What is the difference between micro-sociology and macro-sociology?

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Октября 2013 в 22:17, реферат

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Sociology as a science was formed in the first decades of its existence, has developed in Europe as a macrosociology applying for disclosure of the global laws of society (which is reflected in our name: sotsios - a society logo - science). But soon came the so-called microsociology that rejected philosophizing about society in general, began to study the behavior of individuals in different social settings, the motivation for their actions, mechanisms of interpersonal interactions and other specific issues.

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On :What is the difference between micro-sociology and macro-sociology?









Fulfilled: Dybys Bekzada

103gruppa Faculty of Philology and Translation

Checked: Aliya Kalieva


Macrosociology and microsociology: differences and the fundamental unity

      Sociology as a science was formed in the first decades of its existence, has developed in Europe as a macrosociology applying for disclosure of the global laws of society (which is reflected in our name: sotsios - a society logo - science). But soon came the so-called microsociology that rejected philosophizing about society in general, began to study the behavior of individuals in different social settings, the motivation for their actions, mechanisms of interpersonal interactions and other specific issues.

      Since then, the development of sociology proceeded along two parallel courses , which are weakly correlated with each other. Macrosociology operated with concepts of "society" or "social system", "social structure " , "social institution ", " civilization ", "culture ", " massive social processes " and the like , that is, abstract categories . Microsociology preferred to talk about the incentives of people's behavior and their reactions , factors that underpin their specific actions, the dynamics of indicators of social life of individuals , their normal and pathological behavior , etc.

      It is commonly thought that the development of macrosociology led to the formation of modern theoretical sociology , and microsociology - empirical (application ) sociology. Such an assessment is not without reason , but can not be considered fully true . And macrosociology and microsociology is both theoretical and empirical level . Macrosociology ( Durkheim , Weber , F. , Tennis , P. Sorokin , and others ) are actively engaged in empirical social research , and Microsociology (for example, representatives of the American Sociological school) became the founders of the major sociological theories.

The fundamental difference of macro-and microsociology made ​​elsewhere - in the different understanding of the purpose of sociology, her subject area and research methods. So what is happening now , and the convergence of micro- macrosociology is very significant for the modern understanding of its object, subject , and all other attributes.


This convergence is expressed in the fact that makroteoretiki and mikroteoretiki increasingly identify themselves to each other in the recognition that the social form of matter has a primary " cage" (the social atom) with which to begin the study of the sociological analysis of both society and the behavior of specific people. Different theorists represent this " cell " does not uniquely

      It is important to note that social communities arise under the influence of, on the one hand, the activities of the people, and on the other - in the existing structures of society and social institutions. But, having arisen, they affect the functioning and development of social relations, their whole system, forming a society. An understanding of sociology as a science that studies, primarily, is there in the community social communities of people:

     •   eliminates the former opposition of micro-and macrosociology ;

     •   clarifies the subject of sociology as a synthesis of macro-and microsociology .


Summarizing what was said earlier , sociology can be defined as the science of social activities , the behavior of people and groups that studies of the formation , functioning, and change of social entities and relations between them, social institutions , social systems and structures , the interdependence of the subjects of social life , their vitality about living space zhizneosuschestvleniya means .


This definition does not negate the need for specialization sociologists study of macro and micro social issues, the feasibility of their use of different methodological approaches to the phenomenon and processes , taking into account national, cultural and socio- territorial specificity of social development.

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