
Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Октября 2013 в 09:18, реферат

Описание работы

The metric system originated in France in the 1790s, as an alternative to the traditional English units of measurement. The new system was to standardize the units of measurement as trade expanded throughout continental Europe.
Although metrics have been used internationally in scientific fields for many years, the push to convert the world to exclusively using the metric system only began in the 1970s.
Today many countries have adopted an exclusively metric system of measurement. The United States, however, remains one of the last countries in the world to go fully metric.
As a result much confusion still exists. Now, more than ever, people need information on metrics in a form that relates directly to them in their personal and professional lives.


1. Chapter 1. Forerunners of the metric system ……………………………………………4
2. Chapter 2. Meaning of metrication ………………………………….…………………..5
3. Chapter 3. Metrication process ……………………..…………………………………...6

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