The Ideal Husband

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Ноября 2012 в 18:34, сочинение

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It is believed that the ideal is very individual. Everyone has their own notion of the ideal man, the ideal of beauty, intelligence, dignity. Some like tough character, others soft, brunettes or blondes, rich or smart, handsome or caring. Women create different criteria for their ideal husband and dream to meet him. Just like any other women, I have my own criteria for my ideal husband and I am going to discuss my ideal husband and whether or not it is possible to find one or make someone into an ideal husband.

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The Ideal Husband

It is believed that the ideal is very individual. Everyone has their own notion of the ideal man, the ideal of beauty, intelligence, dignity. Some like tough character, others soft, brunettes or blondes, rich or smart, handsome or caring. Women create different criteria for their ideal husband and dream to meet him. Just like any other women, I have my own criteria for my ideal husband and I am going to discuss my ideal husband and whether or not it is possible to find one or make someone into an ideal husband.

Imagination starts working very hard when we make list of the ideal husband. As for me, my ideal man should have a little bit of everything, the beauty is secondary, but if he takes care of his health and appearance it's fine. He has to be moderately tough, kind, literate, funny, romantic, chatty, stylish. For instance, he is funny, but has to know when to stop, when jokes are inappropriate. He is literate or smart, but not a show off. He is sociable, but does not forget whom he should give more attention to and etc. Also, if he says something, he does it, and not in 100 years, after a million kicks in the behind. A man is not judged by his words, but by his deeds. He can make pleasant surprises, pamper me, he has be courteous, mindful, broad-minded and the most important, he should smell nice and sexy. That's how I see my ideal husband. However, when you fall in love, all of the above goes out the window and you make compromises. Some women disagree, refuse to compromise and meet their husbands with high demands, they wont settle for less and try to fit their husbands in the mold of their ideal husband. Somehow it's good to know and to get what you want and no less, but on the other hand if we demand something from the husband we ought to meet our own demands. I think we have what we deserve, any ideal husband is worthy of the woman who is worthy of him, like if you want an ideal husband, you have to become an ideal wife too.  In fact, most women love strong men, but strong attracts the strong too, they are not interested in characterless. She has to be able to communicate with him on all levels. In my view, it's good to learn how to tolerate flaws, it would be unwise to wait or try to change him, when we are imperfect ourselves. And even better if we realize our own imperfection and agree on not demanding perfection from each other in a relationship.

The ideal situation is where the male is masculine and female is feminine. Taking everything into account we can say there is no ideal person, there is mutual hard work in creating a harmonious relationship. The ideal is an ordinary man with strengths and weaknesses, the characteristics of a man that attract women and makes her fall in love. He is the ideal husband.

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