Топики по английскому языку

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Января 2011 в 21:49, сочинение

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11 тем.

Работа содержит 11 файлов

01 The problems of higher education.rtf

— 35.47 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

03 Books and readers.rtf

— 24.18 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

05 Generation gap.rtf

— 15.83 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

07 The role of computers and the Internet in modern life.rtf

— 76.06 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

10 New challenges in education.rtf

— 18.66 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

13 Genetically modified foods 01.rtf

— 10.11 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

13 Genetically modified foods 02.rtf

— 10.75 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

15 English as an International language.rtf

— 13.06 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

17 What makes a good foreign language teacher.rtf

— 11.31 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

18 The moon and sixpence.rtf

— 57.52 Кб (Открыть, Скачать)

20 Comparative analysis of dominant Russian and American values.rtf

— 19.89 Кб (Скачать)


       The question of values becomes important when we cannot understand and explain the behavior of foreigners. In most cases this is what is usually called "cultural misunderstanding". We should understand that foreigners behave in this strange way not because they are rude or crazy, but simply because they proceed from a different list of values.

       The earliest settlers who came to the North American continent were motivated by the desire to escape the control and social order of monarchy, aristocracy, oppression and poverty. Thereby, freedom is at the center of all that Americans value and hold dear.

       In the Constitution that Americans write for their nation they separated church and state and forbade titles of nobility, creating a climate of freedom that placed the emphasis on the individual. Being a protestant nation, Americans emphasize the moral responsibility of an individual for his behavior and achievements. Individualism, understood not only as self-reliance but also as economic self-sufficiency, has always been a central theme in American history. It is the basic aspect of the American character. Americans believe that they cannot keep their freedom if they rely too much on the support of their families or the government.

       Beside the desire to obtain freedom, early settlers were driven by the belief that unlike Europe, the newly found land would give everyone an equal chance to succeed. Though people are not equal in their abilities, equality of opportunity is understood by Americans as an equal chance for success. Capitalist ideology is based on an almost unchecked competition between individuals for social and economic status. At the same time capitalism does promise and often provides opportunities for social and economic advancement for those who are capable.

       Though only a few can reach  the top as they could discipline themselves and work hardest, while other people are simply lazy and undisciplined. There is also support from Protestant theology, which tends to associate hard work and personal achievement with being in favor with God. In any context  working hard is highly honored by Americans, because

       The concept of material wealth and well-being has always been part of the American dream. Most of immigrants did not become rich overnight but with time were able to improve their former standards of leaving and hopes for their children. The phrase “to go from rags to riches” reflects the great American dream in which material wealth and possessions are one of the top priorities. For Americans practicality and productivity are more important than spiritual discovery, contemplation, inner questioning.

       The national pride for being American is easily observed nowadays by foreign visitors who noice the prevalence of patriotic symbols everywhere. As opposed to Europe, American patriotism doesn't mean the identification with the land, but the identification with a certain body of ideals, the American worldview, the “American Way of Life”.

       And now let's go through the Russian values.

       Russia unlike the USA is a very old country with the history of more than 11 centuries. Despite sweeping changes  - the vast country rocked from one extremity to the other, Russia has always demonstrated its uniquely Russian character and style which have survived through centuries and resist all attempts to transform or westernize Russia.

       Russia is beset with contradictions. (Россия полна противоречий). This binary character gave birth to the famous saying: no matter what you saying about Russia, the opposite might be true.

       The vast land rich in natural resources has always been the foundation of Russian national wealth. Russian patriotism is deeply rooted in love for the land, its beauty, folklore and cultural heritage. The vast territories and cold climate, together with the need to survive and resist the attacks of neighboring countries cultivated the spirit of communalism(теория государства на общинной основе), which is often considered to be a predominant Russian value.

       The equality has always been a long-cherished dream for social justice. It was always viewed as equality of distribution which hampered (препятствовать) competition and progress.

       Communalism at the same time brought about such ideals as dependence on each other's help and mutual support. Russians rely on a close network of family and friends as protection against the risks and unpredictability of daily life. Russians are always ready to get too deeply involved in the friend's personal problems.

       Another important feature of the Russian national value system is preference of spiritual over material. Because Russian orthodoxy contempt material wealth and private property.

       So, traditional values are still strong - self-sacrifice, sense of duty (уважение), compassion (сострадание), the importance of family, and love of nature, courage and moral strength.

The List of Russian-American Values 

       1. Going to extremes (Russians) vs. moderation in everything (Americans)

       A Russian can spend all his money in a restaurant during one night, Americans would probably never do this and would consider the Russian behavior strange or just foolish.  

       2. Open-heartedness (Russians) vs. being reserved (Americans)

       A Russian can talk to a complete stranger on the train about his or her problems, an American would probably prefer to talk about football, rather than to share his or her problems with anybody.  

       3. Generosity, hospitality (Russians) vs. BEING PRACTICAL, saving money (Americans)

       While Russian dinner is a real feast, Americans make as many hamburgers as there are guests expected; if Americans invite you for coffee, they mean coffee and not anything else.  

       4. Complaining about problems (Russians) vs. Being always OK (Americans)

       Russians and Americans solve their problems in different ways: if Russians have problems they go to their relatives or friends, if Americans have problems, they go to their psychiatrist.

       Russians and Americans also differ in borrowing money: Russians borrow money from their relatives or friends, Americans borrow money from the bank.

       It may seem that Americans are always OK. When Russians watch American movies they often get surprised. Just imagine the following situation: A brave American cowboy (or policeman) is nearly shot by a bad guy. The cowboy is bleeding and nearly faints. At this point he is saved by his friend, who asks him: "Are you OK?" The cowboy replies: "I'm OK." "But he is not OK!" - Why is he lying? It will take long to explain why and we simply believe that American cowboys are always OK. 

       5. Critical/ironical attitude to one's country (Russians) vs. patriotism (Americans)

       Russian love of their country is geographical (they love their nature, their birch-trees); American love is political (they love their freedom and democracy and they believe that it's their duty to protect freedom and democracy all over the world).  

       6. Leisure orientation (Russians) vs. Work orientation (Americans)

       You have worked hard before the exam. When you come to your exam and get "5" you tell your colleagues that you knew everything and you deserved it (American); you tell your colleagues that you knew nothing and got "5" because of cheating (Russian).  

       7. Problem making (Russians) vs. problem solving (Americans)

       Russians have a serious attitude to life, they tend to complicate everything, Americans have a childish attitude to life, they tend to simplify everything.

       Situation: Your friend doesn't get on with his colleagues and because of this won't get a promotion. You think that a) He has a complicated personality (Russians), or b) He is a fool (Americans)  

       8. Collectivism (Russians) vs. individualism (Americans)

       A line in the library (Several people from your group will join you in the line and nobody would object, American students would consider this not only strange but totally unacceptable).

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