Russian cuisine

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2013 в 17:05, контрольная работа

Описание работы

People in Russia usually have three meals a day. They are breakfast, dinner and supper. Usually people do not eat much for breakfast. A usual breakfast includes sandwiches, omelet or corn flakes. But you will be able to try some traditional Russian dishes for breakfast. Syrniks are very popular for breakfast. They are served (подаются) with sour cream and honey.
Dinner is more substantial (сытный) meal than breakfast. And usually it consists of three courses. First course is a soup or shchi. Schi is a traditional Russian dish and it is a soup made of cabbage, carrot, tomatoes, meat and onion. Some sour-cream is usually added to shchi.

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