My future profession

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Декабря 2010 в 16:53, сочинение

Описание работы

One of the most popular professions among the young people of Russia is the profession of a lawyer. The profession of a lawyer is very interesting and diverse (разнообразная). It is quite necessary for regulating social relations in the state. After the graduating from the South Urals State University my fellow students (сокурсники) and I will be able to work in the Court, in the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs(учреждения внутренних дел), in notary offices, in legal advice offices, in organs of tax inspection(органы налоговой инспекции), in organs of militia, as well as in different firms, companies, banks, enterprises, etc.

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My future profession. 

One of the most popular professions among the young people of Russia is the profession of a lawyer. The profession of a lawyer is very interesting and diverse (разнообразная). It is quite necessary for regulating social relations in the state. After the graduating from the South Urals State University my fellow students (сокурсники) and I will be able to work in the Court, in the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs(учреждения внутренних дел), in notary offices, in legal advice offices, in organs of tax inspection(органы налоговой инспекции), in organs of militia, as well as in different firms, companies, banks, enterprises, etc. We’ll be able to work as advocates, judges, notaries, investigators, prosecutors, legal advisors, inspectors, customs officers, traffic officers, and other workers of law enforcement agencies.

   To be a good specialist a lawyer should know many laws and their proper application(надлежащее применение) in different life situations. Then I will perform my duties(выполнять свои обязанности) well and will try to do my best to be a good specialist. Besides, any lawyer is expected to know human psychology(адвокат должен знать психологию человека) as throughout his/her career a lawyer will meet different people: children and adults, the sick and the healthy; the poor and the rich; educated and uneducated persons; people of different nationalities, languages and religions; victims, witnesses, suspects; first offenders and hard criminals; prisoners and general public. I will have to deal with a variety of people and situations. That's why the profession of a lawyer is considered to be very difficult and noble(благородный) at the same time. Lawyers should follow six basic elements of professionalism. They are: ethics, competence combined with independence(компетентность в сочетании с независимостью), professional wisdom(мууудрость) and continuing learning, civility and obligations in the justice system.

The first element is enlargement of individual autonomy(расширение индивидуальной автономии), honesty in deals, truth seeking and commitment to public interest.

The second element of professionalism is professional competence which must include independence in judgment and advice.

There is another element of professional competence, and that is practical wisdom. It calls for a broad comprehension(понимание) of the role of law and understanding of human beings and the society values.

Civility has a much deeper meaning than cosmetic politeness. We mean respect for individual dignity and worth. 

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