Holidays in Great Britain

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Марта 2013 в 11:42, реферат

Описание работы

Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. And people from different countries celebrate their holidays with a great pleasure. There are a lot of different holidays and customs in every country. But there are some holidays, which are the most widely celebrated in the world. The most popular international holidays are Christmas day, New Year’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter and Independence Day (which is celebrated in all countries on different days, because every state has its day, when it’s Independence was proclaimed).


I. Traditions in our life.
II. English Traditions.
1. Cristmas.
2. Boxing Day.
3. New Year in England.
4. Banks Holidays.
5. Easter.
6. Halloween celebration.
7. St. Valentine’s Day.
8. Mother’s Day.
9. All Fools Day.
10. Midsummer’s Day.
III. Conclusion.

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ancient [ ` e i n ∫ e n t] давній, античний;

bacon [`b e i k e n] бекон, копчена грудинка;

basket [`b а: s k i t] кошик;

blame [b l e i m] докір, провина;

chimney [t ∫ i m n i] димар;

fence [f e n s] огорожа, тин, паркан;

fertility [`f e: t i l i t i] родючість;

fling [`f l i ŋ] 1. кидок, 2. веселощі;

fountain [`f a u n t i n] джерело, фонтан;

goose [g u: s] гусак;

gravy [`g r e i v i] (м’ясна) підлива;

greet [g r i: t] вітати;

imagine [i` m æ d 3 i n] уявляти;

ivy [`a i v i] плющ;

lantern [`l æ n t e n] ліхтар;

mining [`m i: n i ŋ] значення, сенс;

mistletoe [` m i s l t o u] омела;

occasion [e` k e i 3 e n] випадок, можливість;

old-fashioned [`o u l d` f æ ∫ e n d] старомодний;

prank [p r æ n k] витівка, жарт;

pudding [`p u d i ŋ] пудинг;

rectangle [`r e k t æ ŋ g l]  прямокутник;

relate [r i: l e i t] розповідати;

shape [∫ e i p] форма, образ, обрис;

 slogan [`s l o u g e n] гасло, девіз;

spirit [`s p i r i t] дух, привид;

sprout [s p r a u t] паросток, пагін;

stout [s t a u t] міцний, цупкий;

swing [s w i ŋ] гойдалка;

turkey [`t e k i] індик, індичка;

weird [w i e d] таємничий, незрозумілий.




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  5. Стівен Раблей, Customs and traditions in Britain: Longman Group, 1996;
  6. Усова Г. С., British history: -С.-Петербург: Лань, 1999;
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  8. Digest: № 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 24; Орфей, 2001;
  9. Константинова О. М., Meet Great Britain: -К.: Форум, 2001;
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  11. Плахотник В. М. Мартинова Р. Ю., English [Підручник для 11 кл.]: -К.: Освіта, 1999.

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