Problems between different nations in Russia

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Января 2012 в 06:44, реферат

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National problems are very important in nowadays. The formulation of the question, in contrast to previously published, is aimed analysis on how the micro-level socio-economic transforming effect on the scope of national identity, the processes of ethno- individual's cultural identity, language and conduct field interethnic communication.

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     Problems between different nations in Russia 

     1. The urgency of the problem. 

     National problems are very important in nowadays. The formulation of the question, in contrast to previously published, is aimed analysis on how the micro-level socio-economic transforming effect on the scope of national identity, the processes of ethno- individual's cultural identity, language and conduct field interethnic communication. In other words, this study  focused in primarily on identifying the role of ongoing large-scale public processes in individual ethnic and cultural identity in the structure interpersonal relations between people of different nationalities, the nature of changes in linguistic behavior of individuals and nations as a whole.

     Another distinguishing feature of this work is an attempt to adapt and apply the approaches and methods developed in the various social sciences which influence on ethnic problems in the field of demography, sociology and ethnology.

     Based on the foregoing, the results of this study seem important for the organization and management of regional development in formation of the demographic, cultural and educational policy. 

     2. Population of Russia. Nationalities living in Russia. 

     Russia has always been not only a densely populated but also multi-national state.

     Each nation is seeking to preserve the language, customs and traditions, costumes, traditional occupations and trades. Most of these people have maintained their identity and traditional classes. The wealth of national cultures is the heritage of the country.

     Russia consists from a lot of nationalities, most of all Russians. Also there are nationalities such as Belorussians, Ukrains, Tatars, Chyvashs, Yakyts, Chechens etc. 

     3. Differences and problems between the various nations in Russia.

     One of the main problems of effective development of the Russian economy today is the problem of interaction between different ethnic groups, both at the international level as well as in Russian socio-economic space. There are many obstacles to establish adequate and effective healthy contacts, such as national stereotypes, national facilities, differences in national values ​​and traditions that lead to the formation of national prejudices. For reasons that also include past and present ethnic conflicts that result in effective communication violated. Loss of interaction between the nationalities in the end leads to the battery life of national groups, and thus creates a problem for the qualitative development of the socio-economic relations. Professional contacts, of course, continue to exist between different ethnic groups, but the credibility of the "other" while still on the decline. By doing so, lose their usefulness and full capabilities.

     Modern national situation in Russia had no right and today continues to be dynamic phenomena, which are determined by processes of internal and external order.

      Study of changes in ethnic composition, and in the distribution of the number of nations and national groups in their ethnic identity, language, culture, international relations, etc. important today its conjugation to these problems with the political and socio-economic processes in Russia.

      The tension in international relations covered in the second half of the 1980s almost all regions of Russia. Although in general at present sharp ethnic conflicts affect mainly the population of individual internal republics and is not directly threatened numerous territories and regions. For example, scientists have noted that in Siberia complex ethnic composition, intermingled settlement, a high percentage of mixed marriages led to the formation of multi-circuit systems are inter-ethnic attitudes. Affects the duration of cohabitation of people of different nationalities, quite favorable setting for interethnic communication, less crisis than other regions of Russia the economic situation.

      In many Russian territories, notes a number of contradictions on which today are possible conflicts between nations. Scientists note among them the contradiction between the desire for national independence and the lack of political rights and autonomous forms of governance in the majority of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, the contradiction between the need for revival and development of traditional agriculture and national cultures and the limited physical facilities, a contradiction between the need for reforms including part of the "Western" pattern, and the threat of destruction of livelihoods, culture, values, the contradiction between the existence of national characteristics and ethnic stereotypes, perceptions of the characteristics of other nations, a contradiction between the interests of national groups and national elites, the contradiction between the need to regulate the international relations and the lack of necessary tools, the contradiction between the need for knowledge among the population on the history and culture of its people, the neighboring nations and national groups and the general ethnographic ignorance of Russians and other conflicts.

      At the same time we lose objectivity, not to see positive developments in addressing national issues and the regulation of international relations. The most important thing is awareness of the need to address these problems both by the ethnic communities and the government and the transition from verbal support to the legal, political and financial means and forms solutions. This is the understanding that the ethnic factor has acquired today a pronounced political significance. This regionalism in national policy thinking, the desire within a federation to solve the national problems of the region in its own way, the idea of ​​decentralization of the national processes. And from a social need in the new theories of the sovereign and autonomous development of territories, peoples and ethnic groups, regional programs and projections of national development, casting and uniform patterns common to all ethnic communities Russian recipes.  

     4. Possible solutions to the problem.

      The complex solution of national problems and to regulate international relations are of equal importance as the development of advanced concepts of ethnic relations and the role of ethnicity in the life of Russia and development of regional programs to solve national problems, stabilize international relations and the prevention of interethnic conflicts.

