Проблема бродячих собах

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Декабря 2011 в 18:14, реферат

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The problem of stray animals in the streets is certainly something which is often discussed in today’s world. Statistically an animal is lost every 30 seconds. Thus, no one can deny the fact that it is very essential to decide if stray animals should be allowed living on the street. In my opinion, people should create special conditions for such animals and care for them more.

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Проблема  бродячих собак / Stray dogs

The problem of stray animals in the streets is certainly something which is often discussed in today’s world. Statistically an animal is lost every 30 seconds. Thus, no one can deny the fact that it is very essential to decide if stray animals should be allowed living on the street. In my opinion, people should create special conditions for such animals and care for them more.  

In the first place, it is my belief that it can't be the animal’s fault that they are stray. Imagine you are lost and suddenly trapped in a cage, taken to a noisy, scary shelter. This can be very sad. According to my point of view, they are not so dangerous and aggressive. This can be clearly shown by the fact that most bites are from family pets or familiar dogs, not from strays. Aggression towards stray animals usually causes aggression. I firmly believe that stray and abandoned animals should be taken to special charity shelters, given food and care, cured and given to new owners. And putting such animals to sleep is out of question for me.  

On the other hand, there are a lot of people who don’t share this humanistic approach to stray animals. To begin with, opponents of protecting stray animals think that such animals cause injure or damage to people. Furthermore, these animals are sick and contagious. What is more, these people believe that there are too many unwanted pets and they should be euthanized.  

In conclusion, the problem of stray animal is really urgent and should be viewed from different angles. 

Перевод некоторых  слов:

a stray animal – бродячее  животное, the problem of stray animals – проблема  бродячих животных, statistically – статистически, to deny the fact – отрицать факт, special conditions – особые условия, fault – вина, to be trapped in a cage – быть пойманным в ловушку, a shelter – приют, aggressive – агрессивный, a bite – укус, an abandoned animal – брошенное животное, to cure – лечить, an owner – хозяин, to put an animal to sleep – усыпить животное, humanistic approach to - гуманный подход к, to cause injure – вызывать повреждения, contagious – заразный, to be euthanized – быть усыпленным, an unwanted pet – нежелательный питомец 

pupils are involved in school decisions

There are dissonant opinions about the role of pupils in their school life. To my mind, it is possible to pick up set of arguments to each point of view.

To begin with, I would like to tell you about some advantages of involving pupils in decisions about their school life. Firstly, it would be unfair to not consider opinion of pupils on solvings of problems at school which directly concern to them. Secondly, pupils know their school problems better than someone else, therefore they could offer interesting and useful ideas about their school life. Futhermore, it can help pupils to become more independent and responsible.

In spite of these advantages, this point of view has some disadvantages. As critics point out pupils are too young to take part in such important decisions, because teenagers` decisions often are based on their emotions. Moreover, this opportunity to take part in such important decisions can make pupils more free in their behaviour, so the discipline becomes worse, and the authority of teachers will fall.

In summary, I believe that pupils will start to take part in decisions about their school life, but they should not abuse this opportunity. 

Extreme sports have become popular in the last two decades. For may people practising them is the only way of living.

For them the adrenaline is the most important thing in their lives and that’s why they must try even more and more dangerous things. But, of course, that’s not the only reason. Extreme sports are trendy and many people practise them just because of that fact.

It’s true, that extreme sports, like bungee jumping, canyoning, rafting, ice climbing, snowboarding, surfing, parachute jumping, paragliding or mountaineering always bring a risk.

Even if you are very good sportsman you must know that only one, small mistake can be very dangerous and can cause your death.

Alhought many people die every year making extreme sports, the number of “courageous” is higher and higher.

But its question of choice what are we doing in ours lives. For many people extreme sports are the only way of living. They have to feel adrenaline, they want to break their own records, they want to feel free. They usually say: “there is a risk, there is a fun”, but they know that they do it at one's peril.

Extreme sports often are an escape from reality, from stress and from monotony.

You don’t have to think about your problems. You just think about yourself, you can relax, and prove that you can do things which are admired by other people.

There is even a special TV channel- “Extreme Sports”, where everyone can watch amazing tricks, and crazy people who make that extreme sports are more and more popular in the world.

But it’s impossible to write what do the people feel during making extreme sports.

You must try yourself to know how huge survival it is. And if you do it one time, it’s very possible that you will do it often.

But the question is if “should extreme sports be banned as they put people’s lives at risk?”

And my answer is “definitely not”. As I said, It’s question of our choices. If you want to fell more adrenaline than extreme sports are very good way.

And even if the extreme sports were banned, people would do it still. 

C2 из 2 ВАРИАНТА: 

Human of 21st century cannot imagine his life without traveling. Although necessity of using cars in everyday life, there are some cases, where presence of them should be limited.

