Социально-экономические основы становления и развития крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Марта 2011 в 01:20, автореферат

Описание работы

Актуальность темы исследования. За годы независимости аграрный сектор республики претерпел значительные изменения. Была проведена реформа земельных отношений; приняты основные нормативные акты, регулирующие комплекс правовых вопросов на селе; произошел переход от колхозно-совхозной системы хозяйствования к закладке рыночных отношений; созданы правовые и организационные условия для функционирования сельскохозяйственных предприятий различных форм собственности.

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   Диссертациялық  зерттеу жұмысының  нәтижелері: ғылыми-практикалық конференцияларда және, ғылыми-әдістемелік семинарларда жарияланып, талқыланды. Әлеуметтік-экономикалық зерттеудің нәтижелері Жамбыл облысының облыстық әкімшілігі мен аудандық әкімшіліктерде қарастырылып, колданды. 



    Kendgebaeva Marina Toleuovna 

    Social economic rudiments of formation and development of agriculture (farms) (on the materials of an economical agrarian sector of Zambyl region) 

    08.00.05 – ( Economy and management of national economy ( by branches and fields of activity)

    Subject of research is studying influence of individual factors, factors of environment and social infrastructural complex of village on an effective activity of agricultural farms.

    The objective of research is an agrarian sector of Zhambyl region of Republic of Kazakhstan

    The aim of research is studying of socio-economic basis of coming into being and development of agricultural farms.

    Theoretical and methodological basis of dissertational research are some work of native and foreign scientists in the sphere of agricultural economy, management and labor economy. There was studded laws and governmental decrees of our President concerning the problems of economic and social policy. The informational and analytical basis of research are the facts of Kazakhstan Republic Agency statistically, the statistical facts of the agricultural department of Zhambyl region, the statistical account of an agricultural enterprise. The basis of desertational research includes in itself the materials of economic research, seartain materials of social research is made by the author among agricultural farms of Zhambyl regions of RK. On the base of interviewing of the researching problem was devised methodic of questionnaires. In the course of searching was interviewed 492 heads of agricultural farms. On receipting empirical dates were used methods of interview and surveying.

    The scientific novelty of research:

The adapted methodic allowing to define organizational and social economic basis formation of agricultural farms;

  • optimum criteria of the agricultural farms and its planing;
  • - Classifying the types of agricultural farms with singling out a prevalent one.
  • Significance individual factors and environmental factors have an influence on effective activity of agricultural farms
  • Valuable orientations, behavior and relation of modern farmers to the work.
  • Interrelationship between infrastructural complex of the country and effectiveness farm’s activity.

Practical significance:

  • to devise recommendations of improving organization of the agricultural farms and increasing effectiveness their productivity; to study socioeconomic basis of formation and development the farms; to devise state regulation the development of agricultural farms; to improve motives of the agricultural manufacturers; to improve credit system and taxation; to devise economic and investment supporting agricultural policy; to create the most effective organization model of development social country infrastructure.

The scientific practical value of dissertation research:

      Main results of the dissertation research were reported at scientific conferences  methodological seminars. The result of socio-economic research were offered to regional town councils and regional mayors  of Zhambyl region. 



Социально-экономические  основы становления  и развития крестьянских (фермерских) хозяйств (на материалах Жамбылской области) 

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