      For national minorities (indigenous peoples and ethnic groups) of Russia there is a large value of national autonomy. Many do not have it all. At present, yet not detract from the importance of national-territorial autonomy. Where there is need and opportunity, we consider it important to solve the issues of formation of new autonomous regions, districts and national areas and national rural councils. Where etnodispersnoe resettlement, and ethno-demographic situation ethnopolitical not allow to do this, can be successfully used form of national-cultural autonomy as a state or a mixed public-private governing body. Since in the national-territorial autonomy is still outside the often large number of people is the titular nationality of the Authority, then the best arrangement, it would probably be a combination of her yet, and national-cultural autonomy.

      Solution of national problems is now a wealth of regions and through the wealth of the peoples themselves, and national groups, and hence through the economic well-being.

      Hence the importance of developing economic initiatives (whether at the level of private, cooperative or state ownership, it's all the same) people to create a financial and overall economic base of the decision of the national social and ethno-cultural problems.

      The terms of the revival and development of peoples and national minorities is especially used in the practice of upbringing and education of their original systems, including systems for learning handicrafts, trades, etc. A significant factor is the availability of national intelligence, professional layer of national culture, providing a level of culture that you want to pull up the level of culture of a people or ethnic group, and ensuring the disappearance of danger and folk culture. Of course, a particularly important role to play in the general laws and government support policies for the conservation and development of national minorities, their natural and cultural resources. It should support the thesis of the need for multivariate national policies that address the specific identity and economy, culture, life and social relationships of all peoples and ethnic groups living in this or that republic, autonomy, territory or region. This is especially important to stop the ethnic confrontation, and should be the basic principle of the state national policy.

      It should be emphasized that the small nations and national groups, which we call a more ethnic minorities, require particularly high concern on the part of society and state. And here an important role to play, and regional national policy. Unfortunately, the lack of political stability, availability of economic, cultural and moral crisis in Russia today limit the potential of regional national policies to cause a relative reduction in appropriations for the solution of national problems, the culture as part of the central government and from local administrative bodies of management. Nevertheless, national policies should be formed at the level of each region, both within individual national and territorial administrative units, and the interterritorial and even the state (this is important for the border area) level.

      In the formation of a regional basic national policy efforts, according to scholars and practitioners need to focus on creating optimal conditions for self-development of peoples, ethnic groups and their cultures. For many regions of Russia, in the absence of sharp ethnic conflicts kernel programs to solve national problems and the prevention of ethnic conflicts is the socio-cultural perspective.

      In this case special attention, according to scientists, require the following major objectives: to preserve and develop the existing cultural potential, the formation of a new mechanism of cultural transmission, the use of commercial capabilities of national cultures, problem-solving teaching of national languages, to develop a comprehensive program of continuous aesthetic education of the younger generation in the traditional national basis, the establishment of public or publicly-state structures in the form of national-cultural autonomy. Against the background of the crisis the country is particularly noticeable that today is necessary to develop new ideas and forms of national policy, in particular, the development of a mechanism of social and economic impact on the national environment.

      To solve the problems of national and cultural needs certain conditions and, accordingly, some of the national public policy. This is a big and serious scientific subject, it requires a special design. Note only a few moments. One of the defining conditions of a socio-political status of the people, national and ethnic groups. This is primarily due to the existence of forms of national-territorial or national-cultural autonomy, as we already mentioned above.

      Among other conditions for solving problems of national and cultural presence is called rights of ownership or long-term land use, land, villages, etc. For indigenous peoples and groups can be recommended forms of protected areas, etc. ecomuseum It is important that issues of land use, natural resources, protect the purity of the natural environment, the development of handicrafts, etc. decided by the people and groups.

      In developing programs for national and cultural revival, preservation and development is important to consider the specific situation. For this purpose it is desirable with the help of scientists and ethnographers study. It is important to question what and how to revive (and all the lost cultural traditions to be restored can not) solve the local population - the traditional medium of cultural phenomena. No less important is the understanding that without the existence or creation of at least a thin layer of a professional culture, including art, science, education and outreach, will not be able to create a solid foundation for the functioning of national cultures. A prerequisite is to encourage and promote the process of ethno-cultural interaction between peoples, national and ethnic groups living in the same region.

      As regards the financing of regional programs of cultural development, it should be to use different sources, based, again, of the specific features. It can be international and regional sources - Assistance funds, earmarked state budget and extrabudgetary funds, credits, loans, contributions from commercial and business activities, voluntary contributions, etc. But the most major is the establishment of a mechanism for implementation of regional programs in the part of the decision of the national cultural issues.

      Russia - is not just political, economic and cultural space, but space and the many, varied and distinctive ethnic communities care about the revival, preservation and development of which, their habitat and culture of a particularly important task of all Russians. 

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