One of areas like that, are city centers. In my opinion, it would be better if there will be no traffic in hearts of our cities.

First of all, poisonous fumes which engines emits are harmful for humans life. Its impact on immune system makes it weaker and can lead to serious diseases. It is especially dangerous in narrow, crowded streets where the air circulation is difficult.

Moreover, traffic and road obstructions often cause traffic jams or minor accidents. What it entails, is impossibility of getting somewhere on time or, in fatal cases – never getting there. What is more, waiting for the traffic light to turn green is irritating and makes a lot of us nervous.

Finally, traffic makes a lot of noise, which, for many people living in a city center is a real curse. It makes it impossible to relax after hard day. Is is especially annoying at night, when we want to sleep.

The list of arguments saying for my opinion is much longer, but above-mentioned ones are the most crucial. 

I’d tell you about future school. Of course, this school will be unusual. School should be pleasant for pupils. I think this school will be very big, beautiful. Maybe 5 or 6 floors.

It’s location must be in the center of our town. I think, there must be subjects, that you can pick up by your choice and every pupil must choose the subject, which he wants to study.

There should be a lot of activities, as billiard, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, dancing and many other sports.

Of course, there must be a lot of lessons with using computer technologies.

There should be very friendly atmosphere between pupils and teachers, teachers must be friendly, good looking and smart.

Every week there must be night party with a lot of food and drink. It maybe a boarding school. I think, this school will be very popular! 

At the doctor's

It is winter now and it is often cold. I really can't stand the cold. So sometime ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a high temperature, a running nose and a sore throat. I also had a splitting headache and a cough. My whole body was aching. My mother fixed me a hot lemonade but that didn't help me much. She wanted to give me some aspirin too, but there wasn't any at home. My mother told me to stay in bed and called a doctor. The doctor came, took off his coat and put on his white gown. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. He examined my lungs and throat, took my pulse and temperature, measured my blood pressure. Finally he said that it was a light case of flu and told me to stay in bed and have complete rest. He wrote a prescription for some gargle and cough medicine. He also gave me some sulfa pills, a slip for X-Ray and blood examination. He recommended to apply glass-cups and mustard plasters. I followed all the doctor's instructions and very soon I felt much better. I fully recovered in ten days and resumed my studies. 

Школа в моей жизни

School really plays an important role in our life. You may like it or you may not but we spend so much time at school that it becomes our second home. And no doubt this is true. What is the role of school in modern age? First of all it is making students literate. All students study for eleven years to get knowledge. And the most important role of school is giving knowledge. There are students who like studying because they are doing well in most subjects and they are going to continue their education after school, get higher education. But for those who are not successful in schooling and who are always pressed by their parents and teachers school becomes boring and not interesting.

The education given at our school is of a very high standard. I'm a good student actually and I don't have many problems with schooling. I generally get on quite well with the teachers. I am quite successful in class and I usually go to school with pleasure, because I like my school and my teachers.

I think school gives me not only knowledge. Children are taught real life there. School helps us understand our life better. School is a place where we create and develop our relationships, are taught to be tolerant and respect one another. And school teaches us principles and how not to lose face in difficult situations.

At school we can enjoy different cultural activities and show our talents. Everyone can take part in a school performance or a class party or take part in a sport competition. All this helps to create good atmosphere and relations among classmates. We want to be friends with everyone.

However, I think that sometimes we have too much homework. Teachers and parents think that doing homework helps us to develop the student's ability to work without assistance, or that additional work could help us complete our education successfully. But I believe, in many subjects, homework is totally unnecessary, because it doesn't do me any good. I think it's really stupid to copy from a textbook. Less homework would give more time to take up hobbies and interests.

We are human beings who want to be heard and understood and only then taught. And only sensitive teachers can do this well. So a teacher is a key figure in our education. Teachers come to your mind first when you think about school years. A good teacher must be intelligent and fair. I think that I'm lucky. All of my teachers are very intelligent and interesting. Most of my teachers have a lot of teaching experience. They help us to learn all subjects well. They share their knowledge and experience with us, and we respond with love. If we do something wrong our teachers do not criticize us they always try to tell what was wrong in this or that action, they express their opinion helping to solve the problem. I am not going to speak about all our teachers, they have different methods of teaching. But I think any teacher should remember that they are responsible for student's character and behavior too. They have become like parents to us. They support us and care for us. I'm happy at my school and so are my classmates. And will remember with pleasure everything what I have had at school. 

What, in my opinion, makes a lesson of the English language an ideal lesson?

I think any lesson is good if you want to learn. If I don’t want to learn nothing can interest me, I am sure. Learning a language is a step-by step process. There are four main skills that we should train. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. I also think that we should memorize new words at the lesson and after it.

