overcoming of shadow economy and corruption is the necessary condition of including of Ukraine to European Union. The decisions problems of corruption, illegal migration and expansion criminal a sector are determined European Commission as one of priority directions of collaboration between EU and candidates on membership in this organization.

     3. In master's degree work generalization of theoretical methods of research of the phenomenon is resulted shadow economy, nature of underground economy and tendency of its change is studied in countries with different socially – by economic development, the statistical is conducted and econometric analysis influence of shadow economic activity on macroeconomic development of countries. In this work attention is spared to the methodical going of legalization economy of Ukraine and certainly ways of fight against this phenomenon and directions of counteraction laundering of facilities, got a criminal way.

     4. The process of globalization changed character of criminality which is all more frequent related to violation of laws of a few countries high-quality. Illegal globalization results in original divided of world economy: one part is legal, «transparent processes»; other – illegal. Practically any components of legal world economy acquires on the modern stage of the illegal «twin».

    5. The wide spectrum of the methods applied in practice testifies to absence of the unique method of quantitative estimation of parameters of shadow economic activity, criteria of authenticity of results. As convince the results of calculations, direct methods give, as a rule, the underscored of shadow economy; indirect methods, methods of dummy variables, soft design, structural method – overpriced. The most exact objective estimation of shadow economy is possible at the complex use of different methods.

     6. Summarizing the factors of development of illegal, will mark that for the developed economies fiscal instruments come forward the most important factors of shadow economy, and in countries which develop, and in transitional economies this factor is not determining. Inconsistency of legislation, non-rigid fiscal discipline, complication of registration and documentary maintenance of entrepreneurial activity, has greater importance.

     7. Existence a shadow a sector characterized not only destructive influence but also short-term positive effects: by temporal employment and increase of welfare of population; by marketability professional potential; by a market saturation by commodities; by the increase of level of competitiveness of national economies and being in a charge subjects.



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