Culture studies is a very interesting thing. We can learn a lot about different English-speaking countries. And it is interesting because our teacher shows us different pictures and we watch videos about America, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

As for learning grammar rules and writing grammar exercises, I think, these are not the most important parts of the classroom work. If you can’t say anything in English there is no point in knowing all the present and past tenses. But still grammar rules help us a lot when we need to speak. And for me it works well if I work out grammar rules for myself.

I like when my teacher corrects my mistakes, I try not to repeat them again. But when the teacher corrects while I am speaking that’s bad because this interrupts and I forget what I wanted to say.

I like pair work very much! Practicing speaking is more important, I suppose. This helps a lot when we want to be able to speak in different situations. I like when we can without the teacher hearing us.

I hate dictionary work and translation… This is too boring, but I understand that we need it, so we must do it.

I like atmosphere at our lesson and that we smile and laugh a lot. I love such activities as singing songs, playing games, watching movies, acting out English plays. This reminds us that it is not all hard work, it can be fun as well. Group projects are great. They are very interesting. We also listen to news in English and different audio recordings.

As for the teacher, our teacher is great! We love her. She is strict sometimes but this is good for our discipline. And I also like that we exchange ideas. If she is not sure in her answer she tells us that she will go and check and tell us tomorrow. That’s also great. 

Перевод некоторых  слов:

an ideal lesson – идеальный  урок, a step-by step process – пошаговый процесс, a skill – навык, listening – прослушивание,  аудирование, speaking – говорение, устная  речь, reading – чтение, writing – письмо, Culture studies – страноведение, English-speaking countries – англо-говорящие страны, there is no point in smth – нет смысла в …, work out grammar rules for myself – вырабатывать свои собственный правила грамматики, to correct mistakes – исправлять ошибки, to interrupt – прерывать, pair work – работа в паре, dictionary work – работа со словарем, translation – перевод, a group project – групповой проект 

The National Health Service provides free treatment for people living in Britain and gives emergency treatment for visitors. The greater part of the cost is met from taxes taken from people’s wages. People also pay some money every month as a sort of insurance. The National Health Service consists of three main parts: the general practitioners, the hospital and specialist services, and local health authority services. Local health authorities are responsible for medical education, hospital building, environmental health, vaccination service and so on. The centre of National Health Service is the general practitioner (GP). Each person is registered with a certain doctor in his or her area. 

The GP diagnoses, gives medical certificates, prescribes medicines. Dentists and opticians usually have separate clinics. They are not parts of health centres.

There is also a medium-level hospital staff. District nurses give injections, physiotherapy exercises at people’s homes. Ward nurses take care of the ill in the hospital. Regular medical inspections are held at schools. Children receive various vaccinations and are examined by different specialists. There also exists a school dental service in every school. Much attention is paid to the educational programmes. The Department of Health provides anti-smoking education programmes, alcohol education programmes, cancer prevention programmes and so on. Much attention is paid to the AIDS and drug programmes. Great Britain pays much attention to the qualification of doctors. 

Harmony within the Split Self

A person needs to be in harmony with himself or herself and the surrounding

world. Psychoanalysts assert that it is the main condition of the wellness of

a person. Inner harmony can be achieved only when consistency within the self

is present. Human memory is an instrument of creating consistency within the

self. Why and what do we remember? A memoir writer, Patricia Hampl, and a

psychologist, Susan Engel, have developed their own theories of memory. In

her essay, “Then and Now: Creating a Self through the Past”, Engel presents a

psychological viewpoint of creating oneself through memory. She argues that

the characteristics of the present self are determined by the past

experiences and memories one possesses. She suggests that a person cannot

exist without having memories; moreover, these memories need to be consistent

and coherent for the person to feel secure in society. Engel also expresses

the idea that the past and the present are connected through memories. Engel

presents a paradox between the self for the self, which strives to achieve

inner consistency, and the self for others, which brings up different

memories in different situations to create a different persona. Hampl bases

her theory of memory in the piece “Memory and Imagination” on her first piano

lesson. In her essay, she explores why human beings use their imagination

while remembering the past. She also asks herself why people write memoirs.

According to Hampl, a person is an interaction of two selves.  The reflective

self looks back at the narrative self to make sure that no openly false

memories are brought up. Hampl’s essay provides some deep insight on Engel’s

theory of memory. Some of Engel’s ideas about why memory is created fully

apply to Hampl’s first piano lesson. Engel claims that a person strives to

achieve harmony and consistency in the present through reconstructing past

memories. Harmony of inner world is achieved through the interaction of two

types of selves: self for the self and the self for others, according to

Engel, and narrative and reflective, according to Hampl. Each of these selves

acts differently to produce consistency within the individual. Engel also

believes that some memories serve to evoke other ones by associations.

Engel argues that human beings attempt to create a sense of consistency

within themselves. People tend to believe that their personas are coherent

and constant over time. As Elliot Aronson contends, “we like to believe we

are consistent over time and across situations” (Engel 199).  When this

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